Food.. its soooo last year..12 pesky pounds till goal :D

Hi Kirstin,
Only just caught up with the last few pages !

Congrats on getting over the hurdle of putting in your notice. Not nice but done !

Weight loss - is great !:D

Steve - what's up with the man, does he have s**t in his eyes or what ? But it is nice that he was a good friend and gentlemanly too, but a bit of an anti-climax for you I bet (no pun intended ! ;) )

Buster - sounds great, I love smiley staffies :)

As for swimming both you and Lottie-kins - flipping heck ! I am jealous really, when I lose a bit more weight I might have the confidence to go again and use it as a form of exercise. Only really doing walking at the moment.

Have a good week !
As for swimming both you and Lottie-kins - flipping heck ! I am jealous really, when I lose a bit more weight I might have the confidence to go again and use it as a form of exercise. Only really doing walking at the moment.

Oh Melissa, I'm not sure how much you've got to lose, but I hope that you soon feel confident enough to go swimming. I swam when I was about 18 1/2 stone - admittedly, I used to always go at 6:30 am, because it's always the same faces at that time, so once they've seen you, they don't blink an eye the next time. You might want to give it a try?

Anyway, on the positive side, the walking is great exercise. My doctor shuns all other forms of exercise for losing weight he says walking every day is the best exercise by far!

So anyway, good luck xxx
Hi Kirstin,

As for swimming both you and Lottie-kins - flipping heck ! I am jealous really, when I lose a bit more weight I might have the confidence to go again and use it as a form of exercise. Only really doing walking at the moment.

Hi Melissa

For some reason I thought u were at target... not quite sure why I thought that! You don't have a diary do you? I subscribed to one of your threads... which i thought was your diary... but then it didn't update so i guessed it wasn't a diary!!!

How much do you have to go? I'm not exercising like I used to, well the swimming is poss better than it used to be, but the running doesn't go quite so well.. i kind of feel knackered after the warm up... when i was built like a wrestler lol i could run for 20mins.. so its bloody frustrating to be knackered so soon now.. i think it may be psychological though! So... i do most of my CV on the exercise bike, set to hill program.. can do that for ages.. and i feel like i'm doing my bit.. then go and do lots of toning exercises. I def recommend the bike while ur on SS, it tones ur legs and makes u feel good... and u get to sit down!!!! ;)

Wow, my normal pattern of weight loss throughout the week has not followed course! Because I weighed myself today and I am down to 13 stone 4lbs!!! :D My BMI is now exactly 30... which means i am no longer obese, but just overweight lol!!

The site i use to track my BMI says this:

"Your BMI is 30 - overweight

Your weight is above the healthy range for your height. Losing some weight would be beneficial to your health and make you look and feel better.

You don't need to do anything drastic - making sure you have a healthy, balanced diet, the right amount of calories and getting more active will help you to shift the excess pounds."

Hmmmm is CD classed as drastic lol!!!! Only 1 tiny little pound to go and I will have lost 3stone..... its not even 8 weeks yet!!!! I'm v happy!!

Decided the change in my weekly weightloss pattern is due to the small baby i expelled (well expelled seems to indicate it was easy... it really wasn't, I sat on the toilet for hours last night in agony!) out of my bottom..... sorry for anyone of a delicate disposition who is just drinking their breakfast shakes... but these are the facts lol!!!!!

Hmmm this abstinence does nothing for our ladylikeness does it... our breath smells, our hair falls out (this hasn't actually happened thankfully... touches wood!) and we start talking about our daily (oh daily that would be a dream) movements!!!!

Oh and can't see that psyllium husks actually made any difference... think i may try laxatives next!!!!!

Bloody hell its nearly 10am.. i only just go out of the bath...! Decided i wasn't going to do any work today... Since i've done more work this week since handing my notice in than i had in the whole of the last three weeks put together!!!!
OMG... More happiness.....

I'm only bloody well wearing a pair of size 14 skinny fit hipster jeans that I haven't worn for like over 3 years!!!!!!!!!!!!
More Pics

Can u tell i'm excited about the jeans!!! I mean I haven't worn jeans for years! I refused to buy any jeans in sizes larger than a 14.... and these are the only size 14 I have at that.. all my other jeans are 10 or 12.. not even sure I still have those.. may have thrown them away!!!

Anyway..heres the transformation pics:

Night before diet started:

5 1/2 weeks into the diet and 30 something pounds down!

7 1/2 weeks into the diet, taken oooh about 5 mins ago! Not the best shot coz i had a baggy top on but never mind!

Oh and look v carefully... u can just see busters @rse on the pic above!!!!!!
Hi Kirstin,
(and Lottie-kins)
You skinny thing you ! Wow you can really see the difference in those photos and you look so good, well done !:)

No I haven't started a diary thread, keep meaning to but never get to it, I keep a blog and manage to update that every time I weigh in. On here I only seem to do a post about my loss if I get really excited !:D

I wish I was at target....loooooooonnnnggggggggg way to go !:eek:

I started LL at 20st 5 lb and am now 16st 9lb which I am thrilled about but need to get to about 11 stone for a healthy BMI so at least 5 stone to go. I finish LL foundation on 20th December but will carry on SSing without a break. I am 4lb off losing 4 stone so I hope to do that by 20th December.

I could go swimming very early in the morning I suppose, never thought of that. I feel very self-conscious though so not sure I could do it just yet but I pine for it....I love being in the water and am not a bad swimmer but certainly a few lengths of the pool would be enough for me ! I will get there, if I can stick to this like I am doing then I feel I can do anything !
Hiya Melissa

Wow you've done very well so far, you are at about the weight that i started at, I was 16st 3lbs when i started. I went swimming! Admittedly... I hated every minute of the walk to the pool.. i had to walk past the windows to the gym and the cafe/bar to get to the main pool!!!!! Used to kill me every day walking past in my swimming costume! Still don't exactly relish the idea.. and I still go when the pool and gym are less busy, because I really don't want to show my bits to half of huddersfield and i get lane rage like lottie, once I'm actually in the pool! hehe i know a lovely farmhouse B&B in Hampshire that has its own heated pool in a barn... maybe you could ring them and beg the use of it!!!! They have a little sauna too at the side of it.. I stayed there about a month ago!

I'd definately recommend giving it a go early one morning, or do any gyms do female only swimming days? It will help you tone up and could speed up the weightloss maybe.. either way it will make u feel good! And once you've been once.. it gets easier each time!

My first goal is 11 stone too, that gives me BMI 25... but i plan on doing either another stone or another stone and a half after that.... but I have to do it on one of the steps with CD I think, coz once ur at BMI 25 u can't carry on with SS on CD.... but at least it will introduce me to food gradually.. coz right now i dread eating again.
Hi Kirsten,

I've not posted on your diary before but have finally managed to read it all after having a good laugh (with you, not at you of course! :) ) at your posts on Lotties diary.

Just seen your latest pics and wanted to share a WOW with you - what a transformation in such a short time!! You look stunning - even in your baggy top and staning next to a dogs ar$e!

I only hope my weight melts away as quickly as yours - long may it continue! (well, till target anyway, would hate to think of you simply disappearing...)

Jeanie x
Just a quickie - Well done Kirstin (and you Melissa!!) on both your weight losses - you are both doing brilliantly!!! And check you out in your skinny jeans :) - looking hot momma! I'm glad that you finally ditched the by-product and don't worry, where else can you speak of it, if not in your personal diary - it's not like any one else can read it ;-)

Couldn't see Buster's bum, but there was a racoon on your wardrobe I think?

Might chat sometime tomorrow, but another busy day!!! I do not like busy days!!!! Got gym, then going to see my niece (3rd b'day tomorrow), then got to go shopping and then tidy up the house before BF gets home - oh yes, then get ready to go out tomorrow night again. and then Sat I've got niece's party in the morn and i've been volunteered to help make a buffet in the afternoon, so I think I'll finally get to sit down Sat evening. Want my days of doing nothing back!!! You are doing really well - def on target for next Friday. I've only lost 2lb this week, so I'm fed up, but I hope I'll lose more next week to make up for it, not sure that my 12's will be possible though :-(

Oh no, it's no 4 1/2 hours til my alarm goes off, I think I'd better get off the pc!!
Hi Kirsten,

I've not posted on your diary before but have finally managed to read it all after having a good laugh (with you, not at you of course! :) ) at your posts on Lotties diary.

Just seen your latest pics and wanted to share a WOW with you - what a transformation in such a short time!! You look stunning - even in your baggy top and staning next to a dogs ar$e!

I only hope my weight melts away as quickly as yours - long may it continue! (well, till target anyway, would hate to think of you simply disappearing...)

Jeanie x

Hi Jeanie

thanks for the comment, made me giggle... the dogs @rse (and the rest of him!)tends to follow me around all the time, so its a permanent fixture!

I'm jealous of ur busy days!! I didn't do any work yesterday and not doing any today either... but as a result i ended up bored!!!! My own fault I guess! But next week I have a busy week, South Wales, Devon, Dorset, West and East Sussex, London, Bucks and Notts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not actually sure I can fit all those in.. plus worried about how much I spend on my expenses so near xmas... I pay out of my own pocket and then work are supposed to replenish weekly... but they aren't exactly reliable!!! Wish they would just send me on garden leave for the next two weeks!!!!!!

Off to gym in a mo myself, then will prob do not a lot until 1pm when i have to go meet my CDC for my next four weeks supply.. which is good coz i've ran out of vanilla again!!!!! Off to a gig tonight in Leeds (band from London, off myspace, lovely guys - met them before).. not decided what to wear.. wanted to wear my dress... and go into town or Leedsafterwards, but mate is being bloody boring and wants to be in early!!!!!!!!!!! So I may as well wear my jeans now that they fit me... but at this rate the dress will be too big to wear if no-one bloody goes out soon!!!! My mate is a complete waste of space sometimes!!!! I think shes sulking coz i asked her to get a train to Leeds, instead of me picking her up when she finishes work.. but like she works an hour away... people think coz i get my diesel paid that I'm happy to drive all over the bloody place running around after them!!!!!

Anyway rant over! lol! Must go get ready for the gym!

Have a good day everyone
At least you can make sure that you conserve your energy for your busy days next week! Suprise suprise I didn't make it to the gym this morning, I still couldn't sleep after I logged off last night and even a CSI didn't get me to sleep (We sky plus them upstairs as usually it's guaranteed to knock me out before BF starts snoring, but sometimes I get into the plot - although it's usually exactly the same - never suspect the first suspect, it's usually the 2nd, who you didn't suspect in the first place). Ah well, I'll do some dancing tonight to make up for it!

Re: Tonight - hope that you have lots of fun - you never know, there might be some others going out afterwards, so you can always see sulky pants safely to the station and then start the rest of the night. It's usually the nights that you think that won't come off that end up being the best nights, rather than the one that you plan for weeks! I love band nights, obviously if the band is good (or good looking) that is!!

Fingers crossed for your weigh in today, but it sounds as though you have done fantastically! I'm just the same, 13.7, so I've got a week to lose 8lbs! Mmm, bit unrealistic, but as my usual is 5lbs a week and I only managed 2lb this week I think, I may have a huge surge when my period finally goes away (you never know!).

Right better go!!

PS - Welcome Jeanie, it's always a good read here because Kirstin just says it how it is!!
Swam half a mile... plus a bit coz i forgot how many lengths i needed to do!!!

Thanks for the comment moomin.. I get happier by the day on this diet... although i'm sure i bore my mates silly!!!

Just got back from the gym... I went swimming in the end.. as after my 4th tattoo rework session tomorrow, I won't be able to swim for two weeks, so thought i better make the most of it today! AND I swam half a mile... plus two lengths... coz i couldn't remember if i needed to do 30, 32 or 34 lengths for half a mile.. so i did 34 to be on safe side! Anyway i could have carried on... but then i always can.. its not being knackered that stops me swimming.... its being able to hear the water jets in the hydrotherapy pool... they call my name i swear... I hear them say "kirstin, stop swimming and come relax and let us massage away ur cellulite" Works every time.. love sitting in the pool feeling my flab wobbling!!!!

Lottie, the band are very good looking and very good! They came up from London the other month to leeds, and I met them before their set started, had a drink with them, and then after they came and sat with us for another drink, they are really nice guys and the leadsinger is gorgeous! They are an unsigned band.. but they really should be signed as they are great.. the lead singer has the most haunting voice... fantastic! I love live gigs.... obviously usually rock and metal... but this band isn't either really... its melodic rock maybe?!?

My CDC doesn't weigh me, I meet her in Sainsburys carpark! I just have to tell her what my weight is... I still do my official weigh in as Mondays as that was the day i started SS with LL.

I reckon u can do the 8lbs loss... once the TOM ends u could lose 2 or 3lbs just like that.. its mine next week, so i could slow down too :(
LOL on your 34 lengths! And achieving your half a mile before the hydrotherapy room started calling you!! I know what you mean though!!

Thats nice that you are in with the band and they are gorgeous - you'll have to take some pics, or I wont believe you when they are famous and you say.. that was the band that I'm on about. I think it's a sign of your age that you are now liking melodic rock, it's a proven scientific fact that you can't mosh over the age of 35 because the brain starts to become dislodged from the skull ;-) , so your tastes change to accomodate this. **thinks to self, what am I talking about?**

Well, I hope that you have a great night hun! I've been a bit naughty and agreed to let my sister drive, as I am slightly feeling the need for a couple of JD's.

I haven't had a busy day at all you know, I've been dossing at my sisters house with my niece who is three today. Shes been an angel and I couldn't drag myself away!!

Right, I guess I better but the shopping away, I can hear the frozen stuff defrosting!

Thanks for the advice on my thread about laxatives, do you know, I took one this morning (another brand) and I'm starting to regret it as I'm going out tonight and have seen no affect so far. I should've took before bed, oh no!!!

Chat soon xxxx
My CDC doesn't weigh me, I meet her in Sainsburys carpark! I just have to tell her what my weight is...

LOL just picturing you being watched by plain clothes CID as you hand over the cash to your CD dealer in Sainsburys carpark! :cool:
You certainly 'Taste the difference', that's for sure! :p
Not seen any Jamie Oliver CD recipes yet tho...

Jeanie x
LOL! Shimsham
Is a total nightmare trying to stick to only drinking sparkling water when out on the town. Went to see a gig in Leeds last night, playing at The Vine (a total dive!), I asked for sparkling mineral water... they didn't have any.. he pointed at the fridge and said all we have is Bottles of becks, cans of John Smith and something else.. or alternatively he had 2 litre bottles of coke!! I said don't u have any soda water on tap thingy, he said no it doesn't work!!!!!!!

He then found some bottles of low cal tonic water.. so i had one of those.. carbs on label said trace! Before the band came on, I nipped to a wine bar up the road and bought two bottles of sparkling water and smuggled them in back in the vine!!!

On the bright side the band were as brilliant as normal :).. and have decided that not only is the lead singer gorgeous.. i really really really fancy the guitarist! Was a surprise.. i never fancied him last time i met him! Anyway he was really really chatty after their set, thanked me for the blog and pics I did following the last gig i went to, its on my myspace page. I told him I was moving down south and he said in that case I should come see them in Camden (where they regularly play), I said I would, he asked if i was moving down south on my own or with a boyfriend.. I said on my own ..... my mate is now hugely jealous, coz she liked him from the v first time she met him! Anyway they were going out round leeds after the gig, but i ballsed up and said we were off back to hudds.. i hadn't realised they were staying.. last time they gigged in leeds they went straight back to london, I had told them then they should stay over next time... duh! Anyway i told them the best places to go out and said i'd see them in Jan when they are up here again.. Ooooh damn the guitarist is HOT!!!! :p

Just got back from tattooist, had my third tattoo on my back fully reworked now.. that is them all reworked... just needs the extra tribal design doing.. booked in for 30 December... will be all finished then! I'm now back to two weeks without training at the gym :(

Still 13st 4lbs today.. hope the last 1lb goes before monday so I will have done a full 3 stone loss in 8 weeks exactly :)
I knew that you wouldn't let me down, I tuned in for some hot girly gossip and you've provided :D , so thanks!!! I like the fact that you've laid the ground-work for some heavy-duty flirting an identified another potential male on the cards. :D

Well done on staying good despite the odds - yes some pubs laugh at you when you want to try and have something like sparkling water, but you did well looking for an alternative plan.

I'm sure that you can get that extra pound off this weekend, so you can say that you lost 3 stone in 8 weeks, my fingers are crossed for you!!! I was still the same today, so I really do not know what has happened, I've never gone this long without losing before on SS, so I just do not understand. It's not like I've deviated. I ruddy feel like it though, I can smell BF cooking onions - he even lost 3lbs this week on WW, so he beat me this week. I'll just have to perservere though and keep remembering, I'm only 2lb off my 2 stone in nearly 4 weeks. Do you know, I think I'm not having enough water, i think I'm going to have 3 litres before bed!! yes, thats my plan!

Oups sorry, got carried away and it isn't my own thread! Right I'm off to watch telly and drink water!!!