Lil (big) Miss Cheeky
Hi everyone, felt the need to vent off this morning, my losses so far is week i 6lbs, week 2 10lbs and last nites 1.82lbs, I feel so rotten, despite the fact that my class was a nite early so it could be that and ive been constipated since tuesday nite so it could be that too, but im soooo sad, how do you pick yourself up from these things, my rebellious child is coming out this morning with avengence to say just have a greasy roll this morning with everyone else and too hell with it, but then my adult is fighting back saying, you know you've been 100% dont worry it will catch up with you next week. Oh my head hurts and its only 8.40!!
Sorry all, just needed to see this all written down,
Sorry all, just needed to see this all written down,