Epic Journey

Thanks Sia, hope everything is going okay for you. Still thinking of ya x
So I've had a major cold since yesterday everyone has it in the house :(

I'm really feeling extra weak, dizzy and as I am aenemic I don't think I should be 100% on the plan for the next few days so going to be good but add in an extra lowcarb meal per day just until I feel better - and so I don't feel too depressed on the scales I am not weighing this Sunday but will weigh the following Sunday. I really wanted to stick 110% but I know my body and I do not feel good at all, sucks but heyo I'm gonna be dieting over the next 5months or so, so I'm not worried about adding a few days/weeks onto my journey.

Hopefully I'll be fighting fit in the next day or so. Still committed to this, I love s&s and it will be part of my continued journey :)
Feel better soon hun, got to listen to your body, do what's best xxx
I agree with Rebekah, just listen to ur body. Hope u feel better soon doll xx
Thanks, well I had an extra meal yesterday and I do feel all the better for it. Not feeling as bad today but definately coughing, sneezing, spluttering alot more but my temperature is going down, it was the really high fever that was throwing me off.

I woke up today and even though I feel crap I just ordered the mens 5 a day monthly pack - so that means I am doing s&s for at least the next 35 days. So now I'm really committed, haha. I was only going to do it for 4 weeks and then see how I feel but with a few days into week 3 I know that this is something I can do for sure aaaaaaaaand with the extra 12 and 1/2 lbs off that s&s has given me this brings my total loss to just over 2 stone and some people that asked me if I've been losing weight, now I am still a mega fat person but OMG it feels amazing.

I also tried on a size 18 fitted skirt before I started s&s and I could get it on and buttoned but couldn't zip it, tried it this morning and it fits okay I would probably like to lose another few lbs before wearing but what a difference 2 weeks makes.

I am writing all this up as I am really ill and I need to remind myself that I'm awesome and can stick to it, even when I'm ill because there are soo many things about it all that make me happy. I will continue with the extra low/nocarb meal if I have to but I'm gonna try and not to tonight - need to see how I feel. I'll be keeping below 800 cals so it shouldn't slow my weight loss, I just hope this cold doesn't throw my weight loss all wonky!!
I've managed to get through today without the extra meal. I'm really happy I did, yay. I had three packs and a mushroom omelette, it was yummy :)
Day 19 for me, can't believe that by tomorrow I would have been doing this for 20days, it's absolutely flown in and weight has been flying off. I would like 1.5lbs off on Sunday to give me a stone off in 3 weeks, that would be out of this world. I just hope the cold doesn't mess around with the scales.

I do feel alot better today and I weighed in at the same as Sunday, weighing doesn't really affect me as I know that by consuming this little amount calories that it's going to come off no matter what and that bodies like to hold on to things sometimes haha

I'm glad I feel better but it's now time to head off to work! Have a good day everyone :)
Hi Lorna, sounds like you are doing an absolutely great job! Well done on listening to your body and being sensible when you really weren't feeling well. I don't think adding that extra low carb meal would slow your weight loss down, i'm sure you will get the 1.5lb off for your stone hun maybe even a bit more! Best of luck x
Oh I really hope I dooo, only 1/2 lb done so far but I know that it's fairly certain to woosh soon - o think its lagging behind because of my cold and I'm still not 100% feeling better. So I'm not worried. To be honest the odd sneaky weigh never bothers me cause I know if your being 100% it will come off and if it doesnt after a few weeks then maybe worry. I also haven't toiletted very well this wrek and feel a bit yuk so I bought those dulcolax perles (sp) as I've heard people say they are great, so if I've had no luck in the bathroom today I will take one tonight - sorry for tmi!!

Day 20 is here, I can't believe I've lasted to long - it really is uncredible I can stick to sw this long but by the time I get to week 3 I start not sticking to it and fully give up by week 4 as I've gained loads lol. I just find s&s so easy, I also have noticed loads of changes with my body already which is amazing.

My cousins bday celebrations are confirmed, pamper night on the 24th and party night on the 25th. I have decided that I am only going to drink on the 25th as I just don't want to set myself tooooo far back on the slimming journey and also I cannot drink 2 days in a row anyways, thought of it makes me ill haha I'm really excited as I know there is a huge chance I'll be in the 14's :D
Today has been a good day, I've had 3 packs and some chicken with my dinner which was AMAZING, I had spag bol, with mushrooms, chicken and 15g of very low fat cheese mixed in - was delish. Although it was alot on one plate to what I normally had I did manage to eat it. I'm stuffed now.

Day 20 is almost over and I still am amazed I've stuck it out so long. I have 4 weeks today until my cousins (who is also my best friend) birthday and oh how I can't wait yo have a few days off and to feel alot better about going out as I will be ALOT lighter from the start of the year (I'm already 2 stone lighter from there - 12.5lbs of that being from s&s). I need 11lbs I think for 3 stone lighter which is doable in 4 weeks... Right??

I'm trying to figure out what size I would be at a certain weight but I know thats really hard to judge, I never had to weigh myself before so I don't know what I weighed 4 years ago when I was a 12 - which annoys me a little as it would be good to know, for knowings sake.

So if anyone is 5ft 4 please feel free to let me know what you are and maybe I could come up with a rough guesstimate :)
11lb in three weeks is deffo doable...wee how exciting :) are you getting a fab new outfit for it????

I find sizes/weights vary so much...its so confusing... I was wearing 10/12 bottoms when I started(13,10) so I think I am some sort of freak lolll You should deffo be close in a stones time .. exciting stuff

Your doing great hun :) Mmm chicken sounds lovely, its amazing how those little packs when bulked out can really fill you up :)

I'm definately thinking about it, I have a few cracking outfits that don't quite fit it would be good to get back into them!! I do think I need a new dress - don't we all. Oh and new shoes to match haha.

Well I'm just home from a wee night with my besties, went to the pub. I drank water all night and was a angel (excuse me while I polish my halo). I feel really good for being good and it wasn't hard as I'm quite happy to dance and have a laugh sober. I must admit it's nice coming home and knowing I'll not have a hangover in the morning.

First night out is the 24th, which is a pamper party, hired someone to come do tans, nails, lashes, massages etc.. I'm not drinking that night. Party night is the 25th I plan on getting totally wrecked, can't wait!
Morning Lorna, 11lb in 4 weeks is definitely doable, you'll be so much smaller by the time of the party it's exciting!

I drank while I was away and I was alright, I think it was more the food that put the weigh on lol. Make sure you eat some carbs earlier in the day though as it's really dangerous to drink in ketosis.

Hope you have a good day X
Yeah I'm going to eat some carbs the day before to kick me out of it properly, going to be as sensible as possible with eating for the 3 days I'll be off. I'm really looking forward to it, I think planned breaks are definately worth it :) haha
Sounds ace hunny :) deffo new outfit needed, be lovely

I've had a couple nights out on plan and both been enjoyable. Not got another big one till end September

You will be amazed with even more losses and inches gone time the party comes round xxx
Good luck for WI Lorna! X
Thanks guys, well weighed in and I've lost 2.5lbs... Making it 15lbs in 3 weeks must admit that it's frikken amazing!! Now that weigh in is done I'm really excited for next weigh in as it will be my 4 weekly one and I'll retake my measurements. I know I've lost something as I can tell so it will be fab to see how much.

My scales also tell you body fat percentage and I've lost 5% of my.body fast which is also amazing. Only 0.4% to go and my body will no longer be more than 50% fat which will be a big thing for me :)
2.5lb gone this week and 15lb altogether AMAZING!!! Well done Lorna, just think how fab you're going to feel for your Cousins party :D
Thanks, I know I'll feel alot better going out with a bit of weight shifted. My cousin and friend start s&s today, I really hope they like it as much as I do :)