Finger Licking!


Just a quick one to ask if finger licking can take you out of ketosis??? Ive found myself doin it a few times lately an freakin out at the thought. I'm talkin after cutting a cake, serving the kids tea etc
Thanks x
I doubt teeny crumbs of food will kick you out of ketosis, there just isn't enough there to do any damage, so dont worry about it.
Lol, I kept going to do this too!

Things like testing my little mans milk to see if it's warm enough, and licking my finger if I got some of his jam on my finger!

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I havent finger licked yet but when making cakes etc I always panic. I am so scared of getting the taste them just licking the whole freaking bowl clean!
Thank goodness for that, i love cooking and always test stuff.. but have resisted it so far, and had to guess if it was ok as i was too worried to even taste a little tiny bit.
I have to taste as my little man is just starting on solids so I like to check temp even with heat sensitive spoons. I'm definitely in ketosis still.
Can't see finger licking doing any harm to be honest. The only thing you only need to be wary of is that if the taste makes you want more. A lick/taste may just tempt you, then it will do damage so best to try not to do it.
I find myself doing this a lot when i'm preparing dinner for my three little monkeys. It can be hard not to eat something after getting a taste of it though! Proceed with caution lol