Enough is plenty :)

I LOVE IT. the meals have been great the bars yum and the shakes are lovely some shakes I dislike bug majority are yum and I actually think I cando this diet till goal and its cheaper :). How are you xx
I'm thinking about joining you... I'm needing something fresh and new to see me through to the end or at least keep me going.. and although I love Cambridge, I'm getting bored of it.. and you can't do this without finding enthusiasm from somewhere. Maybe some new types of meal is what I'm after? I'm not sure. Maybe just a new Cambridge practitioner or to retry some of the old cambridge packs that I haven't touched for a long time. I don't know. I know I need something though to put fresh wind in my sales.
I think you should try slim and save its cheaper an it's nicer and I get weighed tomorrow so il let you know my loss :) I've loved it and because I've had Spag Bol and cottage pie I've felt like I was eating. And because the bars are lovely when I've needed the choc fix I've had my bar and its not felt like such a task getting through a day :) we can do this we can do this xx