Fast Forward Week!

ah katie sorry to hear that... Why don't you try the trick from FF that i honestly believe contributed the most to my loss - drinking LOADS of water.... I hate drinking water normally but i put a small drop of the no added sugar cordial from tesco in to flavour it slightly... (about half strength of normal squash, very weak indeed!)

i was filling up my 750ml evian bottle about six times a day and keeping it with me at all times - so that was about 4.5 litres of water a day! I was constantly piddling (sorry! tmi!) but I honestly think it worked. It completely beats any water retention, and it fills you up a lot between and during meals so I didn't snack or eat nearly as much as I wanted to. Try it as an experiement for a week alongside sticking to the SW plan and see how you go - i think you'll have a loss!

Good luck :) xxx
Thank you!
Im like you i hardly drink anything and just never think to drink anything until about 6pm and then im up all night! Have been trying more but might have to up it even more for the rest of the week and see how i get on. Atm i am calorie counting to but dont want to have to resort to that long term, i just need to see a loss for my own sanity!
Just noticed that you are my goal weight at the moment, well done on your fab losses you must look fantastic x
Ah thanks, that's really sweet! I am more pleased with the changes that I have seen since exercising rather than the weight loss - I do the Wii Fit Plus at least four times a week for 40 mins and now have raelly toned arms (from the boxing) and waist (from the hula hooping!)

I never thought the wii fit would make such a difference, but if i miss a week of it, i don't lose at SW, and if i do a few sessions, i always get at least a pound off - i think it's just the 'raising your heart rate' thing they tell you to do! great results, and loads of fun as well! The music grates after a while, but you can switch the telly onto normal channels and carry on stepping on and off the board and it counts your steps and calories burned! easy to do an hour's worth in front of a few eps of Come dine With Me!! x