

Silver Member
Ok, I know this has probably been asked a million times, but I was just thinking..... Ive got an elliptical airwalker thing that I want to start using, and according to myfitnesspal half an hour would burn 800ish calories. Theres no garantee I would even manage more than about 2mins lol, but if I burn more than the 600cals im on, would I stop losing weight? I know its been asked before but cant find where.... Thaaanks :)
I don't as it causes me to feel sick and dizzy. I just do my house work and chase my 2 year old around that seems to eat up all my energy. I don't think 10min would hurt it would be good to get your heart rate up. Try it and see how you feel. If it doesn't bother you or stall weight loss go for it. One thing to keep in mind is you could gain muscle from it so you could be losing and gaining at the same time.
Hi Steeleee,
I struggled with exercise on my first week on the plan but go to boxercise once a week and the gym twice. I just make sure I drink plenty of water, the excercise stops me feeling hungry and along with the weightloss I can feel myself getting fitter by the week. If I am hungry I allow myself a little protien... Scrambled egg or chicken. We all know excercise is good for us and I think as much as you can comfortablely manage can only be a good thing, I'm hoping to be slimmer and toned (that's the dream). What ever you decide good look with your journey. xxx
Hey chick
I go to the gym and try to burn 300-400 calories I find it fine when I'm in ketosis but struggle when I'm not!
I usually have a small ketosis friendly meal when doing the gym and keep track using mt fitness pal. I mostly try harder at the gym I'd I've been bad though! x
Thanks everyone :) I did 10mins on my airwalker in the end, and burned about 200cals ish. Going to try and do an extra minute or so every day to build up my fitness. I did find I was hungry afterwards though!
Thank for asking this, I also wanted to know if you can exercise and do the diet at the same time. wish you all the best with your journey!