Well done Red and Whoopee Sugar fiend - a serious contender for the Friday balloon (usually awarded on Sunday - we're an odd bunch) x
I've decided to weigh in on Fridays too.

It's my first weigh in and I'm really proud of my -4, not having done much more exercise than usual. To think of the incredible portions I used to eat; my metabolism mustn't be that useless after all. I've been incredibly good with my diet, I'm really impressed with myself.

I saw Cadbury Cream Eggs today and was craving it like mad, but then I resisted it and bought a scale instead :D

I also got myself a special non-food treat for surviving the first week so well, yay me :)

Also, on an unrelated note, I put my ring on this morning and I had to take it off cos it wouldn't stay anymore, it just slipped off. Why is that? Perhaps because I've been drinking more water than usual so I'm less swollen? I get water retention you see. But can you lose weight in your hands? I know you can in your feet... odd!
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:welcome: Hi Peachy - welcome to Friday Girls :) and very well done for your first weigh in - a brilliant result! Well done also for resisting those chocolate eggs :)

Your experience with the ring is not all that surprising - ask many pregnant women (some people even speculate that the mona lisa was a pregnant woman who had to take her wedding ring off but the jury's out on that one). Water retention is a strange thing and can cause swelling all over the body - if you are drinking more water you will probably be dispersing that retained water which is a good thing to do.

You won't get the Friday Girls balloon this week as someone has already posted a wopping 6lb loss but keep going and maybe next week you'll be in the running - we don't always get 6lb losses on here.

Enjoy your weightloss journey - we'll be happy to share it with you x :)
Of course you lose weight on your hands! Have you never seen someone with really fat hands/fingers? they don't stay that size when you lose weight!
Thanks for the clarification Taz, I guess I'd never noticed. I'm really not visual you see.

Gemstone, thank you for welcoming me :) Looking forward to next week already. Good idea for the balloon, that's really sweet.
We;re a friendly bunch so keep stopping by x
Ooh I'd love to join you Friday ladies if I may. Mine and dh's first week. We're generally following the rules of RC's low gi hip and thigh, vaguely counting calories and making small moves to up our activity levels (yep a small bit of everything, and all of nothing!)

First weigh in last night. Relying on the wii fit board to keep count for us. I've lost 4lb and dh has lost 5! We were really pleased, even if after being that well behaved, it makes you wish you could just hop on and see you'd lost a stone! lol

Tonight for a treat I'll be having 100 cal worth of ww carrot cake and a small glass of wine, then its back to being well behaved (well that is VERY well behaved for me before all this)

Exciting to see people have lost as much as 6lb. I don't suppose our losses will be as high from now on, but we'll see :)
Welcome, I'm a new Friday girl too. Well done on your losses, similar to mine really :) Although it seems that first week losses are bigger than others, I think it's nature's way of encouraging us to continue when we'll probably only be losing 1-2 pounds a week. If only every week was a first week...

Carrot cake and wine as a reward: good choice! That's probably what I'd have too, but I bought myself a nice new makeup bag instead. Trying not to reward myself with food you see, I wish I could do it sensibly tho, well done if you can manage that. One day maybe :)
the whole being sensible thing does worry me long term. As a rule, on a saturday night, I'd be a whole bottle of wine and a giant bag of crisps, and possibly some chocolate kind of girl. But I'm trying to look at this long term, trying to think how best we can keep this up as a lifestyle rather than a short-term fad we can't continue.

Well lets see if I can stop at one slice of cake and one glass of wine, and go on from there. I'm sure I will. Its not necessarily will power as such, I'm just really stubborn so I'll use that to my advantage if I can!
:welcome: to Friday Girls Hobbesy and Dh - well done on your fantastic start. Posting WI results here starts on Friday morning but we can be flexible as the balloon (a bit of fun competition between us) is not usually awarded until Sunday. I wish you much luck during the coming week x :)
Hello everyone,

I finally braved the scales after and extended diet free Christmas period :eek: and I have actually only gained 3lbs which for me is amazing, it could easily have been a stone of more... So roll on next week lets hope I can get rid of those squatters in the first week!!!

Well done everyone, some great losses and welcome to our newbies :)

Karen x
Well done Karen - I don't think I'll be that lucky - I feel HUGE!!!! I was gonna jump on this morning but OH was in the bathroom so I went downstairs instead - somehow didn't get round to it - tomorrow perhaps x
Am really dreading weigh in #2. Been really good this week and managed to not have cake on my flatmate's birthday (chuffed, tho was really wanting some).

Anyone else get stressed out about this? Sighs.
Good luck Peachy - what will be will be - this is a journey you're on and it will have many twists and turns. Our bodies react in some very strange ways and the numbers don't always reflect what is going on - they are a rough guide only. During weightloss there are sometimes periods of adjustment and you may find inch loss instead of weightloss is happening. If you are exercising you may be building muscle which is heavier than fat - that is good but it may not show what you want on the scales. We are all looking for general weightloss but don't worry if sometimes you have a time when you are doing all you can and it stays the same - that's normal, healthy and is definitely OK - Frustrating but OK. I hope the scales are good to you this time x

Good luck to all Friday Girls x
Here is mine - At last something is happening - two nasty little squatters gone x

Gemstone -2lb :) (happy with that)
Hey - I've just looked back and realised that Sugar Fiend's balloon post didn't happen last week - I distinctly remember doing it on Sunday evening. Here it is again and well done for winning last week Sugar x
