found a lump.......

sending you massive loves and positive vibes. Totally agree with fillymum. Youl be just fine poppit, dont let it stress you too much otherwise youl feel even worse.

keep us update wont ya! xxxxxxxxxx
thanks again, ladies.
They say that where there's a down there must be an up and there sure is, I won a tenner on the lottery last night!

You keep up your sense of humour and your positive outlook and you will not go far wrong.

hugs xxxxxxxxxx
Hun :hug99: how awful, I dont know what to say, am sending you and your family lots of love and I'll be keeping everything crossed xxx
im sure its nowt nor summit and you will be just fine.

like sue said keep your positive attitude, you sound like your coping brill with the situation.

im with everyone else waiting to see how you get on, shall be thinking off you x
Rosie, sorry to hear about this but as Sue has already said try not to worry too much about this right now. I had a scare a few years ago and was sent to a fasttrack clinic to have a Mammogram, ultrasound and if required biopsy. There were 6 of us in the same clinic and we were all held in a waiting room together and each called one by one for the different tests. After all tests had been done we were called back to see the consultant for the results. I was last :(. However, by being last I could see all the other ladies come out of the consultants room and every single one of them had big beeming smiles on their faces. We ALL had good results, me included.

I just wanted to let you know that, as others have already said, 90% turn out to be benign. It is tough waiting to find out but try not to worry too much about it all.

Also, to be honest, I was more worried about being embarressed due to the size of my boobs and hating anything to do with being examined. I had nothing to worry about, the staff were amazing and kind and helpful and understanding (just in case that was bothering you at all).

Thinking of you :hug99:
You are in my thoughts and im going to be checking on you. im sending you all my love and best wishes but i do have a feeling your gonna be ok hun xxxxxx
I too have been through the scare of a lump, although in my case it turned out to be a massive abscess (indeed, my GP was so worried by the size of it that he phoned me at home to double check the information I had given him and said he was VERY concerned, which meant as far as I was concerned I was a gonner already).

You will most likely have an ultrasound or mammogram, a physical examination and possible needle aspiration or a core biopsy on the lump.

I was constantly in fear of the worst case scenario, to the point where I was pretty much planning out what I wanted to do with the time I had left, the whole week between attending the GP and going to the clinic was the most surreal, terrifying and yet life affirming time of my life thus far.

When I was actually told what it was, it took me ages to take it in and actually realise that it wasnt cancer. I ended up having an op to clear it, and I was on a ward with three other women, all of whom DID have cancer and who were some of the most inspiring people I have ever met. They were so matter of fact about it, so positive, and so well adjusted that it just floored me, to the point where I felt almost ashamed to have been worried about what was going to happen to me. If they could deal with what they were dealing with so well, then I had to pull my socks up and stop being a total idiot about my fears for my own op.

As others have said, 90% of breast lumps are benign and this put the odds firmly in your favour. But if for any reason it is not, then know that you will find in yourself an inner strength and power that you never knew you had to fight and beat it, and that you have the best medical support you can possibly get. Those guys are AMAZING.

Good luck for your tests!!
love and hugs. to you and oh.
Well, had a phone call from the hosp at 7 this morning asking if I could attend at 8;30 as they had a cancellation.
Had me boob well and truely squashed and 30 mins later was havin a sample taken with a bloody long needle!!!! (I did ask for a double brandy to calm my nerves, but they refused for some reason!)
Two hours later, after a million trips to the loo to let out all the coffee i'd drank, I got the all-clear, so am good to go for a long while yet!
Am soooo relieved that I had a pint of snake-bite to celebrate!
But dr said the lump was big, and if it grows I may have to have it taken out anyway.
So pleased you got the all clear. What a stressful few days, I think the snake-bite is well deserved. x
Well said MadameLaMinx. It is more likely than not something quite benign.

I have a friend who has just undergone surgery and several months of chemo for breast cancer. Despite having been terribly ill she still says she sees it as a positive thing in her life and not a negative one.

Whatever happens, it is another stage in your life and you will find the strength to cope with it, as will your OH.

Sending you big hugs.