finally taking control of my body

Studied from 1:09-10:07pm. I stopped in the middle and did yoga for 20 minutes because my back was hurting. When I was done studying, I packed my gym bag and lunch bag, and then went down and did yoga for another 20 minutes because my back started hurting again. It's 11:01pm and I'm in bed. I have to be up at 5:00 to get to the gym at 5:30 and do the c25k...but trying to make sure I get at least 6 hours of sleep if I can.

Nighty night.

I forgot to restart so it should be week 1 day 1 whoops Woke up at 5:17 and got there at 6:10. It was storming pretty headlights decided to turn off during me driving in the middle of the highway so I had to use high beam and basically blind all the other drivers. That was fun.

Forgot to add that I did 21 laps
I can't believe how sore yoga makes me. I love this feeling!

Just finished yoga. It's 9:10pm and I should be studying but instead I'm going to go to sleep and try to get at least 7 hours. Hoping I can wake up at 5 to go running.


I woke up Thursday morning feeling like poop. Everything hurt. At first I thought I was sick because I barely have my voice. But nope. It's my allergies. And my head feels like it'll explode and it feels heavy and ugh. So I didn't run today because I don't feel good.

Last night after class I did yoga and it felt so good.
Today was day 4 of feeling horrible. Also, last night we all drove down to the farm and had an awesome party which included being out in the cold for over 8 hours and most of the time around fire. And after almost 4 years of not drinking alcohol, I caved and drank. Lots and lots. I shouldn't of but Eh. Today I slept almost the entire day. I was awake maybe 3 hours to eat and watch a bit tv. No studying was done. Just getting my food ready for tomorrow and my gym clothes took so much energy that I was exhausted after. Now I'm in bed and hoping to sleep a lot more.

One thing I've learned is that stress will always win so I need to take care of myself by sleeping more, working out, and eating better.
My test results came back as all good. I still haven't done the 24 hour urine again so they're waiting for that.

I just paid $95.99 for this. Thought I'd give it a try because I don't know what else to do. So I'm hoping this guy can help me. He's helped a lot of others:

This plan comes with a combination of a meal plan and workout:
Program Length: 12-16+ weeks

This is our most popular plan for Fat Loss and Lean Mass Gains. This plan is customized to fit you and your goals. I will design the program based on several questions I will have you for you inside a questionnaire in which you receive after purchase.

I can design this workout in many ways, from lean muscle mass gains and fat loss to fat loss only. As previously mentioned, I will draw up the workout and meal plan based on the information you return to me in your questionnaire .

You are purchasing a meal plan customized to help you meet your goals. The meal plan is one meal plan telling you what , when and how much to eat, the times you need to eat, the duration between meals as well as what to ingest post workout and before bed. You will need to be able to consume a numerous amount of meals per day, as this is how you speed up your metabolism and cause the fat burning to take place.
We generally do a High Carb/ Low carb rotation but on occasion we will allow a cheat meal Saturday over a high carb day but only when I find this could be beneficial to the person.
I will count your macros up for you but I will not say it's okay to sub in foods that I do not have listed in your meals.

The workout is anywhere from 4-6 days training, depending on your goals and availability to workout with weight. I tell you what body part to work, how many sets, reps, rest time as well as ab work and if I see you need to do cardio, that will be added in on certain days of the week.
Please note that Cardio isn't our staple program to help you hit your goals, weight lifting is the most beneficial tool to cutting body fat. It's been proven that you burn way more calories weight training than you do while only doing cardio. When you combine the 2( if needed) , the results can be simply amazing.

Never worked out with weight before? No problem, I can start you out on a really light workout program, send you pictures showing you how to do each move on the workout, I can also lead you to videos showing you how to do each move. I put you on that from 4-6 weeks or until you feel confident enough to go onto a more intense workout program.

Please be available to train a minimum of 4 days per week with resistance.
I did turbo kick on Tuesday. Forgot to add that.

It's 12:02am. Just decided to finish studying. Still have a lot more to go. But I need sleep.
I start my new food and workout on Monday. I just received the email telling me about the food prep and work outs. It will not be easy, but I'm excited for the change.

It's 8:22 right now and I have turbo kick at 9:30 but I don't feel like getting up ONLY because I know that right after, I have to go to the library and study all day and night. Same as tomorrow. I have two exams on Wednesday so ya.

I'm excited but nervous about this new plan.
Day 1 has started. The work out....ugh. And wake up at 5....such a struggle and I have to do this 6 days a week lol I hope it gets easier.


I have to drink atleast a gallon a day because of the high protein I'll be taking in. And, he wants me to at least drink 1/2 gallon while working out.
Kickboxing kicked my butt yesterday.

I miss sleep.
Really not a fan of waking up at 5 in the morning to do yoga because of intense lower back pain. It feels half numb, half heavy pressure. And it hurts even after yoga but not as bad. I think today will be that 4-5 times of yoga in one day. I'm going to take tylenol and hopefully it knocks me out because in exhausted and then I'll do yoga again when I wake up.
Hiya sweetie !! How's the new regime going ? I need a big kick up the bottom too as I'm just not losing any at the mo. I upped my protein a few months ago, and noticed a difference, I try to aim for 100g per day but usally it's around 80g. Early morning starts are HARD ( and I'm one of those stupidly happy morning people,lol !!)

Diva x
I've had 3 exams last week so that's why I disappeared. I did do turbo kick on Saturday. I also started the 30 day shred today.

I need to start being kind to myself.

This morning i had six alarms goes off before 5am to wake me so I can go work out. I belittled myself like crazy. "Do you really want to look like this?" "You really don't give a **** about yourself. Maybe if you actually looked nice, people would want to be around you." "You'll never be happy if you don't get up and go work out. Don't you want this? Aren't you tired of looking in the mirror? Oh that's right, you ignore it instead" all while I was half awake half asleep but that last one is what made me get out of bed. I shouldn't be cruel to myself. Yea, so I did do this to myself, now change. But there's no reason to put myself down. What the heck is wrong with me? I wouldn't say this to another person so why say it to myself?

I did work out though.

I have to figure this school stuff out. I'm doing really well, but still have to pick classes for next semester and not sure if I'm making a mistake because I don't want it to be too hard. You know...full time student...and full time worker...not an easy task. I also can't get financial aid until my GPA improves so I'm paying everything out of pocket and I refuse to do loans and get into debt.

Food is packed, clothes for the morning workout, work clothes, gym clothes for turbo kick, and clothes to change are all packed. Now I just have to fall a sleep and wake up to 6 alarms.

It's 10:15pm and I need to be up before 5am. Goodnight.
I easily woke up around 4 to my dog vomiting so I made him chicken and rice and then went and did day 2 of the shred. At least I didnt belittle myself?
I haven't been updating but I have been keeping up on everything.

It's 1:26 in the morning and I'm studying for my math exam. I've been doing homework for 8 or so hours? No sleep tonight. Exam at 4:30pm and I have to be at work at 7 meaning I have to leave the house at 6.
3:51 in the morning. I miss sleep.

Also forgot to mention that I have a 5k on Thursday for thanksgiving. Not ready at all for it. And I have one on New Year's Day. I really should be training for that.
If anyone is watching the Ferguson news stuff about the police officer not being found's crazy here. It's 30 miles away but man they are doing damage.

After 41 hours and 22 minutes..I'm finally getting sleep. Good night
I hope you had a great thanksgiving, love!!!

Turbokick kicked my ass hardcore lol
On Wednesday I did turbokick and zumba. Ouch.


It's almost December 1st. Meaning one month left in 2014 to kick butt!

I have so much studying to do.