Excersize on Exante


Hello all Been doing the Exante diet for nearly a week now but I need to know.

Is it a good Idea to start Cardio workouts i.e. a 2 mile jog every 3 days,
What I need to know is, Is it a good Idea to do this could my body handle this with the energy levels at the moment.

Would be really great to hear from some Exante people who are starting to work out.


The general rule of thumb is if you were exercising pre exante you can carry on as you were if you weren't then you shouldn't start any new exercise regime within first few weeks if starting then after that you can gradually introduce exercise at a pace that works for you but listen to your body n drink plenty of water

Some people find exercise slows there losses ironically I think it has something to do with the effect on your metabolic rate while on a vlcd, so just keep an eye on the trends in your weight losses with n without exercise etc

On a side note Exante advise exercise at a rate of a daily 20 min walk

Finally re your posts getting ignored..... Just be patient some sections on this forum move faster than others there lots of regular posters on here that will prob answer just give em time n if need be 'bump' your post I often post on all the other vlcd sub forums too as all these diets are pretty much the same m you can get a broader scope I don't mean post the same question on each though lol

Hope that helps!
I started adding exercise whilst doing Exante 12 weeks ago doing 20 mins 6 days a week 3 days kettleworx and days in between Zumba. At this point I had been on Exante around 5-6 months doing total solution and my losses although slow had been good. Once the exercise kicked in it slowed me right down getting less and less each month until the last four weeks I only lost 5lbs and I was 100% for over 220 days with no blips or cheating. I did some research and realised I either had to stop the exercise untill I reached goal or start to eat more as I was putting my body into starvation mode whilst exercising. As the exercise had made some amazing changes to my body in terms of muscle, tone flexibility and health I knew that it was time to come off Exante and lose my last two stone through calorie counting.

So I guess what I am saying is yes you can exercise, I never had any problems with energy levels but then maybe after the amount of time I had been on the diet before I started my body was used to living off that amount of calories. All you can do is try it and be your own judge, if you feel light headed or strange then stop. Also if you do have slow weight loss it may demoralize you. I would wait a bit first and get a decent weight loss under your belt first. In hindsight I kind of wish I hadn't started the exercise as I might have been at goal by now. Not sure if I have helped, but at least you got to hear from my own experience :D
Cool! what exactly is Kettleworx? what I do presently to get to work is I walk 2 miles a day which should greatly help me! i think that explains my 11 lb loss this week so far

also the fact I climb a huge incline to get home!

I don't mean to get impatient just like to see a warm vibrant place include me :)
Kettleworx is a training program using kettlebells. You do 20 minute sessions 3 time a week and so far it has really toned up my torso and shoulders, and my waist has pulled right in and no more muffin tops, even my bingo wings are starting to tone up. Its really great and addictive and the results are quick. :D There is a kettlebell section over in the fitness section of the board if your interested in reading more about it. Good luck with Exante and your walking :)