First timer!

Hi all I started exante today!
I've done Cambridge in the past, but didn't get the support I needed, plus ridiculously expensive!!

Been doing SW up until 2 weeks ago. Consultant started off ok, but in the end not a lot of help and I've not seen great results (plus it cost a fortune!!)

I'm getting married in 6 months. I've bought my dress which is a size 16. I need to drop 3 sizes.

Current starting weight is. 20st 2lb not too sure about long term target, just all I know is my 6 month goal is to fit in my dress!!

So after all the waffling, hi my name is Shell and I'm now about to embark on TS.

Wish me luck!!!! :D
Hey Shell, welcome! With an incentive as big as your wedding I'm sure you'll get there, and fit into that dress :) 3 dress sizes depending on body shape is about 3-4 stone so you should manage that in 6 months no probs :)
Hiya shell!

Welcome aboard!! Oh a wedding if def the bet motivation!! I've been experiencing it!! Lol

Best of luck =)
Good luck! I just started on Sunday, so far so good. No idea how I'm going but I've definitely noticed a difference in my face!! :) thought it's ridiculous how obsessed with food I'm becoming! :) Just sat through a work cake afternoon and managed to resist. Funnily enough, I wasn't even tempted!
Best of luck - I'm sure you'll do brilliantly (and you have the motivation of a beautiful wedding dress too!)
I've only recently started, and I've found that the community is really lovely, and really supportive which really, really helps.

Keep us updated!
Thank you so much everyone!!!

I am so glad I found Exante. CD is so expensive and I couldn't stand to go to SW anymore to be told I wasn't trying hard enough!!! (seriously its for no one elses benefit of my own, so why wouldn't I try hard enough!!!)

Almost had a couple of wobbles the first day (wedding cake testing! DOn't even know why my wedding cake is going to taste like, I'm trusting the other half and my mum!!) but so far so good!

Anyone elses back hurt during it, like I have a dull ache between my shoulder blades, normally get this pain when I'm hungry. But I don't feel hungry!
Managing to do 4ltrs of water a day too!
Hi Shell I started yesterday too. So far so good. Good luck and I'm sure you'll get into your wedding dress no bother.
Glad to hear its going well. In on day 1 and have a headache. - although fairly convinced it is not diet related. Have you looked at wedding dresses yet?
Hey there and welcome to Exante, keep posting here, you will find it such a help. Good luck for week 1
:welcome2:Hi Shell. Welcome to the forum. 6 months should see you lose enough weight to fir into that wedding dress. I'm sure you'll look beautiful and slim on your special day. It will help to keep your own diary and also to keep in touch with everyone else's for inspiration.
Best wishes
Anyone else had this burning/dull ache between the shoulder blades as well?

Its annoying!
Think it's acid reflux, is it common in first week?
I'm afraid the noises come and go! They always seem to happen at embarrassing times.
I haven't had shoulder pain but I did have the horrendous acid reflux, especially at night time when I was trying to get to sleep! It comes and goes now but it's less often than at the start thank goodness.. I also seem to get leg cramp in the middle of the night which is quite random
Leg cramp is not enough hydration or salt in your body. If you're drinking a lot it might be worth adding salt to your soup. I used to have that problem in my thin days - I didn't add salt to anything except where it naturally existed, ate silly small portion but drank so much and diluted my natural salts.
I've had the leg cramps too.