Fabulous first week - now to keep the motivation going!

I bought some size 18 trousers today. And they fit. Ok, they're from Evans, and they're "for a pear shape" but I don't care. Size 18. I haven't been a size 18 for 20 years!

I also tried some on in M&S and their 18 was tight but wearable. They didn't have any in Long though..so went with Evans who did.
Sorry ladies - I've been away for work for the past few weeks, Internet access was limited!

Food's been tricky - most of the time I had no control over what was bought for me, and the hotel I was in was nowhere near anything you could describe as a supermarket. So I've eaten out every night for two weeks, lots of the meals were with the host organisation which made it difficult to choose what I might have had on my own...there was beer, wine etc. etc.

But these are just excuses! I had a great time working with these people and I'm more than ready to start eating better again today :)
Back at work in my normal office, in my normal country today - and feeling pretty good :)

I have a sneaky peek at the scales, but am resisting an official WI until Thursday. Let's just say the numbers are not nearly as bad as I feared they might be. Which is a win, in my books :scale:

A confession - although my weight shows on here as 17st 7lbs before I left to go away for work it had crept up to 17 st 11lbs. I was scared that having put 4lbs back on and then going away it'd get out of control - but I appear to have got my head back in the game.

And why did it slip? I got lazy. I got all "Oh, I've been so good for sooooo long, I'll just have a treat" and so on. I thought "Oh well, I won't be able to weigh myself for three weeks, so it doesn't matter what I eat *this* week, I can pull it back in the next couple". Not good at all!

You all know what I mean, I think a lot of us have been there. I don't know why I didn't just say it on my diary, I think I was ashamed of myself. But no longer. I did it, it's past, I've moved on. I've still lost 5 stones since the middle of January and I'm bloody proud of that. I'd like to work towards making it 6 before Christmas, which I think is acheivable.

I am back to strict recording of what I eat - I had started to try to "wing it" but I have realised that's just a way for me to cheat myself. Which is pointless. So I'm back to writing every mouthful down.

Happy Monday everyone - and thank you for all your lovely comments :thankyou:
It's happened to all of us like you say lovely :) And life happens, we have to deal with the ups and downs of it and still cope and keep losing/maintaining after. It's good that you can get your head back in the game :) Like you say, the only one affected is you and so why do it to yourself? :) x Well done for keeping going x
Welcome back! It's so easily done - that first little slip then WHEEEEE! Off you go down the slope - but you halted it so WELL DONE!
Right - after several weeks away eating some very non-SW friendly food I've gained 1.5lbs. I am delighted that it's only that much!

I'm back in the right headspace and loving my better food, so I am planning to banish the pesky gain next week.
"Oh, I've been so good for sooooo long, I'll just have a treat" and so on. I thought "Oh well, I won't be able to weigh myself for three weeks, so it doesn't matter what I eat *this* week, I can pull it back in the next couple".

Ooh, yep, that definitely sounds familiar! I try to tell myself that I'm just undoing my hard work, not rewarding my hard work, but that little voice that says, "Go on, treat yourself," can get pretty loud, can't it!