Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

Food was yum. Meat and salad although we wished I bought some dessert!

I've felt fine recently....till I was at work yesterday about 40 mins before home time. I think I was anxious to leave and started feeling fluttery/hot/ imbalanced. Arhh so annoyed with myself for being a pansy. Two shifts left!!!!!!

I've planned pretty poorly to be honest but the rough an will be no Breakfast. Soup or fruit for lunch. And a chicken thigh in tomato sauce, feta cheese and veg for tea. With jelly and hot choc. Lots of water and keeping myself busy!
Last night ended with a cheesy mug shot and 3 bags of crisps!! Me and wine are not friends!!

Fast day today.
Breakdast- nothing but coffee and water

Lunch- as late as possible, il probably have another portion of pea soup. 80 cal

Tea- chicken and chorizo tomato stew. I'm just heading over to mfp to work out the cals if that. But it's in my new slow cooker!


I'm going to be smelling it all day so that will be a tease! And I have a wine headache...will not help with a fast headache too.
Oops. They are lovely on this heat though ! If you can find baby twisters they are 2.5 syn's or mini milks are 1.5 I think. Not the same I know! :(

Update on cals ....Tea will be 357 . Eeeek. That's for one chicken thigh ( which are tiny! And 30g of chorizo ) I will serve it with cauliflower rice. And have enough cals left for a jelly and hot choc this evening.

Deffo join in with the fasting! Just be careful on not fast days. I was naughty but only as I'd been drinking...hopefully I wouldn't of done it sober! Will be nice to see what ideas you come up with. I enjoy reading lilys but I need lunch. If you are on FB I have joined a group on the 5:2 which is nice to have a read through
I just typed on 5:2 diet. It's a closed group so my ' friends' can't see what I'm taking about etc.

It's 30 cals for 100g which is quite a lot of rice! Lol I'm thinking of getting a spiririliser for courgette spaghetti as my julienne peeler is rubbish!
Yey! I've not ate anything today and I'm not too fussed yet. Hopefully il last a couple more hours! What are your fast day dinner ideas?

I think 1 pm is the time I need to eat!!
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I'm freaking a little bit about my fast day choice of dinner. I can see all the fat from the chorizo in the stew. I'm starving too and one chicken thigh won't fill me up! I'm tempted to change and have it for my lunch tomorrow but two thighs. Arhhhhhhh but what to have!!!!

Two egg and one egg white omelette with half a tin of beans with veggies I'm thinking?