First 790 meal


Full Member
Just had some really yummy cod and cabbage for my dinner. This is the VERY first time I have ever cooked fish and I'm really surprised at how easy it was - my cod normally comesfrom the fish shop covered in batter LOL Ieven gave the children the same meal as me - although they had new potatoes (in their skins) as well and they enjoyed it as well.

For pudding I made up some jelly this afternoon and split it in half (using water and mix a mousse), then once set I put the set jelly in two of those ice cream type bowls. I've just made up a mint choc mousse and and again split the mixture and poured it over the two jellies. So I've now got two desserts (I shall save one for tomorrow).

They look huge as they are filled to the brim and at the moment I'm stuffed, so I shall have my pudding later. This 790 is definately working better for me than SSing (at the moment LOL)