Yay I got a Bawoon!!! Well done everyone

You certainly did - and you deserved it x

LOL I was looking forward to seeing how you got all of us on one balloon!

Thank you very much for doing this every week - it's a real feel-good thing :) Keep it going everyone - we're all doing brilliantly!

I didn't even attempt it - there was no chance! It's my pleasure to keep Friday Girls going - it's been a while now and we've had a few changes in line-up - I hope it will be here to offer mutual support for a long time yet. The balloon started as a one-off bit of fun but it became something people like so it stayed x

nice one girls!
we are all doing so well.
go us!:D

Yes we are (hides all the sts under the carpet) x

Hi all, I would love to join the Friday Girls for weekly weigh-ins. I have started Exante TS plan today so technically I should be a Tuesday weigher-iner (is that a word?) lol but figured I could have an early first weigh-in then stick to Fridays after... cos you lot all seem so friendly and supportive, just what I need to make sure I don't 'forget' to get on the scales.... talking of which I haven't even done my starting weight yet. Better get that done first I suppose :)

You are very welcome Pulp - come and take the balloon off us x
Taz I knew someone would like "person scales" and I'm not surprised its you!!!

Well done everyone on your bawoons and good luck for this week :)
Hi all, I would love to join the Friday Girls for weekly weigh-ins. I have started Exante TS plan today so technically I should be a Tuesday weigher-iner (is that a word?) lol but figured I could have an early first weigh-in then stick to Fridays after... cos you lot all seem so friendly and supportive, just what I need to make sure I don't 'forget' to get on the scales.... talking of which I haven't even done my starting weight yet. Better get that done first I suppose :)
Oooh coming in here with new words??? You are totally welcome! We like new people and we like new words. Pulp is a Friday Girl and Weigher-iner is now in the dictionary! :D
Great, thanks for having me. Now I can't avoid the weekly weigh-in! :eek: Do you do it morning or evening, or does it not matter? As I started on Tuesday should I do my first weigh-in this Friday after 3 days, or leave it til next week so it will be ten days??? :confused: Decisions decisions lol
Hi Pulp, I would weight this Friday. Taz weighs at a club on a Tuesday but weighs "officially" here on a Friday. As I gather from last weekend, you can weigh anytime Friday, Saturday or by mid afternoon Sunday. If I've got any of that wrong, someone will correct me :)
You are quite correct Nomad. It's for people who have a blip on the Friday and can't get to the scales - I keep the list open until Sunday afternoon/evening to give everyone a chance. That said, most people weigh in on Friday to keep it steady.

I think it is up to you whether you record your weightloss this week and if you do, whether you do it on the Friday, Saturday or Sunday as you only started on Tuesday. It's roundabouts and swings really - if the loss isn't good on the Friday weigh-in you could have something in store for a good loss next Friday x
Snap! 2lbs for me too - which has brought me to a grand total of 4 stones gone :D
Looks like I'm kicking it off again this week! 2lb off for me again

Yay - Go Tazzy Go :) x

Snap! 2lbs for me too - which has brought me to a grand total of 4 stones gone :D

Fantastic Moog :) x

Well here I am again - Queen of the STS - still better than the gain I thought I was going to report after a crap week with crap food and no real motivation x

Taz -2lb
Moog -2lb
Gem -STS
Friday weigh in!

Hi - I'm new to the Friday gang.

Started dieting (for the umpteenth time) last week - after the first week have lost 5lb. - with Rosemary Conley solo slim. (Did have a glass of wine yesterday, though, which I shouldn't have had.

Fingers crossed I keep losing!:)
Well here I am again - Queen of the STS

So does that make me Princess of the STS then??!! :giggle:

Well done everyone & :welcome2: to the newbies. x