First shake - done!


Full Member
Ok - so today is the first step on my journey! Passed first test of making my children's breakfast without pinching the left overs! Have had a hot chocolate shake and a bottle of water.

I feel excited and nervous too. This time it has to work. Can't believe by summer I could be a different person and wear clothes that don't hide my body! After being a big lass for so long it doesn't seem real or possible.

Have set myself mini realistic targets and am hoping by August this extra 5 stone will have gone for good.
Just wanted to say good luck :) we are all here for the long haul so you've got lots of company to support you :) x
Thank you very much! So far I'm surviving day one and just can't wait to get properly stuck into it. So nice we can all support each other!

Good luck on your journey too x
Thank you! Shake was nice hot - quite creamy and frothy. Not had a cold one yet do will try that at tea. Just been looking at some before and after pictures on this site to motivate me till the end of the day!

We can do it!! X
Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great:D