From here to inskinnity! My mission to lose 13.5 stone!

Bev I feel your pain. I remember the last time I tried C25K and even with stretching and warming down correctly I still ached a by the time the next run came around. Not to put you off or anything! I really must start exercising again; my stamina has dipped to non-existent!
Just do run 2 when you are ready, slowly slowly catchy monkey!

You made your afternoon yesterday sound so idyllic Bev - good food, good friend, good sunny weather - I love the Spring / Summer vibe. I say that sitting here at work looking out of the window wishing I was out there!
Well done on the running! I would be so interested in doing that course but my gym doesn't do classes :( boooo.

I do the treadmill when I'm at the gym and before I couldn't run for like 30 secs but now I've managed to progress further lol it was annoying on Tuesday tho, I went on the treadmill to run for the last 5-10 mins and I felt fine when I'm normally dying after a min but then my leg started cramping? Spasming? And it kept getting worse! Had go stop and then it was fine. Weird! X
Well done on the running! I have always hated running but something in my head makes me think maybe I should try one of these programmes that builds you up over time... Anyway I really want to go on a big exercise kick soon, whether it's hiking or DVDs or whatever. Bet you'll feel amazing as you really get into it.

There is such a thing as exercise-induced asthma, but I think the idea of all the phlegm and grot getting stirred up is likely too. Quite nice to think of exercise as being a big clean-out!
Heyyyy guys!!

Sorry for the lack of updates! Manic few days I've gotta say, been running all over the place and haven't had time to go on minis much except reply to the odd PM.

Yesterday wasn't a great day its gotta be said, went to the shops to get salad bar in the evening with Chris and they'd sold out! So when the devil on my shoulder wispered 'indian?' I was only too happy to throw caution to the wind and run with it GRRR! So yeah, I feel kinda bad because it means yesterday although I had soup for lunch I didn't stick to the challenge properly as I went over syns by however much a chicken tikka masala and half an egg rice is! :rolleyes:

Anyway, today I was back on it with another 100% day on the soup challenge. Also completed day 2 of C25K, still not easy, but better than my first run on Tuesday!

Week 36, Day 4 - Red
Breakfast - Muller
Snack - Banana
Lunch - Roast chicken subway salad - 2 syns
Snack - Carrot battons dipper in philly (hexa), olives - 2 syns
Tea - Red pepper, tomato and lentil soup
Total - 4 syns

Gotta dash I'm afraid, will have time to properly reply and check diaries on Sun and Mon as I'm working still tomorrow, just popping in to update the soup challenge! Hope you don't think I'm rude for not replying, I've just gotta be up at 6 for work and need to hit the hay!

Happy Easter everyone! xx
Oooh busy lady :)
Have a great day lovely ,

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Thanks Vonny!

Another busy day today, worked until 1 and just having a quick pit stop at home before my opticians appt. Gonna get some more contact lenses, they'll be great for my running so I'm not constantly pushing my specs up! After that I'm hitting the books, but giving myself the evening off and I'm really looking forward to a big mini's catch up! :)

Week 36, Day 5 - EE
Breakfast - Strawbs and muller
Snack - Grapes
Lunch - Minestrone soup (hexb)
Tea - Hunters chicken breast (hexa) with big side salad - 3 syns for olives
Total - 3 syns

Another great day on the soup challenge so far. Only 1 more days to go now. I've really enjoyed the challenge but its getting a bit much now having soup every day. It's definitely something I'm going to incorporate into my diet more though.

Surprisingly I don't ache as much today after my run, but if its anything like last time then tomorrow will be the achey day. We'll see, might be better this time as I did my stretches and a proper cool down!

I've decided I'm having this Easter Monday completely 'off' dieting. That doesn't mean I'll be eating choccy from dawn to dusk, but I know it'll be hard to stick to plan as I'm eating out. Plus I want an easter egg! :D So yeah, normal service will resume from Tuesday. I'm not going to do the salad challenge next week as I found after having the same thing for a week I'm really craving mixing things up a bit, but I think I'll be really ready for a tough challenge after my hols so will use that to motivate me when I get home.

Only 2 days until WI, I really hope I've got that 6st award, I don't see why I wouldn't have. Apart from the curry on Thur I've been perfect all week and very low syn. Fingers crossed 'eh?! Right I'll see you later, cant wait to catch up with diaries xxx
Enjoy your evening off Bev! Sounds like you really deserve it after such a busy week!

Glad to hear you're getting more contacts, must be a nightmare with glasses!

I'm the same with the soup challenge, I have enjoyed it but I'm finding the lack of spontaneity hard now! I'll def leave the salad for a later date or it'll end up in self sabotage! I'm also missing my red days! Massive thanks to Kay though for orgaising it!

I think you do right giving yourself Monday off. It's definitely better to make the decision beforehand with a clear mind than deciding at the last minute and feeling guilty!

Hope you've had a great day, lovely xx
Afternoon Bev :) hope your enjoying your Easter weekend, although I know Monday will be more enjoyable for you as a treat day :p. I totally agree, by day 4 of the challenge it does get quite monotonous. It will be nice to resume back to normal food, I've missed it so much too. Hopefully all your hard work will pay off on Monday with your fabby 6st, I really hope so. I probably would not continue with another challenge straight after myself but I only have one week left now then I will be off for my Op, so want to give it one last shot to get my 4.5st before I leave. I know it won't happen this week, I know you haven't had a chance to catch up on diaries but I'm going to a big family dinner tomorrow, my worry is it will undo the good work I've done this week, really would have cancelled if it was someone else, but its my mum, there's no hiding from her :rolleyes:.

Anyway I'm so happy your running is going so well, its great you've got your contacts sorted out at the opticians too. I bet when I'm back after a month you'll be going great guns with C25k, I'll be a newbie then lol you can give me some good tips to get started :D. I hope you and Von do really well on the 100 day challenge. I will be absent for the beginning of it, might have to change my target too, will see how I go.

I hope you really enjoy your day off plan on Monday. I'm sure when you resume back to normal SW meals next week combined with your gym, you'll continue with the smashing losses right upto your hols. You right the challenges are good to do once back from holiday or when losses slow down and you just want to kick start things again. I'm happy that you did a whole week with us and hope Monday brings you a fab result ! Bet you don't wanna see soup in a long while now ! :p hehe

Hope to catch up with you later. Take care hun. ;)

Kay xx
Yey!!! Finally free from study for the evening and ready for my minis catch up sesh! :) Before all that though its time to reply to peeps!

Ruby - I completely relate to the aching! I'm doing 2 days rest between runs at the moment just to give my body the time it needs to recover! I just keep thinking the ache must be a good thing and my muscles are getting stronger, anyone would think i'd run a marathon or something though and not 8 minutes for the amount I ached after day 1! :D

Charley - Aww Charley it sucks being stuck in work when its sunny outside! I'm lucky that I finish at 1, but now with the nice weather its even harder to motivate myself to go home and hit the books.

I definitely need to do more walks in the countryside though, it was lovely the other day. Picnics are amazing too, I never knew healthy ones could be so nice, even if I did eat half a roast chicken, haha! :p Hope you're having a great week, I'm off to catch up on your diary soon! :)

Intoxicate - Couch to 5k isn't actually a class at the gym, it's a programme designed by the nhs to get complete non runners doing 5k (or 30 mins continuous running) in under 9 weeks. You can download the pod casts if you take a look at this link -----> Get running with Couch to 5K - Live Well - NHS Choices

Cramp is a horrible thing! You might be pushing yourself a bit too far with 10 minute runs when you've just started, the c25k starts with just 1 min running and 90 mins walking for the first week to try and ease us into it. Definitely worth a look if you're thinking about getting into running!

Gwella - Thanks hun, I still can't quite believe I'm actually running! Well, I doubt you'd described it as running, more like jogging and getting crazily sweaty and out of breath, but still it feels like an achievement.

I had the dodgy breathing again after run 2 yesterday, it does sound like all the crap in my lungs is coming out so I'm taking it as a good thing! If it gets worse though I'll go to docs. Good luck getting started with your exercise kick, I think now the nights are getting lighter and the weather nicer its becoming much easier to motivate myself to actually do something!

Sophie - Yeah, it's a right pain in the bum with the glasses, they keep falling off my nose with all the sweat so have to push em on all the time, lol! Its hard enough for me atm just coordinating myself to put on foot infront of the other and not fall off the treadmill when I'm running, let alone try and save my specs from destruction! :eek: I must look like a right sight in that gym! The other day I forgot to take my mascara off and when I got in the changing room it was running down my face like Alice Cooper! :D

Completely hear ya with the soup challenge, will be glad to have a few days off soup that's for sure! I miss being able to mix up my lunches, but hey, I guess if it was easy then it wouldn't be a challenge would it, not long now and we'll get the fabby scales results! :)

As for Monday, I know if I don't have some Easter chocs soon that I'm going to end up going off the rails! There's only so long you can say no to things before you start feeling like you're missing out, and I'm about hitting that threshold! This way at least its just one day off plan rather than a few or a whole week, in the grand scheme of things it shouldn't hurt things too much hopefully, still gonna post my eats so I feel semi-accountable, lol.

Hope you're having a good week, off to read your diary tonight too and catch up!

- Last but not least! ;) Gonna reply to your PM after this as I keep forgetting, sorry for being a bit crappy lately. I hate how busy I am, can't wait until June 5th and my exam is over in a way, apart from the holiday these next 7 weeks will be a bit rubbish. I can't really complain though when you've got your op and are being so brave. I'm crossing my fingers that you manage to get your 4.5st award for then, you've worked so hard and with such an amazing result last week you might surprise yourself and manage it!

Glad I'm not the only one missing the 'normal' food. Its not so much the carbs, but the variety that I'm missing if that makes sense. It's a great challenge though and I feel like I've lost something this week, so fingers crossed! Plus I actually like soup now, so I've got a new meal option all opened up to me. Can't wait to have a jacket potato again for lunch next week though, I could kill for one, lol! You're right about when I get back from hols, I'll be wanting to get super focussed again and ready to hit the gym again and get stuck in with another challenge. Plus hopefully in May it'll be salad weather! I think the hot days haven't helped with the soup challenge this week either, its been pretty warm up here and when its like that the last thing I fancy is soup if that makes sense!

I can't wait till you're all recovered and can do couch to 5k with us! I'm really enjoying it so far, I'm finding it tough (probably because I still have 18 stone plus to lug around with me!) but I can really feel my body is getting stronger and fitter. Even on day 2 I found it easier than day 1, can't wait for Monday now to do the next one and finish week 1!

Anyway of course I'll be stopping by in your diary soon, but first to reply to that PM! For some reason my message box is a bit dodgy atm and they aren't going into my sent inbox, hence me resending the last one about 5 times :rolleyes::p

OOOOH and before I go would just like to wish everyone a very HAPPY EASTER!!!!! :)
Are you allowed the speed soup on this soup challenge or just superfree? I love the speed soup with all the lentils and beans I've bought the stuff in, gonna make it on Monday for my work lunches for the week.

I agree the hot weather wouldn't make it easy, but how nice is it to have some warmer weather?! Mind you it's been quite cold here today, although sunny x
Well I'm about 80% caught up with the latest mini's happenings, now I'm gonna call it a night I think.

Every time I read through diaries like this it reminds me how we're all going through the same thing, having the same experiences and battling the same demons. SO inspiring and motivating, more so than any Slimming World mag!

I even planned out my gym classes for the next week. I didn't do much this week as was too achey after c25k, but now I've got the stretching down I think I'll be okay to start the classes again. I'm getting weighed next (after this Monday) on the Thur before I go on holiday. Its not the full 2 weeks I normally go, but it takes me to the 1st May so I'll know what my total April losses are and whether I've made my 10lb target or not - unlikely, its gotta be said. Anyway, exercise is planned out right until then!

Mon 21 - C25K Week 1 Day 3
Tue 22- REST

Wed 23-
C25K Week 2 Day 1
Thur 24-
Fri 25- REST

Sat 26-
Week 2 Day 2, Kettlebells
Sun 27- REST
Mon 28 -
C25K Week 2 Day 3, Kettlebells
Tue 29 - REST
Wed 30 - REST

How much of that I manage to stick to remains to be seen, but in an ideal world that's what I'd like to do! Can't believe I go to Tunisia 2 weeks tomorrow, I cant wait but at the same time I don't want it to set me back weight loss wise. I'd hate to have a huge gain or something. I'm gonna aim to do some serious swimming to burn off those extra cals!
Night night Bev, your gym schedule looks fab and I know you'll have a cracking week next week. Well done on the challenge and good luck for Monday, I know you'll have a grand result. Me and Von are both weighing tomorrow morning now, I got a new battery, my scales are fine now lol. Night night.

Kay xx
Aww thanks guys!! Happy Easter everyone!!

Just quickly popped on to see how Kay and Von did at WI, but I may as well update my food for the day now. I'm studying for the rest of the day and then doing a movie double bill at the cinema tonight. I'm hoping if I take a maaahoosive water with me I'll be able to polish a couple of litres off while I'm watching to boost my water intake before WI tomorrow!

Gotta say I woke up today feeling decidedly un-light, * week is looming in the next few days so to shift the bloat I need to be drinking loads. Feeling kinda nervous for WI tomorrow now, but I know I can have a 100% on plan day I've done everything I can to get a loss. So long as I get that pound to get me my 6st award I'll be pleased, but I'd kill for more. Normally on good weeks my body is comfortable dropping 2lbs, so after reaaalllllyyy trying to be extra good this week with the soup challenge I'd love to come out with a 3 or above. Not sure that'll happen but so long as its in the right direction its all good! :)

Week 36, Day 6 - EE
Breakfast - Strawbs topped with muller
Lunch - Tuna nicoise salad - 2 syns for olives
Tea - Chicken and veg soup
Snacks - Grapes, carrot batons dipped in philly (hexa)
Total - 2 syns