feeling rubbish


Mistress Mush!
well i had a good week last week. 4.5lbs:)
but ive been diagnosed with an ear infection and toncilitus! Feeling really bad seeing, ive lost the hearing in my right ear and have just been given a hearing aid! Dont fancy losing the hearing in my one good ear!

Just finding it hard to stomach the shakes and bars atm just want some bread, a sandwich or something!

Think i just want to get it off my chest :sigh:
Ahh hun sounds rubbish. :(

Have you tried some of the Water flavouring in hot water for your throat. Nice and soothing.

But also contact ur CDC as it may be good to move up to 810 while you are on the antibiotics.
Thanks! I had no idea that the antibotics might not work without food, was wondering why it haddnt kicked in yet!