Exercise - 30 day shred

uglybetty1987 said:
Is anyone still doing the 30 day shred workout?Got it yesterday and gave just attempted level one for the first time....don't even wanna think about what levels 2 or 3 are like!!!!

I am doing it. I am doing level 1 and have just completed day 4. Getting better each day so that's an encouragement.
I agree with you. I don't wanna even think about level 2 or 3. Gonna stick with level 1 till I can fly through it.
The size I am I was amazed and thrilled when I completed day 1. So thrilled.
I'm scared just by the title of this thread!!
I am wondering if I will be able to move by the end of the day haha
LisaM1977 said:
I am wondering if I will be able to move by the end of the day haha

I felt that way after day 1. But have just completed day 5 and am feeling good!! Day 5 done!! Whoop whoop.
I weigh over 20st and am doing this. So shocked never thought I could or would do this DVD. Love it!!
Come on girls give it a go!!
Wow day 5 that's amazing well done you!!!! Is it getting easier? Do you feel your body changing shape yet? X
Hey Lisa, every time you feel it, smile :) 'cos it reminds you that you did your exercise. Sounds pretty hard core too, so you should be proud you saw the session through.
LisaM1977 said:
Wow day 5 that's amazing well done you!!!! Is it getting easier? Do you feel your body changing shape yet? X

I do feel it a teeny bit easier each day. And yep am thrilled. Already seeing a difference in my measurements and my shape.
Keep at it. It's hard work and hard core but it works and is so worth it.
The 20 minutes of intensity is worth it instead of hours and hours, which I don't have spare, in the gym.
Keep me posted on your progress Lisa and I will keep you posted on mine.
Have been looking for someone on xenical and doing 30 day shred to buddy up with.
Yeah we can be buddies!!! The time of the work out was the exact reason I bought it ... I knew it would be hard as I am a big fan of the biggest loser USA show... I broke my ankle in sept and have only just been able to start exercise and my Physio recommended the kind of exercise on the DVD to build back the strength.. Will let you know how tomorrow's work out goes :)
Good luck! Think your need a hot bath afterwards :)
Just seen this DVD in Tescos - is it just lots of exercises and is it any good?
Fancy getting a DVD but think some sort of dance exercise may keep my interest longer. Any suggestions? xxx

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I'm starting to feel shamed by you guys to get off my bottom and give this a go. Has anyone seen it through? I'm incredibly unfit atm
Oh can I be a buddy? I have huge problems with my feet but I can still do it I hope.. Just be ready for my pain moaning!

Will stick a wedding dress on the telly!