Evil weevil's diary - 5st gone!

Today's gentle activity: 2pm-5pm laying a natural slate floor for a reciprocal-roof roundhouse I'm helping to build at a community farm! It was lovely, I had a really nice afternoon and one of the organisers said she could see I'd lost weight. My cargo trousers were VERY horribly tight 4 weeks ago, today they were falling down round my bum! I did get a bit head-rushy from time to time when I stood up from bending down boshing slates in to place, but so did the other girl there so I don't think it was the diet.

Tomorrow I don't have much of anything planned so might take the horses for an hour's walk :)

Oh, and I just took my resting pulse - it's 56 which is 'excellent' for my age. Pre diet it was 90, which is 'very poor' for any age...
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Another lb gone this morning :) today is day 31, the last month has gone SO quickly, and I'm 20% of the way there! 8 and a bit months to go :D

Had bad muscle cramps today, and a general feeling of bleurghness so have been to tesco, stocked up on magnesium tablets (had 2 to load me up a bit), got some lo-salt, and had a generous pinch of it with my tuna for lunch. Already feel a bit less fuzzy headed, but the muscles (my hamstrings) aren't for loosening yet.

5 weeks til my birthday, when I'll be getting one of the hour long unwinding therapies from Therapies as my treat to myself! I feel ready for it now, but am being careful with money. In another month I'll be VERY ready for a good detoxing treatment.
Hiya EW, I am enjoying reading your diary with all it's honesty and all your determination ?I admire your long term attitude, I will be vlcd- ing for a few months to get to goal too.
I was glad to read how you adapt to real life situations, one thing I can't send about slimming clubs etc is that they tend to frown upon you when life happens. This shouldn't be like a life sentence it should be a journey and I can see you are treating it like a journey ? Sounds like you have great friends too.
I'll enjoy following your progress. Take care xxx

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Thanks, DL :)

I realised this afternoon that it's add a meal week for me. Just had cod & chorizo fishcake with some extra tuna mashed in, on a bed of little gem lettuce, utterly divine - 318kcal, 22g carbs, 29g protein. Same again tomorrow night! Probably won't do a whole week, but it will be nice to get the fishcakes gone out of the freezer, they're the only food I had left in the house besides eggs & tuna.
Just had a minor clothes panic - my one pair of trousers that properly fit at the moment (M&S posh grey suit trousers size 18) were a 'regular' length that I hand-stitched very roughly to shorten them in a rush when I first got them. The dodgy stitching has finally given out, and one of the housemates has either borrowed, binned or hidden the iron somewhere so I couldn't wundaweb them and even in my heels I'm tripping over them. My sewing kit is in one of my boxes of 'stuff'... (I need to borrow Darcy for a week!)

So in desperation I've put my size 16 jeans on just now to see if they'll do for tomorrow and WOOHOO they fit! I'm lying in bed with them on to pre-stretch them a bit for the morning, otherwise there'll be a rather unsavoury muffin top, but I have a longish top that I can use just for getting into work & back (I change into uniform when I get there) - sorted.

Happy weevil :D
Squeeee! Quick scale hop this morning and I've hit -21lb :D a full stone and a half off. Whoop!
Manager just pulled me aside and asked how much weight I've lost.She then asked what I was doing so I said just not eating much, and only having soups and salads with the occasional meal out or takeaway with the girls. She nodded happily at that. When I tried exante last year and mentioned it, you would have thought I was planning to inject speed to lose the weight, of course semi-starving oneself with nutritionally incomplete food is MUCH better than a balanced meal replacement plan...
Just read through your diary, you're doing fantastic. Very inspirational! :hug99: xx

I'm taking Berocca daily too and a fish oil capsule, never occurred to me to stop taking them. Don't think they're doing this diet any harm tbh.
Aw, shucks guys! :DHaving another cold day today, haven't had one for a little while but am definitely nesh this morning despite a litre of green tea with peppermint & a hot choc shake made up to 800ml. Probably something to do with lack of sleep as I'm on earlies this week. I hate earlies. When I rule the world, nobody will have to get up before 10am. Saying that, my lack of carb hangover meant that I got up at 6, retrieved washing from the machine & hung it on the rack, went to kitchen to switch the water on, did a bit of internetting and then went for a shower rather than my pre-diet mad hazy rush of up, cold shower, dressed, teeth, OUT.
hiya, oh i hate mornings, i feel like a zombie getting up and just go through motions getting all ready for school, myself decent (I work part-time)... wonder how I will be on exante! maybe better after week or so! You mentioned green tea, maybe i should try it too :)
Hope you are warming up a bit xx
Loving the green tea :) I can't tolerate it on its own as it's just too bitter, but I have some fresh root ginger in the fridge and I scrape a bit in to my cuppa which is lovely & warming - I did have a box of teabags with ginger in but they were a seasonal thing so I can't find them any more. My version is just as nice! I also have some green tea & peppermint which is nummy and stops me getting too paranoid about my breath. Speaking of which, I *think* my breath isn't so bad as it was a couple of weeks ago. I wonder whether this is because my body is getting more efficient at burning ketones, so has fewer left to excrete in my breath...My hamstrings are still really achey despite lo-salt & magnesium, I feel like I need a really deep sports massage to get in and sort the muscle fibres out but that's £25 I could do without spending really. I've given up the heeled boots for now as they only encourage the hamstrings to stay shorter so maybe in a day or two it'll sort itself out. Dinner last night was loooovely again, just the ticket after a long day at work. Might have a couple of eggs tonight but not really feeling the need.
I quite like green tea, I have it with a sweetener in and find it quite nice. Pre diet a green tea would keep me regular. Im not that fussed on normal tea with no milk in though so Im trying to avoid them or just have 2 with a splash of milk in a day. I will have to try the peppermint tea though as it sounds nice.
That's one benefit I'm finding too, BR - my morning consists of shake then green tea then toilet trip! Not sure whether it's the caffeine content or what that does it, but I'm not complaining! I'm trying to avoid any sweeteners wherever possible, would rather add something with other health benefits like the peppermint or ginger than chemicals. The only time I added one was when I took a friend to Starbucks for a moral-support-coffee & chat on friday, I hate their tea so got an americano and added whole milk & one sweetener which meant I could drink it without pulling a face!Don't want to say it too loudly as I'll jinx it but it's a (q-word) day at work so far. Shame the water cooler is empty, as I actually have plenty of time to drink today! Still, 2.25 hours down & 6.75 to go!
Woo, another one gone this morning :D
Another day done, another afternoon nap needed but I survived :) very very very busy few days coming up but I have planned what I'm going to do shake/bar/tuna wise!

Tomorrow I have to go in to town for an hour or so, then am going to work on the round house. Will have a bar at lunch time, a shake when I leave the roundhouse and a soup later on at home as I will have been doing physical work for a few hours.

Friday is getting ready to move house again (I move next Weds) day, so sorting out clothes, laundry, packing etc and taking some stuff I won't use in the next week to the stables for interim storage. Easy enough as I won't be far from home all day so I'll just follow plan.

I am attending a two day groundwork clinic with the horses on sat/sun so I may well end up adding a meal both days as I'm likely to be completely shattered from the mental exertion. Plan is a tin of tuna first thing, shake at break time, bar at lunch time, 2 hard boiled eggs in the horsebox for me to have on the journey back and then I can have a soup, or a meal if necessary at home.
Im finding I don't have much energy and might have to start adding a meal. I see you are having tuna and boiled eggs. I had 2 eggs yesterday to give me a boost and it helped for a few hours