Freezing, stinky breath. YAYYYYY!!!!


Full Member
I'm freezing, my feet are like ice blocks and my breath absolutely stinks. I'm so happy!!! Hehehehe. Well, I guess I must be starting this ketosis malarkey - which can only mean that I am on the downward slope! woo woo! Never thought I'd be so happy to be cold and stink! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
lol woohoo one step closer lol x
i too stink and my feet are like ice aint it great.ha ha
Wahoo for Ketosis!!! Also if we're cold our bodies will be burning more calories to keep us warm!!!!! :clap::clap::clap:
Had a check up at the dentist today and was really aware of my stinky breath, was so bad that after telling me my teeth were great the dentist suggested i see the hygienist!
Whoops a daisy!! Ah well, at least there's no food getting stuck in our teggies to make our teeth rot- the dentist should be very pleased! Can we use breath freshener spray?
You can use a spray but I'm not sure if you can use any or just a specific one. I chew sugar free gum all the time (with no negative effects) and had only just taken it out of my mouth when i sat in the chair but still stank :eek:)