Epic Journey

I think I've went insane, please do not tell the authorities or I might get taken away to a padded room.

SooOooOoo I was thinking that I.would buy a dress in a size 12 as a little goal type thing to aim for as I am really doing it this time, I'm not messing about anymore. So I go looking online and I realise there are alot of good sales on atm, so I have no idea why buuut I just boughy a pait of jeans, a skirt and a dress in the H&M sale, then I found two discount codes that work online, one for £5 off total and one for 25% off most expensive purchase so I got all of them for £8.24 LOL!!!

Something to look forward to.and £50 worths of clothes brand new for less than £9!!

I still think I'm mad as I'm a 20 just now but I will lose this 6 stone and get there I've bought the stuff so gotta wear them. It will be fun when they get closer to fitting and I can.try them on each week til they fit. Last time I was a 12 though, I was 21/22ish so around 5 years ago (I think)

Oh and I'm still excited and hyper about this, because I know I'm going to do it. I can feel it :)
Not mad at all! In fact, that's a strong motivator. It'll keep you focused. Ps, u got some great discount codes there!
Yes that is what I'm hoping it will be, well as I stayed up ALOT later last night I'm so tired today. Luckily this is my last day in the office til the 31st of July, so it's cool :)

Off to get my child back from my grans, bit of shopping and then get ready for doncaster. Only 3 days til I start ladies :)

Edit: if anyone wants the codes just let me know
ooooh gimme!!! ill get a motivation outfit too!!
ive got my wedding dress but cant exactly wear that to tesco :p
Wedding dress is still motivational, also I think that when I get mine I'll never take it off lol
I think buying smaller clothes is definitely a motivation! As you said you can try them on when they nearly fit and then one day they will just fit how exciting :D

Good luck for starting on Sunday :)
No your not barmy LOL I got a,pair of size 6 shorts when I started! And a pair of 8s which are now fitting

It keeps you motivated for sure, I really want some high waisted jeans from American apparel bona get them in xs for motivation purposes!!

Your doing ace hun, time will fly and those goal clothes will be on :)

I'm on plan for another three months. Hang in there you will adjust to the portion sizes

I start tomorrow!!

Today is probably gonna fly in as I am at a meeting between 9am-3.30pm then on the 4 hour train trip home.

I'm still pretty excited to start as I think I feel as if my head is finally in the right place. I also HAVE to do this as I will be standing up in November and talking to 75 women/girls on some really hard hitting things all centred around Violence Against Women - so I know the more weight I lose the more confident I will be standing up in front of everyone!!! I know I can easily lose around 4 stone by then and I am totally going to go for it.

I think that having no food choice will really help me at the start, I have also tried a bar and 2 shakes so far and I liked them... So I know that I will at least like the products :)

I'm totally waffling on time to enjoy my last day of food and let it know that while I will miss it, I want to be slim and healthy more. It's not forever! I will do this!
:heartpump: good luck tomorrow!!! :heartpump:
Hey just wanted to say good luck tomorrow! X
Thanks, I'm getting ready for bed atm. I've planned the oatmeal for my first pack and will try and go.aslong as I can before I have it... I actually hate eating first thing as it makes me feel sick so I usually get to 11ish before having my first meal of the day so I'm hoping I won't be too hungry and can keep to that okay.

I'm not really a huge tea or coffee person but gonna try to include it in the morning to help me go that extra bit, I also have lots of cold water in the fridge ready for tomorrow too :)

I'll officially weigh in, in the morning tol see what the damage is. I weight about 17st 10lbs at my heaviest (January) and at my last weigh in at slimming world at the start of June I was 16st 6lbs!
Day 1 is here and I weighed myself, I am 16st 6.5lbs which means that in 6-7 weeks off slimming world I've put on only half a pound. I'm so pleased with that as I did feel like my habits had changed and I was choosing better options and not binging.

My scales also show body fat which is shocking 55.8% - more than half of my is fat :( I would really like to see this be below 50% as soon as possible.

Starting the day with the oatmeal but gonna hold it off for as long as I can. Lets hope ketosis is only a few days away for me lol
Morning Lorna, well done on only gaining half a pound in all that time! I will say SW gives you teaches you some good habits - we can incorporate them to help maintain once at goal :)

Don't worry about the body fat % it wont be that for long as being in ketosis you burn off fat - just think how exciting it will be to watch the % go down as well as your weight!

Best of luck for today I'm sure you will do fab :)

P.S. oatmeal is one of my fave packs but do leave it to cool for a few mins after you cook it - I nearly burned the roof of my mouth off the first time I had it lol.

I know it will be a great feeling!! I hope I love it too :)

Will definately leave it to cool, thanks for the tip!
Had my oatmeal, I liked it - tasted like ready break. I am still a bit hungry after it though, not majorly but my body knows it's getting no food haha

Finished my first bottle of water too 750ml.

I'm about to go get dressed to pick up my daughter then head to tesco to do shopping for OH and her dinners. I think I'll also pick up some veggies for myself. Got a few things planned for today, so gonna keep myself busy and have my next pack around 2/3ish. Will probs have a shake. Having the macaroni for my dinner tonight I'm looking forward to that.

Oh well onwards and downwards!!
good luck in tesco! stay away from the bakery smells!!!

Yes bakery smells are evil, damn those smells. I'm just running, grab whats needed and running straight back out lol!!

I'm okay was a bit hungry after my oatmeal but not feeling it so much now, excited for my next pack later, think i'm gonna try banana or hazelnut :p
So that's me survived day 1, stuck to it 100%!! I had:

Banana Shake
Mac and Cheese with 145g of shrooms
Chocolate Vanilla & Almond bar

I also used 75ml of skimmed milk in a cup of tea and I managed 2.8litres of water wooop :)

I liked everything I tried today which is a bonus. I found today okay most of the time I was fine but there was a few times I was really hungry but managed to put it to the side until it was time for a pack. I must admit though, the mushrooms saved me the mac and cheese looked so little on its on but with the shrooms it made it visually more satisfying lol

I had no headaches (yet lol) and just kept myself busy and that helped loads. I looked out my boullion to make some to realise.it went out of date June 2011 LOL!! I will be getting some of this for tomorrow though as I know it will help me to get through the day.

I have no ketostix to test myself and have never VLCD'd it before but I'm hoping I won't have to wait too long to get into ketosis. I'm gonna be 100% so I know I'll get there over the next few days anyways :)
Well done on day 1! X
keep up the good work girlie!