failure is not an option.

thats so gross!!!!
Its so basic, eat good fresh healthy food and exercise = weight maintain, but its getting it sunk in!

Yes & No Vicky.

Yes that is exactly what one has to do.
No..because I & many other fatties do this.I can do the wrong foods ,but for much of my fat life I've done the good,home cooked,healthy, fresh ,low fat, low salt bit.
Portion size is the bummer here.
hoe much of a factor was/is this for you?

Moi? Lower the tone?:eek: And just when I chose the more tasteful of my piccies to display.

I was going to post this one

But that really would have lowered the I won't:p

That's the weird thing. For me it's like I'm two different people. One eats healthily, loves it, loves the feeling of control and not feeling bloated or have the afternoon slump. This person feels like she can eat like this forever. She has no cravings for the beige food, but if she does end up having some, she's happy to have just a bit.

Then another personality appears out of the blue. Beige stuff, more beige stuff, more beige stuff...heck...better not touch the healthy stuff because I might not have any room for more beige stuff...and since I've blown it all anyway:rolleyes: It's really hard to get out of that dieting mindset when you've spent most of your years in residence there :(

Can sort of undestand this.A jeckyl & hyde brain state perhaps.

your self cleanig loo-paper is simply the most wonderfully outrageous thinf I've seen in ages.Love it Love it.
Portion sizes was a nightmare for me, sometimes still is, but I make an effort cook a lesser amount of food, when I look back then me n DH would polish of a whole pie made for 4 people, easily, DH being 10and a half stone come rain shine or beige food, me just looking at it and it put weight on!!! Now if I cook a pie, which I still do sometimes, then we have half, half is taken for DH lunch the next day. Ive always said if it is there then I will eat it, that really hasnt changed, I just make an effort not to have as much around.

The other thing was that Before I lost the weight (BWL) I thought I had a reasonable diet, its only now when I look back, and also when I cock up that I realise I didnt, Im not a binge eater, I just love food, I still do love food, I just try to make a concious (sp) effort to have less.

Toast, with butter, or Chocolate cereal semi skimmed milk
Packet of crisps (mid Morn)
Lunch, Sandwich on a brown roll, soup maybe some crisps, or a jacket spud with tuna mayo and cheese,or a turkey club sandwich with all the trimmings!
Mid Aft, Chocolate of some kind
Dinner, Massive plate of whatever,with potatoes
Supper, maybe some toast, or cereal

and a takeaway at least once, maybe twice per week.

The brown bap at lunch conned me it was healthy, never mind I had butter and mayo on it!!!

AWL (after weight loss)

Bowl of Tesco fruit and fibre skimmed milk

Banana or apple

Low cal soup, pitta bread, cottage cheese or some mini ryvitas instead of pitta

Maybe a curly wurly or a small (15p milky bar

Dinner, grilled meat, tons of veg, hardly any spuds, or maybe a jacket potato with salad and lean meat, or a pasta and chicken dish, all wholemeal pasta.

Supper, Options hot choc

If I do have bread then its granary and not white.

Exercise, 2 to 3 miles per night on the bike, walking twice a week at least.

Takeaway, 1 in the past month, which was a salad from the local deli!!

Now, Im not saying the above AWL happens every day, coz it doesnt, but if everything is bobbing along nicely, no birthdays, sickness or holidays then thats how it goes. The past 3 weeks has put paid to that, but Im back to it now!

In retrospect I was eating wrong, not doing any execise and I was putting weight on.

It wasnt till I took a long hard look that I realised where I had gone wrong.

Im no angel, who is!!!
The problem was of several different eating errors,quality quantity,timing,reasons for consumption & more.

So the solution will have to consist of changes in manyways too.Plus CONSTANT VIGILANCE.

Cripes..not easy..but..Failure is not an option.I never never want to lose how I'm begining to feel now ,nor return to how I felt then.NEVER
...Failure is not an option.I never never want to lose how I'm begining to feel now ,nor return to how I felt then.NEVER

I can certainly empathise with that sentiment. I have dropped 3 dress sizes and can shop in ordinary clothes shops now:D. I've had loads of comments about how much I've lost and how great I look...I'm actually starting to believe the comments! I never want to go back to the sad, unconfident, very overweight woman I was. Never!
In the end,of course,any company thathad a diet that guarenteed no weight gain at the end,would put itself out of busuness.

I haven't read the whole thread but this argument just doesn't wash with me. Driving instructors teach people to drive then they never see them again. It's not in their interests to have people pass their tests either but they do.
I haven't read the whole thread but this argument just doesn't wash with me. Driving instructors teach people to drive then they never see them again. It's not in their interests to have people pass their tests either but they do.

Correct me if I'm wrong...but I think jane was only talking about the diet industry and not generalising to any other business ("any company that had a diet that guarenteed no weight gain") love ff x
p.s. c2b - your weight loss journey photos are amazing!!! May I ask how long it took you to lose your weight? I've been at it since beginning of Feb and lost 3.5 stone so far. Love ff x
I haven't read the whole thread but this argument just doesn't wash with me. Driving instructors teach people to drive then they never see them again. It's not in their interests to have people pass their tests either but they do.

It was part of a discussion i had with Karion about weight gain after loss.
the re-gain stats are really depressing.The diet industry doesn't seem to be addressing it.Karion argued thatit wsn't in their interests to have people permanently successful as they'd stop coming back for more.
I disagreed saying that if someone could adverise a diet where say 50% were still at goal 12 months later they'd clean up against the competition.
The driving school analogy is v good because a school gets custom based on a perception of how good it is at getting you through the test.It continues to get more customers aslong as people are breeding & wanting to dirve.
My hypothetical diet company will lose business from it's returners, but would gain more by recruiting new fatties & people swapping from other diets with higher re-gain rates.

There just seems to me to be a lot of effort going in to losing & not a lot into maintaining.

Correct me if I'm wrong...but I think jane was only talking about the diet industry and not generalising to any other business ("any company that had a diet that guarenteed no weight gain") love ff x

Thanks FF..& when I've worked out how to invent it...I'll be a squillionaire:D
I just wanted to say thank you to all of you lovely ladies that have posted on this thread.

I have lost 5st 10lb on CD since april this year and I am only a few pounds away from goal and have really started panicking over the last week about the prospect of maintenance.

The informations, thoughts, opinions and experiences covered in this thread have been really useful and thought-provoking.

This is the first diet where I have made an effort to address the reasons why I have had a weight problem in the first place and found many of the reasons to be the same as you have all mentioned - portions, eating the wrong foods, not enough exercise etc. I think reading about the re-gain statistics had really started to freak me out a bit - but as KD said at the begining we are all individuals, I am not a statistic.

It would be nice to think that after CD I might be able to eat intuitively and maintain but given my historic relationship with food I think that for me constant vigilance is the way forward.

Thanks again ladies :)
Morning ruthlet, thanks for your post .
apart from the obvious complements it also made me re-read large parts of it. I'd actually forgotten that I'd ever started this thread, but found I'd not forgetten the sentiments that drove it, not soem of the nfo gathered from the likes Of KD ,vicky etc.

I'l going to stick my neck out say that from what I've read of your journey you should be able to beat the statistics. For, depressing though they ma be at a population level there is no doubt that individuals with DETERMINATION can & do turn their lives round by using CD.
Good luck!
I love seeing these sorts of threads bumping up again :) It's easy to forget how important maintenance is when you are either on the diet or enjoying the euphoria of getting to goal.
you're not wrong there KD.
( & I've still not quite reached my goal, yet still doing my own style of maintainance)
Its the euphoria of getting to goal that makes it easy to stay there for a while, hanging on to that euphoria and not letting go of what you have achieved is a key part for me, yup, ive gained, not much, but that initial euphoria, and desperation isnt there, so Im trying to find ways of curbing that habit to eat. I think more now, I think about what I put in my mouth, am I hungry, a lot of the time Im not, but do still eat, at least I am aware of this, where as before Id just eat anyway, and now, Im getting better at asertaining whether to eat or not.

Eating habits are gained over a long period of time, and I have learned that just because you get to goal doesnt mean you will stay there, not without examining why you got overweight in the first place.

Diets do work, in the short term, the short term for me is getting the weight off, the long term is having it stay off and develop some form of normal eating in order to do it x
After I lost 5st after having my daughter I found that I had to continue dieting most of the time (by having a slimfast in place of 1 meal a day).
I could never go back to eating what I liked all the time even after I'd lost all the weight i'd wanted to lose.
It was depressing at first to realise that I forever had to watch what I ate, but then I figured that if I was good 80% of the time then I could indulge guilt free on the weekend for 20% and only put back on as much as I lost during previous that week of unnecessary dieting.
After I'd got back down to 8st, I was constantly yo-yo'ing between losing 3lb during the week and putting it back on on the weekend.
I treated myself with a curry, film, popcorn, icecream, whatever I liked actually knowing that I would lose any weight again during the week.
It just became a lifestyle in the end so it didn't bother me.
I truly think that is the only way to keep it off.
I 100% believe that had I not gotten pregnant again (I don't believe in dieting while pregnant) I would still be the same weight now.
I hope that helped anyway. Its not for everyone, some people prefer to moderately eat for evermore, but I like to let my hair down at the weekend (and that involves a lot of eating/drinking usually) so for me continuing to diet during the week was a acceptable exchange for still being able to let my hair down on the weekend without putting it all back on.
In fact I ended up unintentionally losing more during the week than I could put back on in the weekend and went down to 7st 7 so I then took a 2 weeks off entirely and put it back on.
The key is just to keep track of your weight while it is still only a matter of lb's rather than stones.
Well I've just backtracked and read all the replies in this thread and it seems that I have gone against some of the recommendations for long term weight management.
I did keep it off for 2 and a half years like this however.
I think that at the end of the day it has to be up to the person to know their own eating habits and be aware of where their weakness is in their diet (in my case the weekend) and work their own personal weight management around that instead of going it against it.
I know me, and I know that if I didn't make it possible to indulge on the weekend I wouldn't be able to stick to a moderate eating pattern long term. I would end up getting resentful of the constant restrictions and end up picking during the week instead.
I wouldn't recommend it for everyone however and to be honest the recommended option sounds more balanced. I just knew that although I could diet in short periods of my life I couldn't make moderate eating all the time without any weekly indulgence work longterm as a lifestyle change for me personally.
Since i'm not having any more children (hopefully) now, when I lose this pregnancy weight I hope to just slip back into this eating routine of diet/reward.