Finding it so so so so hard!!

Why is it I can't get god dam easter eggs out of my mind!!!

I'm really struggling to stay on track today and just feel like getting my shoes on, going to Asda and buying a easter egg and eat the whole thing in one go!!!!

Whats up with me??????? x
ur human sue, thats whats up!! we've all been there, in fact im there right now! if it was easy we'd all have been skinny minnies a long time ago. just stick to it huney, look how far uve come! uve done so well, keep it up!
Are you me? lol I was in Tescos on Sunday and was eying up an easter egg too but my husband removed it out of my hands and told me no :cry: lol

Dont have one.You'll only want more and then you'll get out of control. Try and resist!
Your both right and I know I shouldnt get one! I bought all new gym gear today so I think i'm going to go on my treadmill tonight and have a good soak instead to try and take my mind off it!

just out of curiosity, how many calories do you think are in easter eggs?? x
Nooooo Curiosity killed the cat or the diet in this case lol

it doesnt matter how many all you need to know is there's hundreds.
Ha, yeah "tooooooo many" is the answer!!

Dam it, I must keep thinking about my holiday, I wana strut around the beach like im pamela anderson and not feel insecure abut my body!! I know that if I stick to this diet I can reach my goal of being a size 10 within another couple of months (started cambridge a size 28, now wearing a size 14)!

I'm intrigued to know why today is the worst day i've had!! Bizarre x
I'm wondering whether Cambridge is right for me now! I love the weight losses you get but it's making me miserable at the moment and I'm not enjoying it at all! When I first started it was plain sailing, but then i had a 4 month break and coming back on it has been really hard. Maybe I should try weight watchers again, slower weight losses but happier person? x
You have done brilliantly so far, it must be amazing feeling dropping from a 28 to a 14. Only you can decide whats right for you, but I hope you stick with it for a bit longer as you are SO CLOSE! We all have our off days and weeks, its what makes the good times so much better. Hope you feel better about things soon...
Hiya and well done for resisting the Easter Eggs so far!
It seems to me that there is a lot in this self-sabotaging concept - we all want to get to goal yet we often do things that will deliberately stop us.
I'm not a psychotherapist and don't know why this happens just that it does!
You must remember though that you ARE worth this journey - however desperate these cravings become. You will feel so proud of yourself if you continue to resist the little devil sitting on your shoulder and calling you "Just ONE won't hurt!!!!". Like hell it won't. It will make you feel like a loser and not the kind of loser you want to be!!!!lol
I think it's brilliant that you have posted and, judging by the replies, there are several of us who are struggling so you have spoken for many of us.
Please stay strong and try to keep your eye on why you are doing this.
You are gonna look and feel fantastic and your self esteem is gonna be sky high after all this - not cos of the weight loss but cos you can say that you DO have the willpower and you DO know that you are worth it.
Take care, Please keep posting - we are all in this together
BLOODY HELL SUE...... look at what you've achieved so far. You have done BRILLIANTLY. (just saw your ticker)
Sue, its people like you who have started at about the same dress size as me and have lost so much weight, that inspire me and prove to me that I can do it! So thank you!

But just resist the chocolate, eh? I need you to get to a size 10 to prove that I could get there too!!
Hi Sue
Hold on in there you will get the result,if you need to do what i have done,brought an egg and will eat when lost 2 stone!! You will regret if you eat now!!