Evil weevil's diary - 5st gone!

Great work weevil. Wow 53 lbs is fantastic. Im really chuffed for you x
Wow well done Evil Weevil, love that list too!! Mine not as long as yours yet, but nice to be able to do some silly little things thanks to losing weight-going to have a ponder on a little list of my own, thanks for that!! :)
Not quite that good BR, I have lost 47 - 53 still to go. Will be there by Christmas!

Wondering whether anyone at my temporary workplace will comment on my loss - I have lost 24lb since starting there on 4 May, but I'm not sure whether any of them pay much attention as it is so mental in the office. I am wearing all of my smaller items of uniform today :) feeling good!

11 days away from home coming up - 4 at work, 3 at my friend's then 4 more at work. I'll be able to get some 'during' photos with the kids in the same pose as my avatar with a bit of luck. Will probably do WS and eat with the family in the evenings, just without any carbs on the plate.
hi there, ur diary is such an inspiration. You have made it work even with all the travelling,work,family. Just shows if we plan ahead we can do anything we put our mind to and we definitely can do exante :) . It felt good reading your list. I have just started exante (day 2 today) and hopefully will be able to make a list like yours soon. I will keep coming back to you diary to keep me going when I am struggling ...hope you wont mind. Really motivated by your weight loss :) xx
Good afternoon Weevil, fab weight loss well done:woohoo: :hug99: xx
Well I can confirm that the hair loss has started properly - my hair is very thick so it doesn't bother me, but it has roughly doubled in amount since a fortnight ago.

Nice comment from a stranger yesterday at the bus stop - she budged up so I could sit down and said 'we'll be fine, we're both small people' :D

Asked crush for a drink last night and the answer wasn't a horrified one, just already had plans but 'otherwise would' so I shall just see whether that was just to be civil or whether it was sincere, now that I've registered my interest in socialising together the ball is in her court.
Not quite that good BR, I have lost 47 - 53 still to go. Will be there by Christmas!

I have just read your ticker and noticed its going down not up.

Its a great feeling getting into your smaller clothes isn't it. I think Im going to do ws this week as I want food so badly if I can't have it and it makes life easier when you are socialising.

Hope it goes well for you with your crush. I always say what will be will be. x
As long as you are making sensible choices I don't think it matters hugely which solution you choose. mine is completely made up but it works for me! I eat keto diet friendly food when it suits, and have exante products when they suit. My ticker used to be counting up but I'm trying counting down instead. Not sure whether it works for my head or whether it makes it seem miles away, so I may yet change back.

I have in my possession 4 Krispy Kreme doughnuts and the mere thought of tasting one turns my stomach. Before the diet I could probably have eaten 6 in one sitting. Bleurgh. I really notice how much awful unhealthy food is all around me - probably because I spend a lot of time travelling and I work at a transport hub. Thank heavens for pret, I am loving their salads at the moment.
Great diary!! Well done on your journey. Now (after a long delay by reading all your diary), I am going for a walk so I can do as well as you :) xx
Good afternoon Weevil, hope you're having a fab day.

Well done on plucking up courage to ask your crush out for a drink, that must've been scary. I hope she gets back to you with the offer of a firm date soon! :hug99: xx
Fingers crossed you get it on with your crush ;) nice words from the stranger too, love a nice little confidence boost!!
Making my way back to work now after 3 days with my friend and her kids in Wales. Had a fab time, I stuck to plan despite enormous amounts of junk in the house, she didn't sabotage me and I even went running round the fields for ten minutes with the four year old as part of a 30 minute walk last night and surprised myself with how much I could do.

Today is a travel day and I'm shattered before i start so will go easy on myself - I had a bar at 7am and will probably get salad for lunch then a shake for tea, with possibly some ham for supper once I finish work at 11pm.

My hormones went skewiff this week for the first time since being a bit wobbly at the start of the diet - not impressed with that! Wonder whether it's because I'm accessing some deep fat stores somewhere with icky hormones inside, or whether it is just job stress.

Didn't manage to get a 'during' photo with the kids. I was able to look in the full length mirror and be appalled at how fat I still am. This phase is a bit depressing - I have done SO well so far, and I look much better than I did at the start but it's not yet enough. It is probably part brain-trick too, once you decide to do something about lard it becomes much more obvious and repulsive than when you chose to ignore (much more of) it and stay fat. I have had partners at this weight before so I can't look as horrible as I think, and I have to keep pushing away those self confidence demons.

End of June now - only a maximum of 5 more months on the diet, 2st 10 til I'm 'normal' and 3st 11 left to lose overall - totally doable.

I have bought some vibram five fingers 'barefoot' shoes to hopefully make weight bearing exercise less damaging to my duff foot (full of metalwork). I enjoyed my run last night and it would be nice to do something like that every so often if I can find a park to run on grass.
100 days done. Nowhere near 100% total, but no days off diet, no carb binges, no problem!
100 days at 100% ~ Wow, well done you:D You've lost an incredible amount of weight too. Will keep checking in for inspiration. Have you managed any updated pics yet? I know what you mean about the food thing too... everywhere I look there's carbs, carbs and more carbs! Still, we find a way round it and the proof as they say............ xx
Good morning weevil. Wow at 100 days your will power is amazing!

Good luck with the next phase :hug99: xx
Not done any updated pics - I went from Wales to work, home now for one night then off to Belfast to clear all my stuff from old work and the stables. I might get some pics with my mates tomorrow or Wednesday but not certain I can cope with photos at the moment.

Looking forward to being able to weigh myself tomorrow morning to get an idea of how I'm doing before official weigh in on Friday.

A colleague who hadn't seen me for about 6 weeks said the weight loss was really noticeable today :)

The next 9 days are going to be mad - 3 days 'off' but 6 hours driving tue & thu and a few hours in old work on weds, then straight back down to London for 6 10 hour shifts in a row which will probably damn near kill me so I am going to ask if I can make them shorter as I have built up loads of time off in lieu. I know I can cope with work being mental without food, I just really need my sleep instead. Before the diet I used food to keep me going through the tiredness and that isn't an option now!
These last 2 weeks have been nuts but I've still lost 3lb in the last fortnight due to making sensible food choices - now 11st 6, 160lb and exactly halfway to goal.
Excellent... you must be really chuffed:Dxx