Erm's Photo Diary

Have a fabulous Christmas Erm! Sorry I've been AWOL, was way off plan for a week and a few days but back in the swing of things now thank goodness. Missed you guys! Take care and "see" you next year?
Happy New Year Erm :D
Hello lovelies, Im back! :) I went sooooo off plan! :eek: :eek:

The first week I was at my mums and having a handful of nuts every day, a few choccies, a huge fish & chips with a WHOLE bagful of scraps (gotta be done :rolleyes: ) (although I coudnt eat allthe fish & chips! My tummy had shrunken! :cool: ) nicking the full fat roasties she made for herself while I was *supposed* to be eating my own stuff, and ohhh I cant remember what else :sigh: And thats before we even think about Xmas Eve/Xmas Day! And all the drinkies... :rolleyes:

Then we went away on our own for a week and it was such a relief to get back on SW food! :) So I was on plan for all of, er, 2 days before NYE/NYD cropped up... :rolleyes: But NYE was a SW night, buffet of all sorts of SW stuff, so even though I ate loooooads and didnt stop at a sensible amount it was mostly healthy stuff. I LURRRRVE those samosas they are gonna be regular! :drool: Then NYD was WAY off plan, I did venison in a sauce de poivrade - made with oil & butter, a whole bottle of red wine in the marinade, chocolate in it too, cant remember what else. Had that with sprouts & chestnuts in butter, crushed herby BNS also in oil & butter, and roasties in goose fat! :faint2: Oh the starter had nuts and cheese and breadcrumbs. It was FAB though! :p

Plus ze alco-hole :rolleyes:

And after that it was a case of Using Stuff Up as we had two yes TWO!!! mahoosive fridges of NYE snacks and stuff. Oh and I have discovered gorgonzola. :drool: It is A Bit Good. :eek: :whoopass:

Then I got home yesterday dreading the WI somewhat and - I have only put 4 pounds on! :eek: :eek: :eek: :faint2: 4 pounds! :eek: :confused: How can that be?! I can shift that in no time!!! Deffo be done by the end of Jan which was my goal! :bliss:

Soooooo as a) we had no food in the house having just rolled in from the train and b) feeling a bit pleased with myself :rolleyes: we had takeaeway and OMG it was THE best takeaway I have EVER had, I dont care what syns it was it was DIVINE, murgh mirchi and pilau rice, but I ate it in piles rolled up in a buttery paratha, oh soooo goooood, ommmmm :drool: NEVER eaten such a good takeaway.

So, another pound on this morning from that :D But sod it, it was great to get off the lead for a while without too much damage and also even though I went a bit mad, it was nowhere near as bad as I would've been if I *hadn't* been on SW. I'd been planning on up to a stone as Ive put on 8lb in one week before, so 2 weeks I was dreading the outcome of :eek:

Back on plan 100% today :) Afghan carrot hotpot I think as I spotted it in the BBC mag, it looks yumsome and I do have carrots, yellow split peas and the spice gubbins in. Shall make a menu plan for the rest of the week this arvo I think and do a supermarket order. Maybe Ocado this time as Tesco are peeing me off most mightily. :rolleyes:

So hello again and shall trundle around catching up in a bit! Hope you all had a fabbo Xmas and a great New Year!! :)
Thursday 05th Jan - Green

Breakfast: Coffee & mixed fruit 1 HEXA
Lunch: Anything I could find in the house. Quorn slices, carrots, apple, Finn Crisp with Laughing Cow <1 HEXA, <1 HEXB
Tea: Afghan Carrot Hotpot
Snacks: Apple, carrots, satsuma

This was pretty dire following the recipe so I quadrupled most of the flavourings. Was thinking about having a look at the book but after this I dont think so. I know Persian stuff is only mildly spiced but this was a bit like a 'homeopathic-spice' sesh - y'know, 1 molecule per gazillion... :rolleyes:

Also Im superfreeing to make up for Xmas, so I added lots of water to make it into a stewy-soup instead of serving it with rice / bread. It was nice in the end, in a very mild fashion, but deffo needed a great whopping tweak... I dont think 1/2 a tsp of cumin for a 2 litre jobbie is ever gonna quite cut it... :rolleyes:


Sooooo that was a good start :) Ocado coming this afternoon, then lots of new thingies to try. Also lots of soups to dump this Xmas excess :rolleyes:

Ooh! having said that I peed for Britain again last night and have shifted 3lb already, in water I guess, so only 2lb to go to get back to my pre-Xmas weight! :) :cool:
Phew, was worried about you being AWOL for so long I even started a thread on the main boards!!! Mainly because no one else answers my syn queries!

So glad you had a good one and glad you are back :D
And there is a new thread to lose 6 st this year over in the stones to your zones :D
And there is a new thread to lose 6 st this year over in the stones to your zones :D

Yowza! :eek: Bit much for me, I like to set myself small goals or else I put myself under too much pressure and end up disappointed :eek: Well theyre not even goals really, just markers I pass along the way. My only real 'goal' is to stick to the plan generally and create lots of new, tasty, healthy food, the little stickers and markers and stuff are more like littles prizes along the way to keep me doing it :)

I did write a 'goal' list and the furthest away I dare even think about was to get out of the Morbidly Obese bit into just Obese, which would mean 18st 7lb, which is 2 stone away. Then I realised that another stone on that would make it 10 stone off so I wondered if I could do that by my birthday, which would be nice but its all just so unpredictable... the times you think youve been really good you suddenly wallop five pounds on or summat for no apparent reason, then at the other end like just now I've gorged on gorgonzola and goose fat and God knows what all over Xmas and come out looking like a semi-saint :confused: So I figure the only goal is to stick to eating healthily and enjoy the ride :)

Anyway, Im warbling again :eek: Waiting for Mr Ocado to turn up so I can make me tea :) Looking forward to trying pomegranate and cumin marinated lamb sometime this week - depending if my pomegranate molasses turn up in time. (I mean you gotta do this just to test pomegranate molasses, right...? ;) )
Friday 05th Jan - Green

Breakfast: Coffee & mixed fruit 1 HEXA
Lunch: Afghan carrot hotpot leftovers
Tea: Spicy roast veg soup
Snacks: Apple, carrots, satsuma, tomatoes

Saturday 7th Jan - Extra Easy

Breakfast: Coffee & mixed fruit 1 HEXA
Lunch: Salad 3 syns for dressing
Tea: Pomegranate and cumin marinated lamb 1 HEXB for olive oil, 9 syns for pine nuts, raisins, honey and pomegranate juice
Snacks: Apple, Peach, figs, satsumas, carrots, tomatoes, wine, about 30 syns

It was nice but a bit too sweet for me tbh. All the bits tasted fab on their own but once they were assembled together they got overpowered by the sauce tbh. The b/f loved it though! (Although the meat wasnt very good quality, but I ordered it online, you never know what you're gonna get do you :sigh: )

It was a sweet potato mash with shallots & garlic as the bottom layer which was lovely, then on top of that a layer of spinach that had pine nuts, raisins and garlic in which was also fab, then the lamb rump steak, then topped off with the pomegranate sauce and seeds drizzled over.

I couldn't get any pomegranate molasses so I made my own and it was gawjus on its own but it did overpower the rest of the flavours, too sweet for me. :( Ive ordered some pomegranate molasses so I can try some more Persian stuff but now I know Ill be using it sparingly! :D

The recipe's here if you're interested :) I just omitted the oil from the mash and spinach and used 1 tsp in the marinade, 1 tbsp in the dressing and 2 tsp to cook the lamb, so it worked out at 1 HEXB as it served 2 people.