Fear of Failure


Full Member

Hiya Guys

I am quite anxious at the moment about f**king my diet up...

I am about to start week five of the GI Diet, during the last four I have lost 9 pounds and I feel fab. However I am now lacking faith in myself - that I will lose any more weight.

The reason is that half stone/ten pounds is usually all I can manage losing on a diet. I have never exceeded this before.

Without wanting to sound strange, this time feels different, I can feel a different energy in me... But I am still worried.

Has anyone got any advice or tips on how this time will be different? I hope that if i can manage to lose a stone, that my attitude might change.

Others stories, advice or tips would be much appreciated.

Luv & Hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Don't think about it is my advice!!

If you think about it too hard you may sabotage yourself so just focus on the end of next month and what wait you could be by then.

Never dwell too long on today......
Great advice you've had already.. from a major 'loser'! ;)

I'd also say that.. but if you need to, take one day at a time, and acknowledge the achievement of each day as it ends.. that way the week or weeks won't seem so daunting.

remind yourself of how far you've come! and remember.. to measure yourself.. i'll be you can already see inches dropping!

Be STRONG you can do it!
And a tiny bit of advice.. if you eat something you shouldn't... step away from the rest of the food! Don't make a slip up a failure.. whats done is done, but you can move on! We're all human and all do it at some point.. ok well most of us. :p
Hi, I can really relate to this. I had a crisis when I lost 10lbs and then a similar one which took a few weeks to get over at the last stage.

Icemoose is right. Forget it is the best thing. I found that if I thought about the whole thing I panicked. I took it not even one day at a time, I just think about now - what choice am I making now at this moment. I'm eating a pack now that sort of thing. That's the process if you see what I mean.

The rest of the stuff only you know. How much do you want the change? Do the benefits of changing now at this moment outweigh the 'benefits' you got from being overweight? DO you still need to express the pain/anger/sorrow/frustration though you're weight?

Can you tell I believe weight is about feelings and not calories?

I hope this is of some help and if I'm way off base, just ignore me. But I hope that you make it through your weight loss journey.
Thanks IceMoose, Purple Hugs and Soraya - I think perhaps I am over analysing!

And Soraya - you are right my weight is an emotional issue. I never, ever in my life been at a healthy weight. I am finding it hard believe that I ever could be and I so want that attitude to change...

But like you say - one day at a time:):):)

I must believe I will get to 9 stone!
Sweetie, I feel just the same! I can not imagine what I look like lighter than 11 and a half stone (and that was temporary after a diet)!
So getting to 10 stone or lighter.. as 10 stone is the top of my healthy bmi range... will be all new to me!!

I'm the lightest now i've been in 9 years!

We'll hold your hand along the way and take the same steps as you!
You know I think everyone on a diet at some point thinks like this because we know in our heart of heart we want to be slimmer more than anything in the world.

I keep a diary of how i am feeling and try to analize what i am feeling at that point and also try to work out thing that would normally want to make me go and fill me boots from the cupboard.

Sounds like your doing great honey and to be honest I reckon you'll do even better because you have the fear of failure, you'll try so hard not to fail that before you know it you'll be the perfect weight.

Good luck! x
Thanks Purple Hugs

I think one of the best bits about this diet this time round is that I do have minimins, it is so great to have support and hear that others have similar experiences to yours.

So much healthier than having all my thoughts stuck in my head and no one to share them with (except my lovely boyfriend, but I can't overload the man too much!).
Thanks Mizzy, I've been keeping a blog about my weightloss (and other overweight issues).

At first I was quite sad about my weight and got into the habit of writing about my negative feelings.

However the last few weeks have been great - I have been so happy as the weight has come off - to suddenly start feeling anxious caught me off guard...

Thanks for your support :):):)
Thanks Purple Hugs

I think one of the best bits about this diet this time round is that I do have minimins, it is so great to have support and hear that others have similar experiences to yours.

So much healthier than having all my thoughts stuck in my head and no one to share them with (except my lovely boyfriend, but I can't overload the man too much!).
I know what you mean! lol
I type away on here, and spill out things i'd struggle to say outloud sometimes! But it really does help! ;)

Thank goodness someone invented the internet.. and then minimins!
Thanks Mizzy, I've been keeping a blog about my weightloss (and other overweight issues).

At first I was quite sad about my weight and got into the habit of writing about my negative feelings.

However the last few weeks have been great - I have been so happy as the weight has come off - to suddenly start feeling anxious caught me off guard...

Thanks for your support :):):)
That's really cool you can see a difference in your blog entries! Can you imagine what they'll be like by the time you get to goal!!
Ok.. i know maintaining will be hard work but at least we'll be at a point where we're happy to maintain! :D If that makes sense... lol
You know I think everyone on a diet at some point thinks like this because we know in our heart of heart we want to be slimmer more than anything in the world.

This is ceratinly true of a lot of us i think! :rolleyes: not for long though eh!? :p
This morning I am very pissed off with my housemate. But yesterday when I was very tired her comments made me cry:mad::mad::mad:.

I was feeling a bit fragile over the weekend and was tired yesterday, when my housemate proceeded to tell me that my job must be sooo boring (never say that to someone stressed about their job) and said I was chubby.

Made me feel like utter crap - she is such a stupid blunt cow and I can't wait for her to bugger off (she's going travelling soon).

Anyway this morning I would like to smash her face in, but I won't, so I thought I would come here instead and vent steam. GRRRRR:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Sorry Peeps :):):):):)
Some people just don't put their brains into gear before they engage their mouths do they!

You should pity her ... being so perfect must be a great burden for her to carry ;)

Hope she's travelling somewhere where she'll get 'Montezuma's revenge' and so can spout **** from somewhere other than her mouth!

Hold tight CC - You'll get to your goal and be all you want to be in every way: she'll always be a brash and insensitive mare (probably with very few friends too!)
Hi Curvy,

just keep venting on here hun...we all do it at some point.:eek: :mad: It's good for you to let it all go.

Ignore the stupid moo and let's hope her bags are packed soon for her travels, eh?!! She was obviously last in line when they were handing out tact and sensitivity!!!

What goes around, comes around...xxx
This morning I am very pissed off with my housemate. But yesterday when I was very tired her comments made me cry:mad::mad::mad:.

I was feeling a bit fragile over the weekend and was tired yesterday, when my housemate proceeded to tell me that my job must be sooo boring (never say that to someone stressed about their job) and said I was chubby.

Made me feel like utter crap - she is such a stupid blunt cow and I can't wait for her to bugger off (she's going travelling soon).

Anyway this morning I would like to smash her face in, but I won't, so I thought I would come here instead and vent steam. GRRRRR:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Sorry Peeps :):):):):)

Hi Curvy_Chicken,

Sounds to me like a wee bit of jealousy going on here and that is just to be expected.

Most of us have found some people would like us to stay the way we are as then they don't have to do anything themselves.

But, when you change one thing it does start a chain reaction...

Stay strong and don't let anyone take you down...Let them own their anger and silly comments for at the end of the day it does say more about them and who they are.

Love Mini xxx
Hey Curvy chick, don't let someone that negative get to you. You know how well you are doing, you don't need her to validate you. Try not to too worried about the weight, if you are sticking to your plan it will come off. I know that is easy to say but i am sure that it will. I think we all go through patches when the diet seems like it's forever and the results don't come fast enough. All we have to do is hang in there, time will sort it out for us so long as we stick to the plan. I am sure you will lose this week and you will be so chuffed with yourself. Love and hugs

Just wanted to say thanks for all the nice messages everyone has been posting, much appreciated.

Very sweet of you all and feeling much better now.

No one was at home (when I got back from work) so slammed a few doors - kicked the indestructible kitchen bin and feel sooo much better now. I know its a bit childish but made me feel better (had a day from hell at work too!) - you gotta let the rage out somehow and at least that way only the binned suffered!

Poor yucky yellow bin! Feel a bit silly about that now :eek::eek::eek::D:D:D

Big Hugs to you all xxx xxx xxx

Hiya Guys

Been trying to get at the bottom of why I was feeling low last week and now feel as though I have cracked it...

Blogged about why I started to worry that it was all about to fall apart and now I understand (see below).



During the last week I've been elated, depressed and angry.

Some careless comments reduced me to tears.

I feel better now.

It all started because I was thinking too much! I started to fear that I would screw the diet up and not exceed my previous dieting record of losing ten pounds. The realisation that there can be no going back and leaving a comfort zone disturbed me.

I hadn't acknowledged how safe I felt in being overweight. It's strange to think that you can almost find comfort in the things you long to change in yourself. I want to be healthy more than anything else right now, but changing is scaring me. Perhaps I am terrified to have faith in myself because failure now would crush me.

I think thats it. I am daring myself to believe that I can actually get where I want to be and f**king it up is terrifying.

Adding to my emotional seesaw of a week someone made some blunt comments which brought me down lower than I have felt in ages. But then as if magically some things happened which redeemed me. My boss hugged me and with tears in her eyes telling me I done a wonderful job in her absence and that I am ready to move on... And I received a paid creative writing commission.

Feeling tired and 'normal' today which is a relief. Haven't had the chance to weigh myself, so not sure what (if any) loss I had last week. Will have to try to do so tomorrow...