Emotional Eaters... Any Advice?

Hi all,

This thread is very good to read. :)

Just wanted to let you guys know I'll be doing the steps up starting tomorrow, we have different rules in my country concerning the steps up and BMI 25 etc.

I've reached enough with CD and frankly I've had it with SS and the occasional SS+ meal hahah. :)

I will be doing all the Dutch steps for 2-3 weeks, starting with a plan very similar to 810. :) I hope I can be strong throughout my doing the steps up and that my emotions will not get the best of me, I feel very strong though and am confident I can do this!

Thanks so much for this thread, I don't post much but I do read it and it's given me some wonderful tips! I know everyone on here can overcome their emotional eating!! (If you haven't already done so) You're all very bright, strong and VERY determined. If you can't do it who can hehehe :)

Lostris, best of luck. This would be the difficult bit for me, but I think you are right, introduce the stages gradually and keep control... I know you can do it. Keep in touch - it'll be great to hear how you get along. We are rooting for you honey!
You'll breeze through Lostris, you are so strong and so encouraging to others as well (before you drown in a sea of schmaltz I do mean that sincerely xx)
Lostris, best of luck. This would be the difficult bit for me, but I think you are right, introduce the stages gradually and keep control... I know you can do it. Keep in touch - it'll be great to hear how you get along. We are rooting for you honey!


Thanks so much for your encouraging words, it means a lot to read those. I am both nervous and psyched at the same time haha. I will keep you guys informed and will obviously keep reading this thread :)

I like the in-control feeling I've had throughout this diet and I hope that feeling can remain!


You'll breeze through Lostris, you are so strong and so encouraging to others as well (before you drown in a sea of schmaltz I do mean that sincerely xx)

Serena, you goofy gal. I had to google what schmaltz was, who ever made up that word?

Thanks for your lovely praising words, it's lovely to hear your positivity about this hihi.

No drowning in sees of schmaltz for me!! I will definately not drown in that, I can't even pronounce that! How would I explain this to people??!!!??!?!

Isn't there a CD Smaltz Toffee bar? Wouldn't mind drowning in them. Oh no, it's malt, not the same thing... sigh!
Isn't there a CD Smaltz Toffee bar? Wouldn't mind drowning in them. Oh no, it's malt, not the same thing... sigh!

Hahah. That would be hard to order verbally, seriously :D I'd have to bring a piece of paper and a pen to my CDC if I wanted to order something named like that :D
Ladies I am a classic case of an emotional eater. This thread and some poignant post gave me my epiphany (or so I thought). Started off really well, extremely busy at work (working when I get home etc) then ex-husband issues flare up again and I let myself lose all control. Needless to say I have comfort eaten through the past several days (to the point of gluttony). Does anyone recognize these symptons? Bizarrely, I have got myself into running. Okay a gross exaggeration. I mean I have tried to jog/run albeit very slowly. Two runs during the week and over the weekend. I managed to run just over a mile this morning and planning to run tomorrow. So here I am having had my porridge and thinking today will be my 100th(?) (no exaggeration there!) re-start. I think the emotional eating head stuff has be addressed throughout the rest of my life. Just wanted to share my experience and thoughts. I am determined not to let the lapse stop me from thinking I can not do CD successfully again.
Kira, I so understand where you're coming from. This way of overeating/bingeing is our default way to deal with anything that hurts/upsets/angers us... we learned the pattern long ago and breaking it doesn't happen overnight. (It didn't establish itself overnight, after all). That doesn't mean we can't break it, but it's not as easy as reading a book or getting a lightbulb moment from reading something on the forum... I guess KD has been saying that. I didn't want to accept it at first but the sense of it does start to sink in eventually!
I think people who have successfully beaten this like KD & Porgeous & Serena have focused on building new patterns and making them the norm... focusing on whatever works. You & me and lots of others on the forum have yet to find what works for us, but we are trying, and I think we will succeed. I think your running is AMAZING... am so proud of you! It could be more important than you think, after all you are setting up a new habit/pattern there, one that will make you feel good, make you fit, and maybe help with the emotional turmoil as well. I know that exercise is one thing I shy away from again & again but I know it's a vital part of success for those who get to goal & stay there. So in the middle of all your upset, you have done something really good, a big step forward.
Big hugs Kira, I wish we could have a mini support group for emotional eaters, and help each other through the bad times. You CAN do this. A few days of SS & you will be in a 'safe' zone which can carry you forward and give you a little breathing space. Please don't be so hard on yourself, you have come so far and are still on the journey, and you're staying on it in spite of the setbacks... give yourself some credit for that. You can beat this.
I hope I can be strong throughout my doing the steps up and that my emotions will not get the best of me, I feel very strong though and am confident I can do this!

Thanks so much for this thread, I don't post much but I do read it and it's given me some wonderful tips! I know everyone on here can overcome their emotional eating!! (If you haven't already done so) You're all very bright, strong and VERY determined.

First off - congratulations Lostris! You must be so pleased to be so close to your goal and feeling ready to take the big step towards reintroducing food again. You certainly sound like you have the perfect frame of mind for it, so I have no doubts you'll do just fine. Good luck anyway though, and please do keep in touch on here as we'll all learn much from your experiences :) x

.... ex-husband issues flare up again and I let myself lose all control. Needless to say I have comfort eaten through the past several days (to the point of gluttony). Does anyone recognize these symptons? Bizarrely, I have got myself into running. Okay a gross exaggeration. I mean I have tried to jog/run albeit very slowly. Two runs during the week and over the weekend. I managed to run just over a mile this morning and planning to run tomorrow.

Yes, Kira, I think many of us recognise the symptoms. Issues come up and for whatever reasons we have deep inside, we punish ourselves - because that is what we're doing isn't it? Punishing ourselves. Afterall - if the issue is that we're upset at someone else, why do we do something that only makes us upset at ourselves? I know all too well that feeling unfortunately.

But I'm interested in what you said about running - you said 'Bizarrely'...and I can relate to that too. I'm never going to be a runner with my bad knees, but I have been powerwalking even when I have been off the rails food-wise.

But it is the choice of word (or in my case the feeling) that while we go off the rails with food, part of us can still be doing something else that is good for us. Yet we don't give ourselves credit for that do we? We use words like you did 'bizarrely', 'gross exaggeration', 'slowly'....and fact is, it is great no matter how much you're doing isn't it?

So not only are we punishing ourselves on the food front, but then we belittle our accomplishments. Argh! I see so much of myself in what you said and how you said it.

Since doing really well over Christmas/New Year, I've said i've 'gone off the rails' - but I haven't completely. In fact, with the stresses I'm facing over having to come off SS because of surgery I'm having next week, the doubts I've had about this ruining my chances of meeting my goal by June, stress at work trying to get everything done before I'm signed off, TOTM....I've done OK. At my WI on Saturday, I had stayed the same. And I was shocked. I'd had a couple binges, and been out boozing with friends for a birthday and works night out, and that isn't part of the plan. But all the while I was feeling as though I was 'off the rails' - i wasn't, not really. STS! Off the rails would be packing on 10lbs! And more important than the numbers on the scales was the realisation that I'd been beating myself up all week for failing, when I hadn't. Doh!

So I think there's definitely something in the way we talk to ourselves and about ourselves that gets us into trouble. I've never been much of a positive thinker (about myself) but something has changed. I may still not be able to be overtly positive about what I can do, but I'm starting at least to recognise what i'm doing that is setting myself up for failure. And I suppose recognising it is the first step to changing the negative behaviours.

Maybe that's a good reason for us all to stick to this thread - it forces us to put down 'on paper' how we're feeling or doing or what we're struggling with, and then we see through the eyes of others how we're thinking might be flawed. That - I hope - will help us see it for ourselves, first here, then in our everyday lives. Once we can recognise it, then we can change it.

And Katycakes is a perfect example of why this thread is so important to many of us....

... we learned the pattern long ago and breaking it doesn't happen overnight. (It didn't establish itself overnight, after all). That doesn't mean we can't break it, but it's not as easy as reading a book or getting a lightbulb moment from reading something on the forum... I guess KD has been saying that. I didn't want to accept it at first but the sense of it does start to sink in eventually!

I think people who have successfully beaten this like KD & Porgeous & Serena have focused on building new patterns and making them the norm... focusing on whatever works.

...I think your running is AMAZING... am so proud of you! It could be more important than you think, after all you are setting up a new habit/pattern there, one that will make you feel good, make you fit, and maybe help with the emotional turmoil as well.
Please don't be so hard on yourself, you have come so far and are still on the journey, and you're staying on it in spite of the setbacks... give yourself some credit for that. You can beat this.

Great insights Katycakes :)

Good luck to all of us...and thank you all for keeping this thread alive. I've struggled the past two weeks, and (typical for me!) I've withdrawn, even from this. But I'm back and determined to stay on the rails

Blimey. I love this thread.

So bright in here with all these lightbulb moments switch on :D
So not only are we punishing ourselves on the food front, but then we belittle our accomplishments.
So true. I know I'm a perfectionist. I hated making mistakes. Now I feel perfect in my imperfections. I appreciate myself for who I am. I'm not a computer, a robot. I did things that damaged me in the long run, but for that moment I did them because I wanted to make myself feel better and for that moment, I couldn't find another way.

Is that so bad? Nah. I found my answer at the time. It wasn't the wisest, but it helped me then.

Now I can accept that. I can even love myself for it because I worked out a way to give myself temporarily relief.

I have no desire to be perfect with my eating habits any more. I am to make good choices most of the time. I have been persistant at dealing with the issues, and satisfied with the task overall.

We can easily lose perspective. As Smiley_Cat says, we belittle our accomplishments. We concentrate on the negative and forget all the positives we have done.

Another phrase we often use is "I've blown it". Nobody has blown anything. You take a step off the wagon and that's all you've done. It might mean that you need to focus more to get back on, but you're not doomed forever more...you've just taken a step offside for a moment.

Obviously, the longer you stay 'on the wagon', the better you get at travelling with it, but if you find you've come off, you get a good chance to reflect and learn from it, so that too can be a positive thing.

More about perspective. I remember I used to always refer to it as 'my battle with the weight'. What battle? There's is no battle. It's just weight. I'm not fighting in the middle east, or trying to put out forest fires. Just making the decision to be good to myself.

I guess one good turning point for me was when I stopped telling myself that it was all so unfair, and took responsibility. Concentrating on the solution rather than the problem, because that is all that matters really if we want to sort it out.

Oh and one last thing. Something that I think is mentioned in the Gillian Riley. I remember hating myself for wanting food. To me that meant I was failing. Just 'wanting' it. Now that is bizarre.

I can now be at peace with that. I can say to myself "I want that" without actually having it or beating myself up for the mere thought.
Blimey. I love this thread.

So bright in here with all these lightbulb moments switch on :D
More about perspective. I remember I used to always refer to it as 'my battle with the weight'. What battle? There's is no battle. It's just weight. I'm not fighting in the middle east, or trying to put out forest fires. Just making the decision to be good to myself.

That's it KD. We all need to make a decision to be good to ourselves. Because when we're feeling badly, stuffing our faces may feel like comfort, but it isn't really being good to ourselves is it?

Just as emotionally eating becomes a habit just as much as it is a behaviour, we need to add 'being good to ourselves' as a habit, and turn that into our overriding behaviour.

And finally, I'm sure I'm ready to do that :)

Just as emotionally eating becomes a habit just as much as it is a behaviour, we need to add 'being good to ourselves' as a habit, and turn that into our overriding behaviour.

that's it :) And you probably wont always get it right, but you just keep prompting yourself to get it right more often.

I'm a piano teacher and I tell the kids that if they practice something wrong (an incorrect note or something), they get perfect at doing it wrong. After all...practice makes perfect doesn't it, so it figures that if you practice doing it wrong, you get really good at doing it that way :D

But it's cool, because you keep getting a chance to try again :D
KD, love the way you can make things so clear... the practising 'wrong' things until they are 'perfect'... I suppose that's what we've all done. Time to start over & get it right this time. Thanks all of you for waking up the thread... more good stuff comes up each time. Smiley, especially identify with what you said about 'withdrawing' when things go wrong... that is what I always do, hide away, stay silent, hope it all goes away. (It does usually, after say 6 weeks of bingeing!)
Since Xmas I have promised myself I'd try a different approach and 'face' it, discuss it, and try as hard as I can to find ways to change. That's why the forums mean so much to me, they are a lifeline, & though the real tests will come when I stop SS in Feb, for now it is helping a lot.
Kira, you CAN do this, I know you can. Smiley, well done, and good luck for your surgery. Keep us posted, we'll be thinking of you. Thanks all of you... big hugs.
OMG what an amazing thought provoking informative thread.

Thankyou thankyou thankyou everyone who has contributed.

I started reading this yesterday but got distracted half way through. I want to go back and take my time to read it again because it contains some real gems of help and advice that I need to listen to.

Really interesting thread. I think for me the turning point was seeing the emotional eating connection. I have a vivid memory of being upset once as a child and my mother bringing me a cake. I realised that was what I'd been doing for years - repeating that action again and again.

The turning point for me was accepting responsibility for my health and my body. I starting caring what I ate and speaking up when before I would have been silent. Strangely the world did not end!

Anyway just wanted to send good vibes to you all. x
Hey all,

Thanks for the grats and all!

I had a smallish victory today :) Have been having a hard time lately dietwise; steps up is a bit more challenging than I calculated it to be whaha :d

But, I was feeling very emotional etc etc and very bad BUT I didn't even think about having food... and that may sound a bit odd but usually first thing I think of when I realise I'm having a hard time is food! I was surrounded by people and food and opportunities to have food but didn't feel the need..

So, yay me :)

Yes, Yay YOU Lostris :)

Tell me your secret! lol

Yes, Yay YOU Lostris :)

Tell me your secret! lol


Thank you, thank you.. *bows*

Sad to say there's no secret hahah.. hoping this will stay with me forever though. If I ever find out what caused it I will be sure to write a detailed guide on how to find // trigger it :D
