Food.. its soooo last year..12 pesky pounds till goal :D

End of 11th week update

Hey Lottie

Hehe bleep me he's lovely!!!!! Juicy goss is below.. alas its not as juicy as I'd like it to be.. but i'm a good girl! Had about 6 drinks i think... no hangover... but could kill for a fry up!!!!!

Right.... Weight update...:

Well despite thinking I was never gonna lose anything this week, I have lost 3lbs.. bit of a shock (a nice one!) when i got my probably still drunk butt on the scales this morning!!

End of 11th week weight: 12 stone 7lbs

Weight loss this week: 3lbs

Total weight loss: 3 stone 10lbs

New BMI: 28.2

Now to important NY eve drunken shenanigans!!

Had a really good new year in town... seemed to me that it was a really good atmosphere.. but then that could have been because I actually drank!

Main news is that the sexiest barman (we will call him S) in the country fancies me... I have fancied him for months... alas there is a HUGE drawback.. he has a girlfriend.. so I would never do any more than flirt! But it is good to know that I wasn't imagining it!

Had gone in that bar earlier on in evening and he gave me a bit grin.. which turned into a bit of a frown apparently later on when he saw me chatting to Jon.. my mate said he stared over at me the whole time and looked unhappy.. Jon left to got to a party and me and my mate went off in search of cheese (dunno what it is about NY Eve and Xmas Eve that makes me want to give up decent music in favour of cheesy cr@p!) Somewhere along the way my mate managed to pick up two guys... one was 20 and kept trying to get off with me.. he was cute (and irish - always a bonus)... but I wasn't really paying much attention to him... We went back to my fave bar.. where my mate sodded off to the toilets leaving me with these two guys, who bought me a drink.. all the while "S" kept staring at me and nodding his head towards the two guys.. I could have murdered my mate! S said he was gonna come round to my side of the bar for a hug and kiss for new year.. but he obviously thought I had pulled.. I explained to him, that the two guys were nothing to do with me and it was my mate that had lumbered me with them.. he took the pi55 a bit.. but then came over and gave me a very long hug and I demanded my kiss.. just a peck on the lips because I know he has a GF. He left me to the two guys and Cathy was in the damn loo for ages.. she finally came back.. hugged S and asked him how she could get rid of these two blokes... she then chatted away to him for a bit...

I later found out that she had said to him how much he seemed to get on with me.. and she asked him what he thought of me.. he said he thought i was bloody gorgeous... she then told me he sounded incredibly regretful about the fact he had a GF (I of course already knew this).. anyway he came back over to me and kept getting filthy looks from his boss.. but he said he didn't care.. kept putting his arm round me and hugging me.. Cathy shouted over to him then that did he know I was moving down south:eek: He said no, asked about my job and I told him what I do and that I start new job on Tuesday.. and will be moving in 4-6 weeks or as soon as I found somewhere.. he pulled a sad face and said "don't go" I said I didn't want to as I love Huddersfield, he said I'd never find a bar as good as this.. I agreed (i missed out the thought in my head.. "or a barman as cute").. I said i'd be back all the time anyway.. he smiled at that but still looked well sad that I was leaving (*sigh*..what I could do to him if he didn't have a GF!!!)

We still had the two guys hanging around problem.. i stood up with S... but they kept asking me to sit down with them.. my mate doesn't go for guys younger than her.. so her solution to getting rid of them.. was to say she didn't do younger guys but I do!!!!!!!!!! I told S this (just so he knew lol.. coz hes only 21).. S said that they were closing in a minute anyway, he said I can arrange it for u and your mate to stay in for lock in if u like and said it would mean that it would get rid of the two guys.. I of course was all for this.. but my mate had booked taxi so she ruined it for me.. and told S that we had to leave :(

The two guys (anthony and erm I forget the other one) were asked to wait outside anyway, i gave S an incredibly long hug goodbye *lots of wistful sighs* and then me and my mate left and ran for our taxi.. leaving Anthony and thingy outside the bar!!!

Personally I think obviously S and his GF should split up and he should get it on with me... of course he is only 21.. so this is probably not actually worthwhile idea for him!!! I emailed him on myspace when I got home (he added me on there after I had added the bar that he works in as my friend on there), let him know that we had successfully escaped the two guys and wishing him an excellent 2007... I probably shouldn't have emailed him.. but what the hell!

Hope I go out this Friday.. I need to exploit flirting opportunities before I leave town!!!

Right that is the end of my war and peace for one day!!!!

*toddles off to dream of what could have been* :rolleyes:
He He, sounds like a really good night and just what you need. An ego boost to start 2007!! Bless ya, you sound so happy. You deserve to have them falling at your feet, you look bloomin fantastic (I never say this in real life, it's my restrained, don't want to offend anyone minimins word, LOL).

More importantly...12.7, that is great!!!!! You are about a stone ahead of me now, which just shows me, if I insist on messing about for 3 weeks, I'm going to stay the same weight (unless I'm with child, then I can be forgiven, LOL) - so am very proud of you and will use you as my inspiration on trying to get back into SS'ing today. I am now getting migraine eyes :-( as my sore throat has disapeared. Hmmpphhh! And I still haven't walked to get my car, it's because I have to walk by the PC to go upstairs and as soon as I see an email update, I get dragged back to the PC chair - excess PC useage without my specs may explain the eye headaches!!

Right, well steer clear of the fry-up (food dump it) as you didn't get where you are today with pork products and chicken eggs!!! Think Vanilla shake...... Am going to get dressed now... :) Chat later.
I hope that you are resisting the FU hun! Say FU to the FU is what I say!!!

You do not need it, think about the saturated fat - the fat that hides when the meal is warm but then congeals and clogs your arteries at room temperature. One of my old Diet 'leaders' ruined Ferrero Roche's for me once by telling me to see them as a ball of lard. Yuk!!!!!!!!
I resisted the FU... i had my first shake at noon.. and after that I didn't think about FU... just been round mates... she was just putting on their dinner.... roast chicken, roast tatties etc... so I left!!!!

I spent all morning either on here or on the phone in order to steer clear of FU thinking!

Spoke to mate who I went out with last night.. S volunteered the info about finding me gorgeous (and beautiful apparently .. never realised his eyesight was so bad :p hehe) she had just told him that soon I would be moving away and she would have no-one to go out with and he that was when he said it... he added the bit about his girlfriend then.. and Cathy said that she thought I liked him too.. but that was all she said about me liking him.... she never told him that I had been lusting after him for months!!

We're going out on Friday night.. I told her I need to go out every weekend now in order to get in as many flirting chances as possible... This Friday... just to make sure he sees what he is missing.. I plan on wearing size 12 dress which is v v v clingy and flattering (courtesy of Lotties sister)... its all black, very long and i think it looked good... gonna do a dress rehearsal at my mates beforehand though.. just in case there are some wobbly bits that I don't want it to cling to... but i never noticed any.. and i'd say i'm pretty self-critical!!!
I resisted the FU... i had my first shake at noon.. and after that I didn't think about FU... just been round mates... she was just putting on their dinner.... roast chicken, roast tatties etc... so I left!!!!

I spent all morning either on here or on the phone in order to steer clear of FU thinking!

Spoke to mate who I went out with last night.. S volunteered the info about finding me gorgeous (and beautiful apparently .. never realised his eyesight was so bad :p hehe) she had just told him that soon I would be moving away and she would have no-one to go out with and he that was when he said it... he added the bit about his girlfriend then.. and Cathy said that she thought I liked him too.. but that was all she said about me liking him.... she never told him that I had been lusting after him for months!!

We're going out on Friday night.. I told her I need to go out every weekend now in order to get in as many flirting chances as possible... This Friday... just to make sure he sees what he is missing.. I plan on wearing size 12 dress which is v v v clingy and flattering (courtesy of Lotties sister)... its all black, very long and i think it looked good... gonna do a dress rehearsal at my mates beforehand though.. just in case there are some wobbly bits that I don't want it to cling to... but i never noticed any.. and i'd say i'm pretty self-critical!!!

Do you know, I love dissecting the night before, it is what girly nights are about. Gossiping the next day and re-living all the precious moments. It's almost as good as the prep and getting ready! She needs to go out with you every weekend, I agree, it;'s not as though you will be around forever and so you both need to make the most of it. Am really pleased that he likes you so much, it's a real boost for you (we can just pretend that the GF doesn't exist in our fantasy and enjoy the worshiping).

Can't wait to see the pics of that dress as well!! Maybe we can have a sneak preview as well. I bet it really shows off your curvasciousness, which when really dig - a real woman, my BF certainly does anyway!!!
Have turned into a complete damn poser!!!! NY Eve pics

Somewhere along this diet I turned into a awful poser! I used to avoid cameras like the plague!!! Now I take pics at any given opportunity!!! :rolleyes:

Couple of pics from NY Eve (taken at home.. never took camera out with me incase I lost it!!! Drink does this to me!)... bit blurry.!!!!


Can't wait to see the pics of that dress as well!! Maybe we can have a sneak preview as well. I bet it really shows off your curvasciousness, which when really dig - a real woman, my BF certainly does anyway!!!

lol that means i'll be taking even more pics! :rolleyes: S likes curves btw.. i know this already (oooh and he has seen me at my worst - ie nearly 4 stone heavier and he used to flirt with me then too!!).... as for the GF.. I am sticking pins in a effigy right now lol.. and praying to the god of erm lust that she decides shes too young to have a steady BF and dumps him... I guess I could offer him a shoulder or anything else he wanted to cry on ;)
Wow Kirsten, your sure looking mighty pretty in your dress, so slim, you must be chuffed, when I lose as much weight as you, i'll be hanging out of the camera as deserve to see how well your doing and to be told it also.

I'd love to have an S to flirt with, sounds like the social life is definitely picking up momentum,,,can't wait to hear next Saturdays installment LOL..

Well done on this weeks weight loss, its great especially the week that was in it..
you look lovely, well done with the weight loss. I'll have to tax your dress, i think it's lovely.
Thanks for the comments

Curvalicious: Dress is from Per Una at M&S.. was in the sale too so think it was only £29.. i got a bargain for a change!

Just had half a chicken breast... I knocked myself out of ketosis after the alcohol last night, been kind of hungry..! So I thought i'd have chicken! Made me feel much better and stopped me thinking about food!

Was gonna charge mp3 player up and put more songs on it.. still not done this... also may be a good idea to iron stuff and pack for my week down south! Rather than doing it all at 6am like normal! I'm motivating myself towards doing this right now.. maybe I'll just spend a few more mins online though!!

Got up at 4.40am this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hadn't gone to bed till 11.30pm.. and took ages going to sleep.. so hardly had any sleep.. want a few more hours...!! Started dreaming about being late (I always dream about being late the night before an important appointment etc... freaky since I'm never late ever!!)... so i got up 20mins before the alarm..

All packed for work.. still need to iron the one shirt that i need to wear today.. i put it off so much last night.. i forgot to do it!!

Anyway still in a fantastically good mood.. even though I have to actually go to work!

Hopefully there will be a wireless connection at my hotel tonight so that I can get on the internet.. not being able to check my email for days on end will kill me if not!!!!!

Oooh today will be the first time my new colleagues witness my freaky abstinence..!! Have tetras all packed in case .. plus hand blender - coz didn't quite have enough tetras to last for the whole 4 days... right better get ready

Have excellent first days back at work everyone :eek:
Got up at 4.40am this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hadn't gone to bed till 11.30pm.. and took ages going to sleep.. so hardly had any sleep.. want a few more hours...!! Started dreaming about being late (I always dream about being late the night before an important appointment etc... freaky since I'm never late ever!!)... so i got up 20mins before the alarm..

All packed for work.. still need to iron the one shirt that i need to wear today.. i put it off so much last night.. i forgot to do it!!

Anyway still in a fantastically good mood.. even though I have to actually go to work!

Hopefully there will be a wireless connection at my hotel tonight so that I can get on the internet.. not being able to check my email for days on end will kill me if not!!!!!

Oooh today will be the first time my new colleagues witness my freaky abstinence..!! Have tetras all packed in case .. plus hand blender - coz didn't quite have enough tetras to last for the whole 4 days... right better get ready

Have excellent first days back at work everyone :eek:

Have a good day and fingers crossed, you will report in laters!

BTW, I have LOADS of choc tetras so can always lend you a few for Friday to avoid the blender thingy, esp if you are on the road already xxx
Hi Kirsten,

You have been a busy bunny ! Just caught up on your diary. the tatts look amazing, so do your other photos. You are getting so damn skinny girl, good for you !:D

Not suprising that the barman has made another appearance in your diary, seem to remember he was giving out good signals before:) Why can't he just finish with his Gf and sweep you off your feet. Of course he will lose his chance soon and there will be loads more new men when you have moved.

Hope the new job is going ok and that you are over feeling like the "new girl" (I hate that feeling in my first few days in a new job !). How many times have you had to explain CD / SS ?:p

Take care, I bet these first few days will be very tiring !
Hi Kirsten,

Hope you enjoyed your first day, I haven't had a first day in years, guessing you haven't been lucky enough to get a wireless connection in your hotel. Never mind, you'll have more to read when you do get online.... I know how you feel though I'm trying to figure how I'll cope without my internet in Newcastle, but seen as i'll be with a group from minimins I shouldn't go too cold turkey.
Hiya Kirstin, blimey - just trying to catch up! lol You look fabulous! Don't blame you for having pics taken! Looking so good there!

Hope work goes well - drop me a PM about where you're staying! Will maybe get together one eve for a sparkly water.. lol..

Barman sounds a dish! Nowt wrong with younger guys... will explain that comment when I see you! ;) lol

Dress looks lovely - what a bargain! Next year I will be slim enough to bag me some bargains! lol Once again, hope work is fab, have a great day! Love Jennie xx
Hi Kirsten
Loads to catch up on as usual! Happy New Year too! :)

Sounds like you had a great time, v exciting to hear about bar man again! The pics all look brill, your doing so well its amazing to read! V inspirational!

Take care!
Hi Kirsten, just catching up on all the action - who needs a life when I can read about everyone elses eh???

You look absolutely stunning:D You must be so pleased with yourself - hooray for CD!!

Hope you had a good first day at work, TTFN xx