Fed up of being Fat at Uni! Aiming to lose weight for graduation!

I could really do with some advice, im so upset and dont know what decision to make. It isnt directly weight related but it is playing a part in my emotions. I dont really know where to start..... my boyfriend and I have been together for 3 and a half years, so all through uni together with all the same friends etc. We get on amazingly well and have been planning moving in together/applying for jobs near each other etc. for when we graduate in 6 weeks. During our relationship there have been issues with him watching porn and talking to other girls on the internet. Most of these girls are strangers from around the world but occasionally he adds them as friends on facebook! There have been times when he has been chatting to one or two girls from near where he lives asking if they are single etc.
When i confronted him about this he got really upset and told me that he has some kind of addiction to online chatting and watching things, he says it is a virtual release of all his stress and he would never do anything physically. He said he was very upset about his parents break up when he was a teenager and that during that time it was the online stuff that helped him to cope. He said he finds it hard to show his emotions and doesnt want to get too attached to me incase it all goes wrong like with his parents, so online stuff is kindof his way of keeping a distance.
When he told me all this i gave him the benefit of the doubt and decided we could work on it. However, whenever he stays at his house or is on facebook etc. really late at night it gets me worried.
At the moment i am staying at his parents house for the easter break.... last night i went to bed and then about an hour later woke up and he still hadnt come to bed. I went to see what he was doing, when i walked into the room he quickly closed the internet and took out his headphones. I was suspicious so decided i would check his browsing history in the morning. This morning he jumped out of bed and went in the living room with his laptop, i figure he was deleting the history (he dfd). When i went into the living room a bit later he jumped when i walked in the room. He just left the house so i looked at the history and for half an hour he was watching porn this morning, just after his mum and brother had left for school/work etc.!!!
I dont know what to do, im at a cross roads in my life. I can stay with him and move to wherever we find a job in the country it may be ok... but what if down the line he actually cheats on me. Or i could break up with him and find a job near other friends etc. this would absolutely break my heart, for the past 3 years i have been planning and thinking about my life with him. I dont think i can handle breaking up with him and seeing him out during the rest of our time at uni talking to skinnier prettier girls etc. So should i wait and break up with him at the end of uni,to spare some of this pain?
I just dont know what to do.... any advice would be really helpful!
Thank you
Thank you so much for taking the time to offer me your experience. I believe that he has never cheated on me as i do have access to his phone/emails/facebook etc. and there has never been anything which suggests he has physically cheated. To me the watching of porn is ok, however because of whatever issues he says he has this often leads to him talking to people online as well... and like you sometimes it has been men.
I tried to tell him before that i was ok with him watching just porn and so far since then there has been no evidence of him actually talking to girls etc. It just upset me that he stayed up late last night and got up this morning to watch porn. Im not sure if im overreacting to this or not? I always thought that while he has been watching porn at uni it was in his house when we werent together. I thought that if we were living together then he wouldnt do it while i was about but this obviously isnt this case if he will watch it in his parents house. Maybe I should explain this to him and tell him how much he has upset me.
I will sign up to the forum and see what I can find out. Its just so hard making the decision he is my best friend as well. Since coming to uni I have lost touch with a lot of friends at home and so without him I would be so lonely. x
Hi sophie

Im sorry to hear your so confused about stuff this close to your finals. The only advice i can give you is be straight up with him tell him that he's using porn a lot considering he's in a relationship with you. Im assuming here you are in a sexual relationship. As you said your ok with him watching it but not when your there its kinda rude and insulting. Ask him straight up if he is talking to other people in a sexual way and only then can you reassses what to do.

Sarah xx
Hi everyone,

Just an update on everything had a long chat with my boyfriend and told him how i feel about everything, so everything is ok at the moment. Think im going to leave any rash decisions until i finish uni in 6 weeks to avoid any upset and stuff during my exams.

Anyway on the plus side I am now 15 stone 10. This would have been less but I had two big meals out on monday and tuesday for boyfriends family stuff and then a burger king on the way back to uni from his.

I gave been good today I went shopping and brought lots of healthy food for the next two weeks no crisps, chocolate etc. I made a healthy spaghetti bolognaise for dinner and have saved half to half tomorrow as well. Im hoping to get to get to 15 and a hlaf stone by my target date of 15th april, so half a stone more than i hoped but im still very pleased.
Hey everyone,

Weighed this morning and i was 15 stone 12 so up a bit on yesterday grrrr. I have been good today so far:

egg white omelette with mushrooms and onions in fry light - 100 calories?
morning snack - plum - 30 calories
lunch - cous cous - 350
afternoon snack - banana - 100 calories
dinner - left off spag bol with sweet potato jacket, brocolli and peas - 700 ish?

so about 1300..

ive had 750ml of water and will try and have some another bottle over the rest of the day.

Im going to dust off my exercise bike and try and do 10km whilst reading my Marie Claire magazine!

Good luck everyone on your diets for today! xxx