Feeling rubbish... any motivational ideas??


Full Member
I started Dukan on 12/12/12. Have stuck to it ridgedly right over Christmas too. I have never eaten so little on Christmas day (oat bran porridge, small amount of fat redced bacon, turkey and veggies for Christmas dinner). My rationale was if i can do it over Christmas whilst all that temptation is there then i can do it anytime. However i have hit a low. Have lost 10.5lb since starting but still struggling to want to keep it up. Any ideas? Thanks.
This time of year is so hard to diet, but 10.5lbs sounds fab so far! Are you feeling hungry at all as that can make it hard to motivate, if so, add more of the allowed foods in...there is no limit on how much you can eat.
good luck.
Thats a pretty good loss for just under 3 weeks! Well done, it's going to be hard to keep up that kind of pace though. You don't specify what's causing you to lose mojo - bored? Limited menus? Hungry? Family hassle? It helps to identify the obstacle so as to overcome it.

I think Turkey is a brilliant Dukan food, cos its even lower than chicken fat wise and super tasty. I've just done some turkey curry with butternut squash and cauliflower rice, even though I could have proper rice now I'm stabilised, I just like the combo. If you need inspiration, have a trawl through the recipe section, I always found something to have a go at if I felt bored with my regular stuff.

Hungry? Just eat more allowed foods. One of my snack things (instead of crisps!) was to spread a slice of cooked beef with quark or low fat cheese, chop some gherkin and then roll it into cigars - either chop as lady-like nibbles or scoff like a serious chow hound! Really takes the edge off the appetite and its totally Dukan friendly.

Whatever your stumbling block to losing weight, there is a solution and its waiting there for you to find. Good luck!