Attack eileens journey

rained all day today , but had to go into reigate to pick up some contacts, went to lunch at strada chargrilled chicken salad.had the housing people out today to look at the kitchen floor needs replacing after the leak, so not looking forward to that . trying a couple of new recipes today will post if they are any good
breakfast yoghurt
lunch chargrilled chicken salad no dressing no cheese
dinner bruschette bolognaise choc cheesecake
i have not felt to good for a couple of days feeling a little bit sick and dodgy tummy. hope things are better today. i think it may be because i haven't been eating enough well have to make more effort today. made some yoghurt cheese yesterday came out really well. I found a recipe for cottage cheese in my low cost living book using just milk and vinegar or lemon juice so will have a go at that today. i don't like shop bought cottage cheese as i don't like the texture of it maybe homemade will be different.
yesterday pp
breakfast yoghurt
lunch tuna sandwich with dukan bread
dinner steak choc cheesecake
todays planned pv
breakfast yoghurt
lunch gallette spread with homemade cheese and topped with tuna and salad
dinner bolognaise pie made with leftover bolognaise topped with swede and carrots and brocolli yoghurt
Eillien good evening, so many Dukaneers not feeling well latley....I blame everything on the weather lol your menus are looking good x
thanks sididd feeling much better this evening all my energy back, i did wonder if it was the stevia sweetner as that was the only thing new
I buy the cheap supermarkets own make all about.....90p jar and no aftertaste. Great for cooking Eileen x
great start to the day, loads of energy despite going to bed at 2 am and getting up at 7 am. my dear son says he is going to go home tomorrow he came for 1 night and is still here 3 weeks later, so things will soon be back to normal.
breakfast yoghurt
lunch scrambled egg with dukan bread or gallette may have the egg on its own and have the gallette spread with plain yoghurt and sugarfree maple syrup
dinner chicken breast, ham , yoghurt
totally lost it these last 3 days. my sons girlfriend split with him taking their 10 month old baby with her he is heartbroken and i have had to come to somerset to pick up the pieces, not eating properly and have eaten lots of toast, which i shouldn't eat anyway as i have a wheat intolerance. help!!!
Oh Elieen, bad times all vyou canvdo is it to be there to support your your best not to stray too far away from the path and as soon as you've helped sort out your sons heartbreaking problem, get straight back on to of luck