Total Solution FakeFrowns' Diary

I think my AAM knocked me out of ketosis a bit as my stix went from reading moderate to trace but oh well, they may be wrong.

I had a really bad day yesterday. Didn't sleep what so ever on Sunday night and spent yesterday fitting in tiny cat naps then 4:30 came and I was free for the rest of the day. Well, I got home and collapsed straight onto my bed and slept from 4:30 to 1am! I had only had one bar all day so i'm feeling a bit rubbish this morning. At 1am I just put my pj's on and went and slept for another 5 hours.

Back on it today, onwards and downwards!
FF :eek:
Urgh, the hunger pangs are back :cry:

I feel so hungry right now I could have a gnaw on my desk! I think i'll have an early night tonight.
FF :cry:
Urrgghh....I'm exactly the same today FF. In fact I have been since Friday...I had to walk past a chip shop earlier and the smell nearly killed me. NormallyI just walk past smugly, but it was a struggle today!

I'm off to bed in a minute with my hot water bottle, half a bar, and my Sky TV planner! Early nights are the best thing when you feel like this!

Hope you feel a bit less hungry tomorrow....we can do this!!
Urrgghh....I'm exactly the same today FF. In fact I have been since Friday...I had to walk past a chip shop earlier and the smell nearly killed me. NormallyI just walk past smugly, but it was a struggle today!

I'm off to bed in a minute with my hot water bottle, half a bar, and my Sky TV planner! Early nights are the best thing when you feel like this!

Hope you feel a bit less hungry tomorrow....we can do this!!

Glad I'm not the only one! I keep drinking lots of water! I'm going to have my last shake, tidy up my room and go to bed. Its been a long day. Hope you feel less hungry tomorrow too :)
Onwards and downwards!
FF :eek:
My first NSV today! I tried on my work shirt and before, the very last button would only just do up and would look horrible as the material pulled and stretched across the largest part of my stomach but now it fits just nicely, the button does up easily and there is a little bit of room to spare :D Very happy today!
FF :eek:
Feeling very fed up today :( I think i'm out of ketosis, I have hunger pangs, like proper ones, not psychological, the bad taste in my mouth is gone and i've lost all my energy. I'm not quite sure whats done it. Maybe it was having two shakes at once. Who knows but either way, its really irritating me! Definitely not going to put two shakes in one again for a while until I know i'm back in ketosis. I know everyone says to ignore the sticks but at the start of the week they read trace and today they read nil and all through my first and second week, I read moderate. Oh well, onwards I go! Not going to let it get to me :)
Onwards and downwards as always
FF :eek:
Very very happy today! Just weighed myself after getting home and i've lost 3.2lb!!!!
So happy that i'm going to update my ticker! I hope that tomorrow that I might just be 237 and be back in the 16s!
FF :eek:
Well done that's brilliant :D onwards and downwards as everyone on here says.
I've had a bad day couple of days with my hunger pangs and my tummy rumbling and today I just caved. I'd made a pasta bake the previous night for my brother and I gave him a portion and put two smaller ones in the fridge and ever since they've been calling to me. Pasta is one of the things I miss the most on this diet so I ended up eating them, one at about 12 and the other like 20 minutes ago. Oh well, it will kick me out of ketosis. I shall draw a line under today and go completely 100% TS until next Saturday, no nibbling on peanuts or cashews or quorn! I shall be good and I want to be in the 16's next Saturday.
Oh well, onwards and downwards as they say
FF :eek:
Hi FF,

just to let you know I love your diary, and am rooting for you (you can't hear me but I'm shouting 'step away from the pasta'.) good luck with this hard-core diet and can't wait to see before and after pics, bet they'll be great (conchiglie notwithstanding :) )
Hi FF,

just to let you know I love your diary, and am rooting for you (you can't hear me but I'm shouting 'step away from the pasta'.) good luck with this hard-core diet and can't wait to see before and after pics, bet they'll be great (conchiglie notwithstanding :) )

Aww thank you!! I took some pictures after my first week but they aren't very good quality. Think i'll take some more on the 24th of December when I need to have lost my two stone for my xmas goal. I will do it! 100% TS from now on!!
FF :eek:
Hopped on the scales this morning to see the damage the pasta caused and I was quite surprised to see 239.6 and i've had a shake and drank about 1lt of water so far today. Perhaps the effects will be seen at next weeks weigh in.
FF :eek:
I've been a naughty FF and come wondering back in with my head held low :break_diet:

I think the pasta started it off. Sunday night I ended up eating curly fries and then on Monday I had a pint with cordial in it and ended up ordering take away. On the other hand, i've got straight back on it yesterday with 100% and so far so good today. I'm hoping it was just a temporary blip and i'll be back into the swing of it from now on until xmas.

The funny thing is, nothing tasted as good as I imagined it to, it all tasted so greasy and actually made me feel right ill on Tuesday. Won't be doing that again. I also got a lot fuller a lot faster too which is a good sign for when I come off at xmas for 3 days. It made me realise that before I started this diet, my tastebuds were tuned in to all the grease and the sugar and everything, now it just doesn't taste as good, also made my acid reflux issue come back. Its dying down now today.
Onwards and downwards as they say!
Judgement day on Saturday :p
FF :eek:
I'm still here! :D I think the diet is taking its toll on my willpower. I'm determined to stay on it till Christmas Eve though. I'll keep going as long as I can. I really want to see myself securely in the 16's this week. 237 or 236 would be nice but i'd like to get rid of that 1lb I put on last week. I have a feeling I won't make my Xmas goal now after my +1lb last week. Oh well, i'll have still lost almost 2 stone by then I reckon! Kind of looking forwards to my weigh in on Saturday. I think I might order some soups next time just to get some variation into my diet. Hope all is well with everyone else.
Onwards and downwards as they say :p
FF :eek:
Yayyy well done FF you have definitely found your mojo. If you can manage to stay on the diet over Christmas then why not? Getting into 2012 much smaller than we were most of this year is certainly a motivator.
Well done babe xx
Thank you nursetubs! Certainly feels good to be in control of my diet again. Weighed in this morning and 237.6 so i'm happy. I did weigh myself last night and was 236.8 but I had two glasses of rose so i'm probably retaining some water today. I'll weigh myself again tomorrow morning to see whats what!
FF :eek:
Hello! I'm finally returning. Back to day one today! I got sick in the second week of december and had to come off it so I decided to return to the diet after christmas. I've been putting it off, I was going to start again on the 1st but its taken me this long to psyc myself up for it. I really want to lose the weight for my graduation so i'm sticking to it! A lady who I work with told everyone she'd lost 4 stone in 4 months on a different diet and it was such an inspiration! I'm not going to be weighing in as regularly as before with not having access to scales which I think will be good for me. I managed to not put everything back on over christmas, initially I went up to 240 and maintained that but when I weighed myself last I was 243 but it was after i'd already eaten and stuff. I haven't weighed myself before beginning and won't be weighing myself till next Saturday so lets see what happens!
Onwards and downwards
FF :eek: