From here to inskinnity! My mission to lose 13.5 stone!

Well done Cheese Thief you have really done well 2lb is a good loss need to keep positive mate! its a long old journey I have had days like yoou had and you came onto my diary and told me straight so consider this me returning the favour ;)

For us who have a fair bit to lose it takes a while of course but I have felt it go fast 24 weeks for me it took us years to become the weight we were and ask anyone losing weight 1/2/3lb a week is far better for you than having bigger loss doc told me this in regards to excess skin

All the best to you your diary is a very very good read and you get some good contributions just remind yourself of your stats and see how well you are doing

Be positive and keep smiling were getting there!!!
Hey hun!

I know it is daunting to look at things in the long run like that... When I started I felt like that would eat me alive.
8lbs a month average is really awesome though! I just got out my weight loss graph that I made a few months ago with my monthly losses and it looks like this:

Dec: -7 (xmas got in the way, so lost water weight the next month)
Jan: - 12
Feb: -7
Mar: -6
Ap: -6
May: -6
June: -10 (pre holiday Red month!!)
July: -4 (2 week holiday)

Anyway, so I got one month of water weight loss then averaged 6-7lbs... You'd be surprised how much that makes a difference over a few months though! But when I wanted a boost I did a red month and lost a pound extra per week. I'm not going to try push you towards doing full time red :p but I will say that after the first week and a half of craving pasta etc, you just don't anymore... I don't even think about red days anymore, they just happen, and I have my sushi/carby day once a week to keep those cravings at bay :D so let yourself adjust back into things but understand that the plan actually does get easier as you go on, be it EE or Green or Red...

I know that the idea of 13.5 stone feels crazy, but you will start to feel much, much slimmer way before your target BMI. For me, I didn't even bloody notice ONE NSV until I'd lost 4 stone... But then after that it all just felt fantastic. You are tall, so don't be scared off by seeing the goals of 9st etc around you, I've been getting 'slim' comments since I was 16st!

If you keep at it it really will fly by... It's gone like a blur for me, and you'll get such a rush from the NSV's as they become more frequent that you won't even care about how far away goal is. I know we are all desperate to get there fast, but as you said on my thread- being able to buy stuff at normal clothes shops will be such a huge boost for you, look at that as your first goal and let the rest fall into place :)

You are doing really fantastically and your attitude to food is really awesome! So many people on here go off plan every other week and it's a massive yo-yo, but you are focused! So a couple of trips away might put you back a week or two but that's OK, you've got to enjoy your holidays! But in the mean time, get that list of NSV's you look forward to, things you cant wait for and motivational pictures up somewhere so you can feel positive about things :) It'll be yours soon! One step at a time babe *HUG* x
Awww guys, reading all your kind and encouraging words has really made me smile! It really has helped me kick myself up the bum and get me back in a good place again, I really don't know what I'd do without you and all your support. Although I've got a lovely partner and friends they can't possibly understand what it's like to do this, whereas you guys do, so I love your input and help. Thank you so much for all the encouragement! :)

Mrs Ginger - Aww, bless ya, glad you've enjoyed having a read through! Completely agree that keeping up the motivation is the most difficult thing, as you've seen from my entries this week sometimes mine slips a little! I've yo-yoed about a fair bit too but generally I've always been bigger, the last time I was under 20st was in my first year of uni when I was 19, so getting under that number again will be a huge milestone for me.

Nice to hear from someone who's retrained too, glad you're enjoying your nursing. I honestly can't wait to start studying radiography next year. I really want a career instead of just a job, plus it looks so fascinating I'm sure I'm going to love it.

Congrats on the wedding, it's a shame you didn't lose the weight but I think we put ourselves under too much pressure sometimes. Sounds like you had loads going off in your life at that point. I know people will say that 'now' is always the right time to lose weight, but when you've got so much going off its hard to be in the right place mentally to be able to focus on losing weight, especially when you've got a lot to lose. This next year for me is sort of like a gap year before uni, so it feels like I've really got the time to plough my energy into weight loss. Soon as this training's over I'll have loads of free time again for getting back on the exercise wagon, I honestly can't wait!

You're completely right too, if I'm in size 18 trousers by next summer I'll feel amazing, even if I'm 16/17 stone or so and still got a fair way to go. I guess I need to stop looking at the numbers as much for now and just focus on the next little goal. The numbers really don't matter until I get within my ideal BMI, so I need to just stop worrying about them!

JMA - Thanks for popping by! Yep you're completely right, a steady loss each week will get me where I need to be. All this time I'm learning new things about cooking and healthy eating, I need to just enjoy the journey for what it is and not be so focussed on the end result. So long as I'm staying on track it'll come off eventually, like you say we didn't put on this weight overnight so it'll take a while to shift!

Soph - Thanks for posting your monthly stats, seeing them has really helped me to see that I'm not doing crappy, I just need to keep up what I'm doing and get some more months under my belt. I really am an impatient little sod at heart and just want everything now, which is ridiculous! I am quite tempted by a red month but don't think it'd be 'till January as I love my slow cooker stews and pasta bakes too much on the months leading up to Christmas. I'm aiming to get a couple of red days in every week though which will hopefully give my losses a bit of a boost.

Re: noticing losses, I can definitely tell, but now I want to see some progress from that point if you know what I mean. I'm just going to stop being so impatient and take each day as it comes. Thanks for all your encouragement hun, it really does mean a lot. Its only natural I guess that on a long journey there are some low points. In 4lbs time when I've got my 2st (well, really 3st) loss I'll feel loads better!


Well, today has been a weird day food wise as I've been in bed with a migrane for most of the day. Haven't eaten a lot as I've been mainly in bed asleep. Thankfully from around 3pm I started feeling loads better so managed a nice healthy tea and even got a little uni reading done.

Yesterday was my flexi-syn tea which involved a curry (chicken tikka massala), egg rice and popaddums with some bonfire toffee too! I really enjoyed it and knowing that from time to time I can have yummy 'naughty' food is really motivational too. It's my first curry in 12 weeks!! After I'd eaten it my cravings were all over and done with and I was ready to get back on the SW wagon for the rest of the week.

Week 12, Day 7 - EE
2 x rocky road hi-fi bars (hexb)
2 x mini babybel (hexa)
beef stir fry with mushrooms, onions, beansprouts, mange tout (sp?), noodles and plum sauce (5 syns)
kiwi fruit
Total - 5 syns

So yeah as you can see, not a lot food wise today, but I feel quite full tonight after my stir fry. Will try and squeeze a couple of kiwi fruits in before bed to keep my superfree allowance up.

Tomorrow night we're off for a carvery but I'm not too worried about it as I'm planning on a low syn red day lunch, leaving me with most of my syns to play with for gravy, a Yorkshire and a few roasties.

Right time for me to sign off and get some more biology reading done... Happy Monday! xx
Sorry to hear you've been in bed with a migrane- ouch!
Glad our posts helped put things in perspective. 8lbs *is* over half a stone a month :D that is pretty epic! I know it feels slow to have 2-3lbs a week but you'll probably notice people on here who get the odd 5 also have an STS to balance it out :rolleyes: I tend to have one epic loss, one medium loss and two that are either half a pound on or off or an STS, so dont get bogged down by constant 2-3's!
I made a really awesome beef stew once- the carrots went so soft and divine! Literally just braising/stew beef, stock and veg slow cooked- delicious and Red friendly :D plus can have potato as HExB on red.

Yeah I love my nursing career now. I did a couple of years in A&E once I'd qualified which was a fantastic experience, but the shift pattern wasn't very good for family reasons, and I'd always been interested in Sexual Health and Family Planning so when a job came up there I was lucky enough to get it and now have my dream role of Sexual Health and Contraception Nurse.

The only problem is that alongside work I'm now doing extra qualifications which lead home life to still be very hectic at times! Sooo much happier and more fulfilled than when I was doing office work though :)

I remember my application for nursing at university. I had begun losing weight which gave me the confidence to apply and I remember being proud as punch in my size 16 suit going for my interview! By the time I started I was a 12-14 and stayed like that for much of uni before expanding again!

My husband is eating healthier too. We are both on My Fitness Pal and logging our intake. It REALLY helps you to see what you're actually shovelling in. Hubby isn't really overweight (a little chubby) but he wants to feel healthier and its good that I have his support although I know he loves me whatever my size. I am disappointed about my weight at the wedding but it reinforces the fact that he's not married me for my weight and to be honest we had the most perfect day which I wouldn't change for anything!

I'm hoping I can keep my motivation up this time. To be honest from previous attempts I find that if I've stuck to it for 3 weeks or more then I tend to keep going until I have lost it, its within the first 2 weeks or so where I often give up - sometimes before the first day is over haha!

When is your next weigh in? Good luck for it and keep doing what you're doing as its obviously working x
Hi honey... Hope you are migraine free today :)....

Just popped in to say hello and also to show off my new half century button :D
Princess - WOW, go you! Congrats on your half century, that's amazing! Just done some calculations and I've got 12lbs to go 'till I get mine, can't wait! :)

Soph - Thanks hun. Yeah migrane has been pretty crappy and thrown my food completely out of wack too, although for once I've been eating too little instead of too much! :rolleyes: I guess weight loss is just different for different people, I've had a couple of weeks where I've managed 4's, but usually it's in the 2-3.5lb range. I just need to focus on how well I've done that week rather than the end result, one of the weeks I had a 4lb loss I ate loads of cake and went out for a birthday meal, God knows how my body works! I'm sure however I have my weightlosses I'd find some way to complain about them, it must be great when you pull a 5 or something but the weeks of STS I'd probably get really grouchy! lol. Having said that I'm still hoping for a decent number next week, a 4lb loss would get me that SW 2 stone award, so I'll hope for the best and prepare myself for another annoying 2lber! ;)

MrsGinger - It's great that you're doing something you love now. I bet its lots of hard work doing all that juggling with extra courses etc but it must be worth it to do a job you really enjoy. Ever since I was doing my A-levels at 17 I knew I wanted to have an interesting job, the mundane stuff like call centres and supermarkets just completely bore me to tears. I thought doing a law degree would lead to good things, but it turned out to be the most boring thing in the world and I'd have to move to London if I wanted an interesting role. So I tried different things, worked in a 999 call centre for the police, worked for a medical insurance company for nearly 3 years and started looking at healthcare careers like nursing, midwifery and radiography. Then after some work experience, signing up with the OU to get a biology qualification and earning a living from writing in the mean time (which actually isn't as good as it sounds, most of the time) I've finally sent my uni application off this September.. I honestly can't wait for the future now, if I get in for radiography next year it'll feel like a dream come true.

I'd love to be slim for starting uni, with 11 months to go and 10 stone left to lose to 'ideal' BMI I doubt I'll quite manage that, but just losing half of that weight by then would give me a completely new lease of life.

I really need to get into the habit of using My Fitness Pal, a lot of people doing SW still use it to track their intake and I think I'd find it useful. It's good your partner is doing it with you too, my fella started off with me with the best intentions but like most people has completely fallen off the wagon. He's still eating a bit better than he was before though which is good. I'm sure when I catch him up in the late 16's it'll give him some extra motivation to get the weight off!

Have you thought about starting a diary on Mini's? I've found keeping a log of things really helps x


Over these last couple of days the migraine has really thrown out my eating routine, mainly because I've not been sleeping properly and so have missed my pre work breakfast, which I've then had for lunch! Determined to get things back to normal tonight and have a decent sleep, so I've banned myself from caffeine from 5pm onwards which will hopefully help me settle a bit better.

Still not sure when my WI will be next week as haven't been given my starting shifts yet. Usually though it's either a Tue, Wed or Thur that I have off in the week, whichever day it is will be my WI day.

Chris made me laugh last night, I'd ordered something from Simply Be and he just came out with "I wonder what the 'B' in Simply B stands for? I was thinking about it and it must mean 'big'... simply big!!" Now at this point I'll point out my fella would never say anything to hurt my feeling and has genuinely been the most supportive person in the world, he even insisted on paying for my SW meetings, so please don't think he's been nasty! I just found it absolutely hilarious! When I told him is just stood for 'be', he was like, 'oh... but Simply Big would be better'! Bless him... Hmm, maybe this is one of those stories where you had to be there, so just ignore my ramblings! :p

So anway, Tuesdays food...

Week 13, Day 1 - EE

Lunch - weetabix (hexb) and banana with splash of milk - 2 syns
Snacks - 2 x kiwi fruit, 2 x mini babybel (hexa)
Tea - Toby carvery - gammon, beef, turkey, green beans, carrots, cauliflower cheese (2 syns), yorkshire (5 syns), gravy (3 syns), roasties (4 syns)

Total - 16 syns :rolleyes:

Week 13, Day 2 - EE
- Banana
Snack - Fridge raiders - 2.5 syns, 2 x kiwi fruits
Tea - Cheesy (hexa + 5 syns) bacon, pasta bake with onions and sauce (6 syns)
Supper - muller

Total - 11 syns

So yeah as you can see, not exactly the most 'on plan' couple of days. Though if you worked out the calories they'd be way under. Today I'm estimating is around 1000, which is ridiculously low! As I type this (4.30) I've only eaten the banana.. I've just not felt hungry. I need to get back on plan tomorrow and get up extra early so I've got time to eat breakfast before work and nip to Morrisons on my way for a salady lunch.
Lolz at simply big! If it were G he'd have probably implied it was 'simply b*cth' if it was where I shopped LOL

STS weeks vs 5lbs off weeks- I about dieting LOL. So happy one week and then so p*ssed of the next :p
Last big loss was a couple of nights after binge drinking and massive carb intake at the Japanese all you can eat place so that was INSANE, no idea what my body was on that week :rolleyes:
Partly the readon I WI twice a week is because it makes it a less big deal if my overall weekly WI is an STS as I can be hopeful for a shift 4 days later... Takes the pressure off a but while also restraining me from being naughty (aka going to that Japanese place) two nights a week before WI's :p

Hope your migranes get better soon :( *hug*
P.s. Doesnt sound like those days werent on plan :S one syn over followed by 4 under? Most people use all 15 a day!
I honestly think that syns are way better for you than overeating free foods... 15 syns = 250 cal, 1 'free' mugshot = 250 cal. A 'syn free' day with two mugshots as snacks is going to be less beneficial to ones weight loss than having 15 syns of chocolate! So dont sweat having all your syns (or even a few extra some days!) :)
LOL @ Simply B*tch! :D
Yeah I bet it feels crazy with those big losses and then STS weeks! I never know what to expect at WI though, even if I've been good all week, I honestly think sometimes our losses take longer to process than others. I'm on a chapter in my Bio course about nutrition atm, it's really interesting 'cos apparently if we have fibre rich foods they can go through our system in a day, but meals low in fibre can take up to a week to process - how mental is that?! No wonder we have bizarre results on the scales sometimes if we've had a particularly low fibre week!

Good point re the syns v's free food! I always wondered how the hell mugshots could be 'free', I know one for lunch or something is fine but some people really do take the 'free' thing too far and have 4 or 5 a day, just like with the 'free' mullers... I guess it's things like that that make me think SW is a bit daft at time, but then I guess the plan just assumes we have some common sense when it comes to dieting!
P.s Ooh and the migrane is fine now, but the day I had in bed really messed up my sleeping and had a knock on effect. Only 2 more days now though 'till the weekend and then my lovely part time hours! I honestly miss swimming and can't wait to get back to the pool again! x
I am guilty of have too mullers- there have been a couple of dayd where I had 3-4! But really, pasta etc is high calories and despite the SW plan, if we have a HUGE portion of it, god knows how many calories that is veing classed as 'free'. I think there should be some rules on certain free things really, or like a 'semi-free' list :p

TMI coming up (sorry!) but on the note of fibre... I have been having much less hexB this week because I am trying to cut out gluten- had tinned fruit a couple of times but no cereal/WM bread etc like normal... And I have had MUCH more regulsr pooing since :| like every other day! Before I was having to take herbal laxatives to shift more than once a week! I have technically reduced my high fibre content but am going much more regularly! I do wonder if that was a gluten related thing, maybe i am sensitive to it... Apparently it is extremely xommon and most people have at least a tiny bit of sensitivity to gluten... It isnt something we were expected to eat as cavemen, so I guess it makes sense.
Pre SW I would poop daily, funny how despite way more fruit and veg fibre, a lot of people say it happens less on plan!
Soph - I could seriously munch on Mullers all day long if I had the chance, the banana custard and rhubarb ones are my faves. At the end of the day though they only have 99 calories or so. I guess SW think it's way better to snack on them ratherthan chocolate and crisps etc so make them 'free'. The problem is people who can't handle portion control and see 'free' food as a challenge! *cough* :eek: 'Semi free' is a good idea, though I reckon SW use the 'eat unlimited foods' thing as a marketing strategy to lure in the fatties, it worked with me anyway, haha!

Glad the pooing is back to a more normal level (LOL, our convo's sometimes!!) maybe you were having too much fibre before and that's what was blocking you up. I pretty much go daily or every other day, but then I'm known to be a bit crappy with the hexb's!

Week 13, Day 3 - Red

Breakfast - Banana
Snack - apple and grapes
Lunch - Feta (hexa) salad with tomatoes, olives (2 syns), various leaves, onions and ff dressing - 2 syns
Tea - 4 x fish fingers (6 syns), baked beans (hexb) and wm bread (hexb) with brown sauce (3 syns) - 9 syns
Supper - muller and 2 mini babybel (hexa)

Total - 11 syns


Tiring day at work followed by tea at the parents, one of the perks of work is that I'm only 10 minutes away from where they live. Had a good catch up and I've just got home in time to do a bit more studying before bed, ah the glamorous life I lead! ;) Was meant to see my friend tonight but we both felt shattered so postponed things 'till next week. Thankfully tomorrow is the last day of training and from Monday I'm down to my part time hours.

Not really enjoying the job tbh, I never expected to find it thrilling or anything but for someone so ambitious and career motivated like me it's a horrible place to be. One call after another. Ugh. Still it's pretty much what I signed up for and I keep consoling myself with the fact that in 10 months time I'll be able to leave for uni. In a way its strangely motivational as it makes me want to pass my course and get on this radiography degree even more, just to escape! :D Anyway I'm not going to moan, if I see something better I can always go for it, in the mean time I'm just savouring every tedious, impossibly dull moment and turning it into positivity - soon I'll NEVER have to feel this way about work again, I can't imagine how incredible that'll be! :)

Finally got my shifts for the next week - off on Wed so that'll be my WI next week, 5 days to go! I woke up this morning feeling 'light' for the first time in ages, so hopefully I'll have a nice little loss by then! Had a look for a Wed AM group and I've found one at 10am only 5 minutes away from me. As I have 5 Wednesdays out of 8 off I think I'll make this one my permanent group if its nice. Really looking forward to staying for a meeting for the first time in ages!
Your doin so well, can't wait to hear how much you've lost next week :)

I've worked in call centres, for my own sanity I couldn't go back to it. Worked in one for just over 3 years.....hell on earth.

It's good your part time though from next week then before you know it you'll be starting uni, how exciting xx
Rae Rae - I've got my fingers crossed too! I'm not getting my hopes up too high though as generally the weeks I pull the big numbers are the ones I least expect it!

Agreed about call centres, horrible places to work! They've definitely become the factories of our time, but it pays the bills 'till September I guess. Felt really relieved today now training is over as I'm finally part time! :)


Well today was incredible, not only did I find out I've got an interview at Leeds uni in December, I've also got one at Birmingham 2 weeks today! Now out of all my choices Birmingham was last on my list, it'd be a nightmare of a commute so in a way I'd prefer to just re-apply next year if that's my only option. With that in mind it's great I've got it for my first interview as it can be used as a complete trial run for the others! Just checked my rota and I'm working that day, hope I can swap shifts with someone. I still haven't heard from Bradford or Sheffield and if those interviews fall during a work day I'll be booking a day off no matter what, so I don't want to seem like the new person who wants all the time off if you know what I mean... Bearing in mind my week for Prague, Scotland and Tunisia and they probably think that already... LOL!

I've got really bad swollen glands at the moment in my neck, I noticed them before the migrane (maybe related?) and they haven't gone down yet. If anything they seem to be getting bigger, it's making my jaw ache when I chew. I'm guessing I've just got an infection or something, but other than the glands I've got no other symptoms. I'm working 9-3 on Tuesday and have Wed off so will try and get a doctors appointment if it's not cleared up by then. If I wasn't so busy this weekend I'd go to the walk in centre, but just haven't got time. Pretty fun but busy weekend planned - in Lincoln tomorrow for an open uni seminar in the morning and then seeing the sights with Chris in the afternoon. Sunday will be fun too as we're seeing Gravity at the cinema and then off to Leeds for an Alice in Chains gig.

Food wise it's been a good day but I still haven't had any tea, I just feel too tired to make anything else. About an hour ago I did one of those pasta n' sauce in the microwave and it turned out a complete disaster. Even my usually greedy kittens turned it down! Instead I grabbed 2 mini babybels (my hexa) and 2 kiwi fruits... hopefully I can pursuade Chris to do some cooking later! I'll update diary tomorrow if anything changes..

Week 13, Day 4 - Red

Breakfast - banana
Snack - grapes and apple
Lunch - Tuna nicoise salad with potato (hexb), tomatoes, balsamic dressing and olives - 2 syns
Snack - hot chocolate - 2 syns
tea - 1st attempt - mouthful of pasta n sauce ( 4 syns), 2 x kiwi fruits, 2 x mini babybel (hexa)
tea - 2nd attempt - 2 egg omelette with 2 mini babybel (hexa)

Total - 8 syns
Last edited:
Hope your feeling better soon :) and have a great weekend do you weigh in next weds now then ??

seen your diary I think your in for a big loss this week fingers crossed for you
Sending you good vibes for a burst of energy and optimism :vibes:
So exciting that you got your interview!
I think you are habing a year of preparing- losig weight, eearning money, taking some hols before you are committed to your course... Sucks to be in a draining enviroment but great to think that this year you will be in a happy place!!

I think the gorging on free foods probably works for entry dieters who are making such a shift to cut out the pizzas and bread and butter... Even if they ate 5 mullers and a double portion of pasta it is still a bit change from all the junk before, so they probably get a couple of weeks of good losses before they have to slow down the mugshots.
JMA - Thanks for stopping by. Yep my next weigh in is on Wed, quietly confident about a decent loss but I've said that before so we'll see!

Princess - Thanks for the positive vibes, hope you're having a lovely weekend! Back from my uni seminar and feeling all re-energised and positive :)

Soph - Thanks hun. This year is completely a transition phase for me, I'm trying to make the most of it and enjoy the journey but at the same time September can't come soon enough!


5am start today for my 3 hour commute to Lincoln for uni. Had a brill day but food was a bit of a nightmare. Breakfast was at 9.30 when I arrived in Lincoln, we stopped at the first place we could find which happened to be Greggs :rolleyes:. Thankfully my motivation was intact so managed to choose the healthiest thing on the menu and got a bowl of porridge. When I looked on-line though it turns out it was 12.5 syns! Mental considering it's only 250 cals of porridge, I'm going to detract 6 syns for my hexa milk allowance though, bringing it down to 6.5 in total. ( I'm sure I've seen people do this before? Am I right?)

Lunch was even worse as we went to look on the high street for a cafe but everywhere was completely jam packed with Christmas shoppers. In the end I just settled for a chocolate bar from the station on the way home. I was starving and knew I wouldn't be home 'till 4ish so I needed something. Tbh I didn't even really enjoy it and only ate it because I knew I'd be starving if I didn't. Anyway that was another 15.5 syns for a Boost bar... leaving me arriving home having eaten 22 syns and feeling absolutely STARVING from only eating a bowl of porridge and a chocolate bar all day on a busy 5 am start!

It's at this point I'll be totally honest - I was feeling completely frustrated by the SW plan. In total I'd only eaten 550 calories, but according to SW I'd totally blown it with 22 syns for the day. Now don't get me wrong, porridge and a chocolate bar isn't a healthy diet on a daily basis, but I wish the plan could be a little more flexible to take into account the fact I'd hardly eaten anything all day. Does that make sense or is it just me going on one? Put it another way, on Weight Watchers I'd have been well 'under' on my points, if I was calorie counting I'd be well under my allowed calories today, but according to SW I've had a really bad weight loss day - it just doesn't make sense! Anyway, putting my frustration aside I decided to get on with the rest of the day and have a lovely tea. We decided on a roast chicken dinner with mash( 3 syns for any butter) , roasted winter veg (3 syns for marinade), gravy (4 syns) and a yorkshire (3 syns)- gorgeous! So yeah... it's the end of the day and I've had 35 syns for the day... not an ideal day, but I don't feel like I've really blown the diet in the sense that I probably had around 1500 calories in total.

Slimming world is great if you can cook things from scratch, but sometimes when you're really in a rush I find it hard to choose options that are low in syns. In future I'm definitely going to plan my food more on days I'm going to be out and make the time to prepare a goodly bag of syn free and low syns snacks for any long journeys. Off out tomorrow night for the gig, but it's only in the evening and we're planning on stopping at Subway for a salad.

Week 13, Day 5 - EE

Breakfast - porridge from Greggs - 6.5 syns (hexa)
Lunch - Boost - 15.5 syns :sigh:
Tea - Chicken, roasted veg, gravy, yorkshire - 13 syns (probably an overestimate!)
Dessert - shape - 1 syn

- 36 syns :mad:
You can deduct 6 more syns from the porridge for HExB! To be honest, it would probably be 3 syns for the sugar they add and the rest could be HEx'd. Plain porridge is a Hex option so just allow some for sugar.

You have to take sw with a pinch of salt on such days! Was there no supermarket you could grab a salad from though? :(
Get some alpen lights for daysblike this- two are a hexB (the apple and saltana ones are the best! Or summer fruits) and I always keep two as an emergency at the bottom of my handbag.
Even if I get up at stupid o clock to go somewhere I always always always eat before I go, even just something small, and bring an apple, banana and muller/activia whatever for the road as this really helps!

As I've aaid before, I take SW from a different perspective now and definitely look at carbs and calories in free food as more dangerous than syns. I would shrug off yesterdays extra syns as, as you said, under 1000 cal- that shouldnt mean you are depriving yourself of treas the rest of the week!
A chocolate bar for lunch vs a big rice and chicken meal - you'll lose more weight from the choc bar being less calories (but suffer the hunger and sugar crash probably!)

I never have a meals plan but when I am out all day where I will be busy I aaalways bring stuff. You did really well to not gorge on more bad.tjings due to hunger! That is the worst scenario- when you have nothing and are starving and end up eating pizza or something!
Beef Jerky is a good handbag thing for just 1.5 syns/25g bag (lasts a while!) too (on red or ee) and they last for years so can just stay nice and light at the bottom of your bag.

How was the uni experience despite the food faff?? X