Exercise DVDs for men


Mostly everything here is for women as in the shops, very few are specifficly designed for men. Can anyone reccomend an exercise DVD for men?
On some of the shopping channels there are things like P90X..Not sure how good they are.
Someone on here said there were before and after photos on mfp, may be worth a look :)
i will have a look, like most stuff on the internet there is so much information getting through it all can be hard.
Hi Marty, what kind of exercise are you interested in.
insanity workout!

theres nothing girly about it, its all pure hard work
You do Insanity as well Gina??

You need to bottle whatever your on... You'll make a fortune :D
i have it, i only do it when i have the time at the weekends
I'm still impressed :D
hardest dvd ive got, ouch....
I'm slightly of the opinion that exercise is exercise, makes no difference if you're a man or a woman! So the 30 day shred - I can see no reason why a man shouldn't do that *shrugs* Just because they all feature women doing the exercise doesn't mean that it's only for women. If you are starting out, the Hannah Waterman DVD is good (and her trainers are men, if that helps!).
Hi there
what do you want to do and how fit are you?

I do weights (Olympic style) and cardio plus pilates.

- The pilates with Lynne Robinson and PAt Cash is really good DVD. - - For weights I recommend youtube, try Rugbyworld08 for some guidance.
- P90X is a boot camp style you can do at home with dumbells and pull up bar.
I am fairly fit, did a lot of running and weights before but with a young family cant get out the house too much after working all day.So thinking what could i do if stuck in house, which is why i thought of DVDs but looking in the store it was all celeb women diet/workout stuff. We have a Gym at work which i am going to use.