Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

Thanks Katie. you too!

went for a test drive last night and I love our new car! We name him...Leroy!
We gave someone viewing our other car lunchtime so hope we get a sale!

We shared a bottle of wine last night ( quite late though) and I feel rough! liteweight!

checked in for our flights this morning. yippee!

breakfast- green smoothie ( spinach, apple,lime, spirulina and almond milk) it was gross...haha

lunch - eating out but hoping for something low carb and healthy

tea- pizza and cocktails at friends

I'm going to get ready to walk pooch,then do my exercise bike before I get showered

enjoy your Saturday girls !
Eek exciting with the car and holiday checking in! Glad it was a good drive, and fingers crossed with the sale! Another pic of it in person? xxxx

Love it xxxx
Yes getting very excited pip.

I've been feeling very anxious the past few days but trying not to let it get the better of me!

I had scampi and chips yesterday at the pub and 4 slices of pizza last night with a few vodka and coke.

I was up at 5am with really bad period pain so made myself a hot water bottle and tried to sleep on the sofa. I'm going to have a day at home today, hot bath and coffee.

breakfast- Linda McCartney sausages, beans and eggs in coconut oil

lunch - tbd

tea- I have followed a recipe from my book and beef and apricot stew is in the slow cooker
made such a nice healthy lunch today


homemade humus . very nice! its red as I added extra paprika.
courgetti with chive cream cheese. avo, carrot sticks, rocket and mustard balsamic and olive oil dressing. yum!!!
Yummy Becki!! How do you cook ur courgetti or is it raw? It would be really low on a fast day wouldnt it? Might be tempted this week. X
Thank you got my spiraliser but have only used it once. Will do that as one of my fast day meals. Looking forward to it. X
Lunch looks so yummy! I need to buy some spiriliser! xxxx
Happy Monday!

hope you have all had a lovely weekend.
planned food today
breakfast- porridge with raw cacao , nuts and dates.

lunch- leftover beef stew and mash

tea- venison steak and raw pad thai

I'm loving this way of eating , lots of prep though and it's quite expensive :/
Happy Monday Becki!

Food sounds amazing! Aldi is my saviour now for meat and veg so I can afford extra ingredients xxxx
I was going to say, try Lidl/Aldi for most bits and top up the remainder in Tesco/sainsburys/asda etc.

What's the most expensive part? Are most of your recipes from GTG? Your food looks delish! x

at the moment my recipes are from get the glow. I think the most expensive bits are the nuts, and the things like spirulina, all the flours ( buckwheat etc ),chia seeds. things like that
I thought all this clean food was meant to make us feel better. I feel awful. headache, sick, light headed, tired ; (