Food diary - mainly red days


Wholemeal roll (B1) bacon, fry light egg

300 cals on cardio
150 resistance

Salmon & BNS wedges

Friends house for tea.......
Chilli (all free)
Boiled rice (4 scoops assume 10 syns)
Cheese (A1)
7 Doritos (7)

Milka bunny (5)

Syns - 22, A1, B1
450 cals burned
May have over allowed syns for Doritos as allowed enough for single bag which should have loads more than that in, and had very littler rice
Hoping eating rice dosen't cock my week up too much, I already feel bloated and sluggish due to it

Wholemeal roll (B1) bacon, fry light egg

300 cals on cardio
150 resistance

Salmon & BNS wedges

Friends house for tea.......
Chilli (all free)
Boiled rice (4 scoops assume 10 syns)
Cheese (A1)
7 Doritos (7)

Milka bunny (5)

Syns - 22, A1, B1
450 cals burned
May have over allowed syns for Doritos as allowed enough for single bag which should have loads more than that in, and had very littler rice
Hoping eating rice dosen't cock my week up too much, I already feel bloated and sluggish due to it

I dont eat alot ov rice due to the same reason :(
Im sure u will b fine drink plenty ov water :)
Sunday's Food

Omelette with bacon, mushroom & cheese (A1)

Starbucks latte x 2 (A2)

Takeaway tea.......
White pitta (7.5)
Chicken, lettuce, cheese (6)

Milka bunny (5)

Syns 18.5, A x 2, B x 0
Seriously aching from the gym yesterday - going again Tuesday after work as I don't think I can face it tomorrow!
Seriously knackered after being awake until at least 4.30am this morning - no more Starbucks for me! Clearly I can't hack the caffeine anymore ;)
Seriously knackered after being awake until at least 4.30am this morning - no more Starbucks for me! Clearly I can't hack the caffeine anymore ;)

I can't drink tea or coffee after 7pm as no chance of sleeping, what time did you have it? X
Monday 11th March

Whlml roll (B1) fry light egg x 2
Kiwi & strawberry
Roast veg soup
Scan bran x 3 (3) cottage cheese
Pink & white (2.5)
M&S chunky steak, sprouts, baby sweetcorn
Monster munch (5.5)
Milka bunny (5)

Syns 16, A0, B1
Gym tomorrow now the aching has subsided!
Tuesday 12th March

Scrambled egg, whlml toast (B1) milk ( A1)

Roasted veg soup, scan bran (2) cottage cheese

****GYM**** 400 cals burned, 45 mins cardio

Salmon fillet, BNS wedges

Milka bunny (5) monster munch (5.5)

Syns 12.5, A x 1, B x 1
**** 400 calories burned ****
hi. look at you! well done on the gym. youll be looking even more gorgeous for may. have you booked somewhere yet? im looking forward to losing weight after ive had the baby. ive put on a stone and 6 pounds so far but still got possibly 7 weeks to go. what do u put in ur soups by the way? xx
hi. look at you! well done on the gym. youll be looking even more gorgeous for may. have you booked somewhere yet? im looking forward to losing weight after ive had the baby. ive put on a stone and 6 pounds so far but still got possibly 7 weeks to go. what do u put in ur soups by the way? xx

My favourite soups are mushroom (2 large punnets) and a pack of celery - fat Fred Greek yoghurt to thicken
Or roasted veg - butternut squash, mushrooms, peppers & onion etc
Very filling of you put loads of veg in
Had a tremendously **** day at work so I'm off to kfc - there has to be some pleasure in life!!! ;)
My favourite soups are mushroom (2 large punnets) and a pack of celery - fat Fred Greek yoghurt to thicken
Or roasted veg - butternut squash, mushrooms, peppers & onion etc
Very filling of you put loads of veg in
Had a tremendously **** day at work so I'm off to kfc - there has to be some pleasure in life!!! ;)

Still not booked but most likely is two weeks in Egypt as want to do the PADI diving certificate but its meant to be amazing for it there ;)
Wednesday - started well, rapidly went tits up off plan!

Alpen light x 2 (B1)

Roast veg soup
Cottage cheese

Walkers baked (5)

Kfc crispy strips
Kfc fries
Kfc gravy
Kfc mini fillet (no mayo)

Caramel nibbles - a poor alternative to the caramel eggs I couldn't find anywhere!

OFF PLAN but thoroughly enjoyed - back to normal tomorrow!
oh id love to go to egypt. i know someone who went diving there they said it was amazing! thanks for info on soup. ill try week. am starving all the time now and want to make sure i fill up on good stuff rather than empty cals. xx
Thursday 14th March

Whlml toast (B1 & B2) flora (2) bacon
Fried egg (1)

SW minestrone soup
Scan bran (3) cottage cheese

Milk in coffees (A1)

Cajun chicken drumsticks & BNS wedges

Milka bunny (5) velvet crunch (4)

Syns - 15, A - 1, B - 2