Fat birds can't fly

Just looking back at my diary, it's been a whole week since I've not been on it, last Thursday I mucked up luckily I've been walking to work and then running round at work too, so I'm hoping that has counter balanced things abit haha

Back on it today! And instead of not taking an adequate dinner to work, I'm gonna go make butties etc

Wish me luck lol

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Hey sweetie!

Right bum kick time mrs! Remember your holiday? Remember you goal? You can do this!! Just think, 5 weeks to go and I bet you could easily lose 10-14lb!!
Nikki<3 said:
Hey sweetie!

Right bum kick time mrs! Remember your holiday? Remember you goal? You can do this!! Just think, 5 weeks to go and I bet you could easily lose 10-14lb!!

Ah you make it sounds so easy lol but yeh! Deffo, it's time to get real isn't it :) I've had my week of crappy foods, I know I'll feel much much better in myself if I lost another 10lbs or so too!


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frankinstein123 said:
Ah you make it sounds so easy lol but yeh! Deffo, it's time to get real isn't it :) I've had my week of crappy foods, I know I'll feel much much better in myself if I lost another 10lbs or so too!


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I've had a rubbish 3 weeks and haven't counted cals or followed slimming world. So hopefully tomorrow this evil cold will have disappeared and its weigh in day! I've lost 1.5lb since finding out I preg. Wouldn't surprise me if that had gone back on since I'm carrying a lot Of bloat!! X
Hi girls

So it's been ten whole days now I've not dieted, I've had curries, cider, Haribo, chocolate, cake etc you name it! I've had it, arghhhh

So I've just weighed myself and it said 13st 11!! Whattt that's 6 lbs back on oh my god!

I'm sooo bloated, I feel sick and I have heart burn, not worth it is it :-/

Anyhow, good news is I'm back on it tomorrow, and I will be hopefully back at the gym soon because boyfriend is back on normal hours at work and won't be getting home at stupid o clock,

I've also got another incentive for weight loss, me and my sister are starting a 'band' haha a 1940's female singing/burlesque group, so I need to shed another few stone haha


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Just read through your diary from the 1st August (took longer then I expected but couldn't stop reading haha) and we seem to have such similar patterns in diets.

Near enough the same starting weight, same height and age, same 1100/1200 diet and seemed to get stuck in same places. I got to a stone lost also and it just stalled, 6 weeks went by for me and I had gained half the weight back (7lbs). Back on track now but totally understand some of the stuff you went through dieting.

Currently in my last year at Uni but during the holidays I work at KFC and can totally understand the rushing around, some rubbish colleagues, shift problems and sweating like a pig to be paid rubbish. Worst thing for me though was the free food, nice not having that temptation now atm. But some points you were doing really well, its just getting back on the wagon which I find a lot harder then the actual diet. Most of my weight was gained from takeaways and my god I still love them, but that was my downfall last time one big takeaway led to unhealthy food the next day and then bang six weeks had gone and I was 7lbs heavier.

You can do this, I seen so much determination reading through this and your weight loss shows such determination. Will be following your progress every step of the way now...esp after reading 100s of your posts over the last hour or so :O haha :)
Aw thank you :) that must of taken some reading! Haha

I weighed in at 13st10 this morning soooo I'm gonna stay confident and true to the diet,
Last night I felt sooo sick, and horrid. I really don't want to fall back into a bad cycle


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My pup got scalped on Saturday lol here's her before and after shot

She doesn't look happy haha

She does however look like a little black lamb now lol

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frankinstein123 said:
My pup got scalped on Saturday lol here's her before and after shot

She doesn't look happy haha

She does however look like a little black lamb now lol

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Omg I love her!!! She is just gorgeous!

This is my doggy Barney. Hehe we always take him to be cut because he gets so long!

Ok so are we starting a fresh hun?



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Oh ye! Back on it :) determined to win slimmer of the week on thurs lol

Aww ur pup is verryy adorable :)

I love my scoutypoo lol she's a proper doll haha

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This was me in Friday lol

1940's chick !

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Ahhh victory rolls!!

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Oats so simple 134
Skimmed milk 61

Ww thick bread 142
Ham 57
Philly x light cheese 37
Strawberries 32
French fries 83

Corn on the cob 96
Chicken breast 198
Ww dairy spread 16
Ww mini roll 77

Red velvet cupcake from Costco :-/

I shouldn't of had that cake! I would of been ok if I hadn't :-(

1384 cals

184 over

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Your hair looks really cool back there! Also yesterday was a good day! Anything below your basic rate will still make a deficit :) :)
Lets hope lol today has been bang on calorie wise, but the food I've had has been BAD! Two chocolate bars arghhh

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I just watched the end of season 5 true blood, omg what the hell lol I'm liking Eric more now, but in slight mourning for bill :-(

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Ww bacon 161
Egg whites 51
Spaghetti and sausages 182

Pasta 182
Ww pasta sauce 65
Quavers 88

Crunchie 185

Kitkat chunky 248

All I'm gonna say is, lol

1392 cals

192 over

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Fat club tonight lol I'm not feeling too shabby, I'm like half hearted dieting atm but I don't feel bad about it and guilty cos I'm counting cals but not being too bothered if I go over by a few

Check out this my little pony book cake I just did

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