From here to inskinnity! My mission to lose 13.5 stone!

Kath - I guess it is quite sad, but strangely I don't really see it that way any more. Don't get me wrong I wish I'd started SW and lost the weight years ago, but in the end all those experiences have made me the person I am today. I'm incredibly open minded, tolerant and understanding of people, so part of me wonders whether this stems from all the embarrassing incidents I've had to go through. Plus, now I'm losing weight seriously for the first time in my life (there have been other attempts but I did these on my own and they never lasted more than a month or two) I know I'm going to get where I need to be, so it's actually pretty bloody funny when I think about some of the scrapes I've ended up in! Of course if I didn't laugh I could cry, but laughing is always preferable! :D

Gingaling - Thanks! I really hope so too, I always get nervous the night before WI and I think tonight I'll be doubly so as I'm desperate for a good loss after last week! I feel like an addict who need their next weight loss fix. I get such a buzz from a good loss that it makes me feel on cloud 9 for the rest of the day!

Ann - OMG those plastic chairs! How I hate them! When I've gone to BBQ's in the past I've sat on the floor rather than sit on one of those in utter agony! Of course then there's the embarrassment of getting up again, which is made even worse after a few drinks, but still much better than being trapped in one of those green plastic torture devices!

I'm sorry you've had to go through similar things though, really at the time it's horrific, in a way I think laughing about it is the only way to get through it leaving your self esteem intact! Will be great to follow your story too, do you have a blog or are you planning on starting one?

Emma - Yep you're right, regrets are pointless! I can't possibly do any more so what's the sense in worrying about it? Having said that I did see that you can buy them online at Amazon for a tenner, which I think I'm going to go do to save me any embarrassment! Apparently size 20 and under people should be fine without an extender, but as my ass is much bigger than that I think I'll go for it! Makes me feel a lot less apprehensive about the flight anyway, now the only people who need to know are me and Chris sat at the side of me! It will definitely be a non scale victory when I can go on a flight without needing one!

Bev - All the best for tomorrow hun! Have you had a good week? I'm looking forward to getting to 500 posts just so I can read your diary! :) I guess it doesn't feel like too much of a revelation in here as everyone in this thread has helped me so so much and been really supportive, plus it is pretty funny when you think about it! :D

JMA - Thanks, I'm really hoping for a decent loss this week too! I'm still amazed your SW group has the green plastic chairs! You'd think they'd be a bit more fat friendly. At my group though around half of the chairs have arms! I've not tried them yet but they look pretty tiny! Even the wooden ones I usually sit on aren't the most comfy though, they make my bum ache about halfway through image therapy! lol.

Scooter - Well done on the 2.5lbs and your awards! You're doing fantastic, you must be so proud of yourself! Do you have a diary? I've had a pretty good week, 100% every day except a little slip up when I worked out the wrong syns for a subway and went over by 6.5, but nothing major. Hoping for a nice loss tomorrow!


Have I told you guys how awesome you all are yet?! If I haven't I deserve a slap on the wrist, because a kinder, funnier and more entertaining bunch I couldn't hope to find! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me every step of the way. It's so incredible to be able to talk to people going through the same thing who really understand what it's like to go through this process of changing your life around, at times it isn't easy but you guys are a constant source of inspiration!

Anyway, enough of that before it sounds like a parody of an Oscars acceptance speech! ;) I'm enjoying my 'rest' day today, got lots of articles done and even started planning the personal statement for my uni application form. Just had a shower so now I'm off to get dressed to go to Aldi with Chris. Just going to pick some cheap fruit up and hopefully find something I can munch on for tea. I'm after something fairly light tonight being as it's my weigh day tomorrow...

I really am nervous about tomorrow already. I guess I feel like I've tried hard now for 2 weeks and I really want to see the results on the scales. People at my weight tend to shift 3-5lbs a week, so I'm feeling a bit of scale envy at the minute! I'm genuinely happy for everyone's losses, I just wish I could lose as much as them! Nothing I can do now though except wait and see how the Gods of the scales are planning on treating me! I do appreciate I'm being a bit over the top here, I mean 12.5lbs in 5 weeks is hardly slacking, I just think that 0.5lbs last week hit me harder than it should have.

I'll be back later to post my food, but good luck to the Tuesday club who step on the scale tomorrow!
None scale victory time! I tried my jeans on that I haven't worn in over a year, and guess what?! They FIT! Don't call Models One quite yet though, they are a size 26, but 6 weeks ago I was squeezing into a 28, so it's pretty decent progress! Also tried my linen 24's on, they don't fasten quite yet, but another inch and they will!

I've taken some pics, I'll put them up at some point in the future (read: distant future) but I can already see a difference from when I started. The ones I took in Feb were horrific, but they'll make for an impressive before pic that's for sure! :D

Week 6, Day 7 - EE

Breakfast - Muller
Babybel mini (1/2 HEXA)
Lunch - 3 egg omelette with 2 slices of lean ham and chopped babybel mini (1/2 HEXA)
Tea - Morrisons salad bar - tuna mayo pasta ( 3 syns), beetroot, cucumber, sweetcorn, carrot, tomatoes, mixed beans

Total - 3 syns

Had a fantastic low syn day today and I've been drinking lots of water too, so those scales better bring it on tomorrow! I've got to have lost something as its only been this last couple of weeks I've started seeing differences in my clothes. *fingers crossed*

Tomorrow straight after weigh in I'm off my my swim, but then when I come back I'll let you know how I got on.
I totally agree that the support on here is invaluable. I think I bare my soul a bit more on here too than I would to my friends and family - partly because you get to hide behind the computer and partly because you know everyone on here is going through exactly the same things. We are most definitely in this together!

I had a naughty day on Saturday and went over syns but I've been well below every other day so I'm hopeful of some sort of loss tomorrow. I've been on SW almost a year now though and I'm only just over 1st from target so I do have to accept that I won't always get losses now. I know the last stone is always the hardest.

Don't get too excited about getting to 500 posts - I fear that my diary might be a bit of a let down!! It is a pain having it in the Silver Members but I asked to have it moved because I think a few friends and family were spying. God, 'spying' sounds a bit dramatic! I just mean that, like I said before, I share things on here that I'd never be comfortable talking to people about face-to-face so I really didn't like to think that they were seeing everything. Does that sound a bit over dramatic?!?!

Good luck for tomorrow xx
Well done on the low syn day some effort that and great news on the jeans I love getting into old clothes I bought a very nice Hoody well over a year ago never been able to wear it until recently now it fits perfect and feel comfortable wearing it soon though I do hope its too big for me ha!

Rooting for ya tomorrow Looking forward to reading some good news :)
Amythyst - Thanks for subscribing and good luck, I hope your first day on plan went well!

Bev - I'm sure you'll be ok, after all even if you didn't lose anything on Saturday hopefully you did for the rest of the week. I've heard the last stone is the hardest to lose, must be annoying in a way when you're so close to goal! I wouldn't want anyone from my real life reading my diary either so I can completely understand you hiding it away! I still haven't even told my partner how much I weigh, he just gets to know my losses each week!

Brit - Thanks hun, fingers crosses, I'm off to WI in under an hour, eeeek! How are you doing this week?

JMA - Aww it's so fab getting into old clothes, I know its early days for me yet but I can't wait 'till they're all too big! Nice to know ya rooting for me, hopefully the scale fairy will give me something today, I feel a lot lighter than I did last week!


My weigh in day ritual:

- Get up and try and go to loo
- Find lightest possible clothes available
- Try and go to loo again
- shave my legs
- worry I haven't lost anything
- re-read last weeks food diary to remind myself how I've done
- post about how nervous I am
- try to go to loo again
- go to cash machine and then to group! :D
Haha, I love your weigh-in day routine. Mines very similar, although I also try to eat things that I know will be light and not cause much weight gain.

Good luck for tonight, report back as soon as you can :)
I def relate to ur weigh in routine hehe
Im doing ok thanks been sneak peaking and dont seem to have lost anything but going to keep going anyway :)
Roll on thurs :) good luck xxx

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Bev.. i know exactly where you are coming from..i put my weight on here and wouldnt even tell my family my weight...daft eh.
CT..fingers crossed for you..but reading about your food i think a loss is inevitable.Cannot wait for your post!
I have had a good few days and have been taking the dog on much longer walks(bet he,s loving me being on sw) this time last year i couldnt really walk very far I am ashamed to say.Some mornings i really have to force myself out the door,but once i,m out its fine.
Breakfast..Oats with 1/2 skimmed milk 1/2 water,banana and cinnamon.(he A and of skimmed milk i use for cuppas throughout the day)
Lunch.. home made scotch broth(free)
Dinner..SW scotch eggs,SW chips and salad (3 i will have 2 and sausages are 1 and a half syns each)
Not sure about snacks yet
Okay, drum roll please..... I LOST 4lbs, got slimmer of the week and my stone award!!

Oh and if that isn't enough fabulousness for one week, I've been retrospectively awarded SOTW for my second weigh in, that was the one where I lost 4lbs but had to rush off after to go to work so couldn't stay for group!

I'm absolutely delighted! I was sooo annoyed with the half a pound last week, I know its a loss but I was just so gutted! Now I feel like I'm back on track, losing over 2 stone so far this year is absolutely incredible! I'm on cloud 9 right now!

Oooh and my C got it wrong this week and also awarded me my bronze Body Magic award!! I didn't want to point it out in front of everyone that I have another week to do, but I'll just do my last bronze week this week and then start silver the week after. If you're counting you'll have realised I have 4 certificates this week, my kitchen cupboards are going to look very snazzy indeed as soon as I find the blue tac!

The only downside is that in group I started feeling quite nauseous, I think it was hunger from not having breakfast (2 x Hi fi bars) till after my WI at 10! This meant I didn't really fancy the swim after, so I came straight home and had lunch - Low fat sweet chilli and coconut chicken flat bread for 8 syns from Morrisons - yum! I've got some delicious fruit and yoghurt for dessert in a bit too.

I love posting my loss and updating my statistics on here and the SW website. Plus telling Chris and my mum and dad how much I've lost is fab too! They are all so supportive and I can tell it makes them really happy knowing I'm finally doing something positive about my weight!

I can't believe I've lost 1st 2.5lbs in just 6 weeks! My target of a 1.5st loss for holiday in 3 more weigh in's is looking very doable - just 4.5lbs till I reach it!:)
That's amazing, I'm so pleased for you!!! That's only an average of 1.5lb per week for you until your holidays - which is totally doable xx
Thanks Bev, yep it sure is! Though knowing me I'm now wondering if I'll be able to break into the 21's for my holiday, but 7.5lbs in 3 weeks might be a bit of a tall order so we'll just see how it goes! x
Wooohooooo!!! That's excellent, well done misses :D

I bet you're well chuffed today - Did having the two hi-fi light bars feel like a treat after your WI? It always does for me, unforutnately I have to wait until 5:30pm tonight to WI.

7.5lbs is quite do-able in 3 weeks, you've shown that you can have good losses so why not try? If not, then 4.5lbs is definitely achievable.

I'm so, so pleased for you. Here's to another good week :)
4lbs is awesome :D I have only once lost a 5 but am always delgted by a 4- that's a 3rd of a stone!
I was going to say (before I read about your awesome loss) that if you want to boost your losses a bit before your hol then try a few Red days- they are daunting to think.about but you will get used to them quickly and they really speed up losses! You basically have loads of meat with some salad or veg on the side- steaks, fry ups, chicken, turkey meatballs, homemade burgers... You get your double HEx's too which is always a bonus! But if you try throwing a couple in this week you'll probably see yourself a lovely -4 next week too. I lost a stone in a month in June pre-hol (had already lost 3st so water weight was long gone) doing only Red, was an awesome boost to my holiday!

Your embarassing stories remknded me of one awful incident when I stepped onto my little sister's bed and broke it! She was there and started crying hysterically and ran down to a party of my extended family screaming "Sophie broke my bed!!" I could died! So embarassing and she made such a scene about it :(
I remember my dad telling me to try the trampoline they just bouht and I didnt want to break it so quietly declined- he said "it holds a lot of weight- 16 stone!" and I was way over that! A couple of weeks ago I went on it for the first time and my dad noticed :p muat have put two and two together, eek.

Who are you flying witg for your trip? Easy Jet and Ryan Air are cheapskates about belts and they come up tight. At my heaviest it only just did up and was fairly uncomfortable, nice to see some slack now! But I think proper less cheap airlines give a few more inches. I used to find the seats uncomfortable too :( at least you can bring the middle arm rest up though (fon't be fooled into the seats at the front with extra leg room or the emergency exit seats- they are narrower seats and arm rest doesnt come up!)
P.s. Have ranted about this before but drives me mad that people starve themselves until WI- ubderstandable for a 10am one but for evening ones it is crazy!
It sucks that you lost out on energy for swimmimg because of that :( if I were you I'd get in the habit of having one thing before next WI so you can have that one thing (apple or banana or whatever) each week and know that it will always be the same so you can see a legit loss each week. Besides- eating in he morning kick starts your metabolism so you are more likely to poop ;) hehe.
WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAVE KEPT LOOKING TO SEE IF YOU HAD POSTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today i have felt hungry all day,but just had an apple and a mullerlite plus my soup.Does anyone else get days when you are hungry all day?
Made a pot of SW chilli to freeze and had a big boob..i added baked beans instead of chopped tomatoes.So now have chilli with baked beans,kidney beans and chopped tomatoes! DUH!! Had a sneaky spoonful, and believe it or not, it tastes quite nice lol.Oh well. extra fibre I suppose.
I have realised I am not really using a lot of syns..and have read that this can hamper weight loss? As i do not go to a group i thought i would ask you ladies.I thought the milk in my tea would be syns,but,as i hardly use any on my oats(I use 1/2 water) the extra milk will be my HE(If you know what i mean) I have about 4 cups of tea a day,with only a splash of skimmed milk.
I also know i dont drink enough fluids.I never have water,juice or pop.So really my only fluid is cups of tea.It,s not enough is it?
Sorry for all the questions..its just nice to have other,s in the same boat as myself.
Today i have felt hungry all day,but just had an apple and a mullerlite plus my soup.Does anyone else get days when you are hungry all day?

I have realised I am not really using a lot of syns..and have read that this can hamper weight loss? As i do not go to a group i thought i would ask you ladies.I thought the milk in my tea would be syns,but,as i hardly use any on my oats(I use 1/2 water) the extra milk will be my HE(If you know what i mean) I have about 4 cups of tea a day,with only a splash of skimmed milk.
I also know i dont drink enough fluids.I never have water,juice or pop.So really my only fluid is cups of tea.It,s not enough is it?
Sorry for all the questions..its just nice to have other,s in the same boat as myself.

Hey Ann- I have loads of hungry days! But especially days where I have soup or salad as main- it just doesnt sustain me like meat or carbs, do you find that too? I usually allow myself to eat another small meal later if I get hungry as veg soup and salad is so low calories anyway, I want to keep my metabolism going rather than hunger slowing it down! So would have a bowl of wheatabix with a banana between lunch and dinner if I got hungry early, but would keep dinner light too. Good for weight loss to eat smaller meals more frequently anyway as keeps metabolism up!

Regards to the milk- I have seen other tea drinkers say that they measure out their HexA of milk each morning and leave it in the fridge in measuring jug or a cup so they can take splashes from that until it runs out- that way they don't go over their allowance!
I have to say that I am pretty liberal with SS milk, I always measure cheese though as I can imagine my 'pinch' slooowly growing to a handful if I don't :p hehe.
Defintely try to drink more fluids as they massively help weight loss- do you like any herbal teas that dont need milk? I have trained myself to drink lemon Green Tea with a fair amount of splenda to sweeten it and hated it at first but love it now! Has so many health benefits including weight loss/metabolism.

As for under using syns- it wont slow down your weight loss but it means that later you wont have anything to reign in on for the last tricky pounds when you are close to goal, thats why SW pushes us to use our syns at the start; like when you prepare for cold by wearing layers and can take them off gradually if you get warm. At the start having all your syns doesnt effect weight loss but keeps you on track rather than limiting yourself and falling off the wagon. I never felt limited so also didnt use many but started to as I knew it would make it harder later when one wants to decrease syns to nip the last pounds in the butt.
I usually do weekly syns so save up the spares for a nice meal out, a desert or some alcohol :) doesnt work for everyone but works for a lot of people! Or could use syns on butter or oil for tastier cooking? Or just allow yourself treats as you get cravings by having extra syns from the week before. Some days I have 5 syns, other days I'll have 25! As long as the weekly total is within 105 syns I expect a loss.

Hope this helps :) sorry for such a long post! x
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