Focused and Fabulous Friday


Right guys. It's the weekend. Official.

The time where we usually have a 'treat' night after a hard week at work and kids and the house and.... You get the picture.

It's also the time where we're most likely to start wobbling in or resolve. 'Just a wee taste, I've been good all week' or 'I'll get back on it again properly on Monday'.

So lets take a minute to think about what we want from the weekend. How we'll feel on Monday and what we're looking forward to. I'll go firs

  • I'm night-shift for tonight and the next 7 nights. It's going to be hard. My work is stressful and I have a tendency to comfort eat. 'I'll burn it off, it's an active job'. Obviously that's not true as I wouldn't be this size if I could 'burn it off'. 'Comfort eating' is a comfort at the time but then I've got days of feeling bad about it, and spending longer fatter.
  • I mentally want to have been resolved enough to get through 'the weekend' which I think is a very important thing for me. It's not a treat time. It's just a day.
  • The food that I'm craving is just that. A craving. It will be there when I'm at goal weight.
  • Monday is official weigh in day. I want to still be in the 14's.

That's my reasons.

So let's get hearing your reasons. Let's get focused. Lets get it going DOWN!

Tuesday is my 1st weigh in so knowing that will make me stay on track
Got a bf who loves to take me out fri,sat,sun eating but will defer some of them and eat protien and veg option and stay on track
Once again bf and i very socal people so no alcohol for me just tzking coke zero
Biggest motivator is my serious lack of clothes and that my size 12 jeans got muffin top slightly yuk.
Summer i cant hide behind a jumper or coat !!!
Plus food choices i make today will be reflected on how i will look tomorrow.
One day at a time :)

Thats my list :)
Got to stay focused this weekend as on day two had two weeks off plan almost intentionally but now ready to get back on it. I don't seem to struggle ketosis wise no headache and minimal hunger I guess I'm lucky struggle bordem wise especially weekends wish me luck!!!