From here to inskinnity! My mission to lose 13.5 stone!

Hey guys,

Thanks for all your lovely replies, will try and get back to you all individually! Just sent a reply to your PM Kay :)

Anyway I'm soooo excited about Thursday and joining my new group! :D Can't wait to get back into a fab SW routine again! This weekend away was pretty naughty and I'm winding it down now ahead of starting 100% SW on Friday. Bought masses of fruit from Aldi today so I have lots of yummy things to snack on when I'm feeling peckish.

My group is at 7pm so I'm going to eat before I go and keep that routine up each week, there's no way I'd want to wait until 8.30/9pm each WI night to get my tea. So long as I do the same each week it shouldn't make any difference to my weight loss. The one thing I was dreading the most about an evening WI was feeling deprived all day long and not wanting to eat/drink. I'm determined not to fall into any unhealthy habits like that though, this is all about doing the right thing for my body :)

Some more news is that Chris is joining group with me too! He doesn't have as much to lose as me (but still about 3 stone) but it'll be great starting the whole process with him afresh. Plus we can help each other to stay on track, drag each other to the gym and plan some lovely SW food together!

I've learnt a lot from going off plan. I was just saying to Kay that the 7 stone point is like the '7 stone itch' for me, I seemed to hit a wall and started feeling really deprived. I never want to get like that again. So here's a few things I'm going to do differently this time around:

1. Eat my syns - Unless I'm really not feeling hungry I'm going to aim to save some syns for a small sweet treat each day. Even if its just 3 syns for half a Curly Wurly, having something sweet and yummy will hopefully help me to not feel deprived.

2. Take each day as it comes - I need to start focussing on now. When I look too far ahead I have a tendency to get distracted by how far I have to go and it makes me feel like I'll never get where I want to be. Instead I'm going to focus on each day making the right choice and doing the right thing.

3. Stay at group - I've tried doing it alone and I've tried doing it at group. When I'm in the zone I resent paying £5 a week to WI, but when I'm not in the zone if I'm left to my own devices I can fall horribly off plan, as this last few weeks has shown. I need the 'fear' of WI to keep me on track, so I'm going to stick with SW until I get to goal, and then keep going as a target member. I refuse to go back to the 'old' me, and if group helps me not do that then its worth every penny :)

4. Exercise - When I started SW I didn't exercise at all, now I know that diet and exercise together will get me the best results so I'm aiming to hit the gym at least 3 times a week.


I've got so much stuff happening in my life at the minute that I need to focus on getting back on plan straight away. Uni is coming up in 6 weeks time and by that point I want to be back to my lowest weight. Considering I'll have any gain (and I'm guessing at least 7lbs) plus any difference in weight from the later WI time, it's gonna be tough going. My first goal is going to be to lose 7lbs in 3 weeks, this will be just before our holiday to Ireland. I'll let you know the horrendous first WI results on Thur night, then I'll know what I've got to do.


Rae - Thanks hunny - hope you're well and doing good, you're always great motivation so gonna stop by your diary later xxx

Kami - Thanks hun, since I'm now starting SW with my fella we're going to do our own food plan together as we'll be eating the same meals mainly. Looking forward to trying some new recipes though so if you find anything yummy then let me know :) x

Soph - *big hugs* Feel so good to be back, its honestly scared me how easily it is to get into my old way of thinking again! Definitely not going to let myself get complacent with things again! As for WI I feel quite good about it to be honest, I'm fully expecting to be back into the 18's but I'm treating it as a complete new start, I know its only a number on a scale and not something that defines me. I'm sure I'll feel gutted on Thur, but at the same time I'll never be seeing that number again so it's all good :)

BCP - Thanks hun, its good to be back! Hope you're doing well xxx

Pippa - Thanks hun :) x
Yaaaay Bev is back!

You sound really focused and like you enjoyed your time off from the plan and now you've really got your head in the game again. Lovely to hear and you'll be back to nice consistent losses very soon. Just think of these last few weeks of some much needed R&R which after sticking to the plan for so long and all the exam stress you needed to let your hair down a bit.

The good news is your first week back should be like your first week of dieting all over again and you might get a really good loss which would be a nice boost for you. It's really nice to hear you sound focused again and it will make it easier with Chris doing it with you :D xxx
Glad to have you back Bev! Saw some of your pictures in IG and your weekend in York looked lovely. You sound like you've got your head in the game so to speak and it's great that Chris is going to be joining you on the journey. The added support will help both of you I'm sure. Can't believe you've only got 6 weeks till you start your course! Time is going by so quickly!
No worries Hun, my faves at the mo are exploding burgers and Caribbean lamb x
Hi Bev, just popping in to sub. Good luck at your new group xxx
Good luck for your first group meeting tomorrow Bev. Hope you and Chris really enjoy it :). I've been quite busy, trying to catch up on mins, got your pm hun, will defo reply back tomorrow. Just a quick flying visit from me, to wish you good luck for tomorrow ;).

Kay xx
Hi Bev, good luck with wi , I know only too well about that brick wall mine was built at this pesky 8 st ,
You'll do great Hun xxx

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Good luck at your new group tonight Bev xx
Glad to hear Chris is joining too... the message is spreading! You can get into a lovely healthy groove together.

Everyone has ebbs and flows on the journey, faster and slower periods. What you've achieved so far is utterly amazing; hope this is the start of the next phase!

Good luck for weigh in. x
Good luck at group tonight x
EEEK - T-minus 2 hours until weigh in! I know its going to be BAD and very bad now as I'm full of pre-* week bloat too! Not gonna worry about the starting weight though, the main thing is that I can finally draw a line under the naughtiest month of the whole year for me. Yep I'll have gained and yep I enjoyed my food, but was it worth it? Nah, not really. Healthy food makes me feel better than any kind of crap.

I feel a bit like a lapsed alcoholic at times like this, and that isn't to belittle alcoholism. It's just that no matter how good I am and how well I do, I always have that self destructive chocolate munching, carb loving demon inside of me. Okay maybe that's a little over-dramatic, but having this time off from Slimming World has really shown me that this is never going to be easy for me. Yeah I might have fab weeks and month, but it'll always be a battle with the danger of the slightest off plan day spiralling into a week or month like this has. I thought I had more self control than that so I feel pretty dissapointed. But anyway, enough of the winging. What's done is done and the main thing is I'm back on track. Aiming for 100% SW for the next 3 weeks before my hols to Dublin, lets do this!

Ooh and a huge thanks for the well wishes tonight. I am pretty nervous, just because I know i'm going to be gutted by the number on the scale. It's my own doing though and I know exactly why, and more importantly I know what to do to get to my lowest weight ever too :)

After group tonight we're off to Asda to stock up on healthy treats and plan our meals for the next day. I'm going to be realistic and accept for the first few days I'm gonna be super hungry, which means EE will be my best friend! Going to really embrace the plan and hammer the super free when I'm feeling peckish! Going to get the magazine too and have a read through diaries to get me all motivated. First though is my last 'off plan' tea - minced beef, onions, tomatoes, mash, peas and gravy. We need to use the non-lean mince up before we start SW! :rolleyes:

Right I'll be back later my lovelies and I'll try and reply to everyone xx
Here to sub! I've only been on SW for 3 weeks, Starting at 24st 1lbs so plan on going back through and reading your journey ( 101 pages, eat your heart out )

Think it will be very inspirational to read your journey :D

Good luck tonight in Weigh in x
Fantastic how positive and driven you sound :) but why do you expect to be hungry your first week back to 100%? I never really get hungry on SW as I just eat (something healthy) when I do! Dont under portion or you'll feel more of that deprivation!

Good luck tonight :) thinking of you! X
Thanks guys! Well it was actually better than I expected, +8.5lbs - but considering I'm weighing at 7pm in the evening instead of first thing before food, the real gain is probably closer to 4-5lbs, which I'm okay with. Back up to 18st 2.5lbs now, determined I'll be in the 17's for next week and never see that horrible number again!

It felt such a relief to walk through those doors and get on the scale again. I didn't tell the C I'd done SW before as I wanted a completely fresh start. I know I could have re-activated my previous membership, but I feel like a new start is definitely needed. The group seemed really nice, although I did feel a little sorry for Chris being the only male member, LOL! :p He found the whole thing quite bizarre, especially the clapping and going round the circle for image therapy. It hasn't put him off though and I'll be dragging him back next week. Chris's starting weight was 16st 10.5lbs... still less than me, the bu*ger! :rolleyes::p He seems to have taken to SW wholeheartedly though, he's got a home made soup on as we speak for taking to work tomorrow.

I feel like such a newbie again, but it's awesome to feel excited about the plan again! I haven't felt like that in ages! I guess part of my problem was as time went by I stopped trying new foods and experiences and stuck with the old safe ones, definitely going to get doing more cooking. It'll be loads easier now Chris is doing it with me too :)

I've seriously been neglecting my lovely mini's buddies lately and that has to change, I doubt I'll ever fully catch up with the past diaries but I want to make it round everyones over the next few days. You guys are so awesome and I love seeing all your yummy foods and fabby losses!

Oooh, one thing I wanted to share is that my new C recommended me to have 70 syns a week, she said I can have the 105 but she usually recommends blokes have the 105 and women have 70. She's been a consultant for 18 years so she must know what she's talking about! So yeah, I'm going to give this 10 syns a day lark a go. As for tomorrow though I'm going low syn as I really want a detox more than anything!

Anyway, before I reply to peeps, here's my planned menu for tomorrow:

Breakfast - Chewy D (hexb)
Snack - Banana
Lunch - Broccoli and cheese Pasta N Sauce with steamed broccoli and green beans (hexa)
Snack - Sugar free jelly (0.5 syns), kiwi, plum
Tea - Chicken breast subway salad with olives and sweet onion dressing - 2.5 syns
Snack - Muller
Total - 3.5 syns

So hopefully my diary entry tomorrow will look a bit like that!


Soph - Thanks hun, I feel so happy to be back on the wagon! Not loving the gain but loving the fact I've put a stop to it and not let it get out of control. With the hunger thing I always find when I go back on plan after eating naughty I always get hugely hungry. Think its the come down from the sugar/carbs/white bread etc. I'll be fine though, I just wouldn't want to go from being off plan to a red day right away or I'd find it too tough! xx

Fatbeauty - Thanks for your lovely message! Good luck with your journey, it's bloody hard work at times but it's worth it a million times over I promise you. Its so hard at our starting weights because it seems like a lifetime to target, I still feel like that now, but take it a day at a time and you can do it I have no doubt. Do you have a diary I can follow on here? xx

Lola/Rae/Scarlett/NewMe - Thanks guys! Just such a relief to have finally done it! xx

Vonny - Damn those brick walls! Well I plan on smashing through that 7 stone point very soon and getting back on track. I'm sure you'll smash 8 stone again too! We can do this! :) xx

Kay - Thanks my lovely, hope you're well. I'm going to have a huuuge catch up on diaries over the next few days and cant wait to see how you've been doing xx

Ruby - Aww thanks hun, we had a lovely weekend! I know I can't believe how fast time is flying by, uni will be here before I know it, eek! xx

Scarlet - Thanks for the lovely reply, how are you getting on? I really need to catch up on your diary. Hope you're enjoying WW! Yeah I'm so excited about getting going again, haven't felt this enthusiastic about SW in forever so I think in the end the break has done me some good. Hopefully I can learn from my mistakes now and stay on track right until target, fingers crossed eh! xx

Kami - Ooh exploding burgers? Explain more, I hope this involves cheese! :D xx
There you go you have a starting point and your first goal. I know you're more than up to the task of getting back into the 17's next week and if you need extra motivation you have to best Chris right? It would feel good to cheer him on and all but secretly you'd have to be pleased if you lost more than him, or is that just me? Lol!!

Ah sweets you'll do just fine and zipping through those stones like you used to. New focus, new determination and so much non sw stuff to look forward to you can't fail to get where you want to be. You've got us cheering you (and Chris) on

Give me a B, give me an E, give me a V, goooooo Bevvy!!! :-D xxx

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Thanks guys! Well it was actually better than I expected, +8.5lbs - but considering I'm weighing at 7pm in the evening instead of first thing before food, the real gain is probably closer to 4-5lbs, which I'm okay with. Back up to 18st 2.5lbs now, determined I'll be in the 17's for next week and never see that horrible number again! It felt such a relief to walk through those doors and get on the scale again. I didn't tell the C I'd done SW before as I wanted a completely fresh start. I know I could have re-activated my previous membership, but I feel like a new start is definitely needed. The group seemed really nice, although I did feel a little sorry for Chris being the only male member, LOL! :p He found the whole thing quite bizarre, especially the clapping and going round the circle for image therapy. It hasn't put him off though and I'll be dragging him back next week. Chris's starting weight was 16st 10.5lbs... still less than me, the bu*ger! :rolleyes::p He seems to have taken to SW wholeheartedly though, he's got a home made soup on as we speak for taking to work tomorrow. I feel like such a newbie again, but it's awesome to feel excited about the plan again! I haven't felt like that in ages! I guess part of my problem was as time went by I stopped trying new foods and experiences and stuck with the old safe ones, definitely going to get doing more cooking. It'll be loads easier now Chris is doing it with me too :) I've seriously been neglecting my lovely mini's buddies lately and that has to change, I doubt I'll ever fully catch up with the past diaries but I want to make it round everyones over the next few days. You guys are so awesome and I love seeing all your yummy foods and fabby losses! Oooh, one thing I wanted to share is that my new C recommended me to have 70 syns a week, she said I can have the 105 but she usually recommends blokes have the 105 and women have 70. She's been a consultant for 18 years so she must know what she's talking about! So yeah, I'm going to give this 10 syns a day lark a go. As for tomorrow though I'm going low syn as I really want a detox more than anything! Anyway, before I reply to peeps, here's my planned menu for tomorrow: Breakfast - Chewy D (hexb) Snack - Banana Lunch - Broccoli and cheese Pasta N Sauce with steamed broccoli and green beans (hexa) Snack - Sugar free jelly (0.5 syns), kiwi, plum Tea - Chicken breast subway salad with olives and sweet onion dressing - 2.5 syns Snack - Muller Total - 3.5 syns So hopefully my diary entry tomorrow will look a bit like that! ---- Soph - Thanks hun, I feel so happy to be back on the wagon! Not loving the gain but loving the fact I've put a stop to it and not let it get out of control. With the hunger thing I always find when I go back on plan after eating naughty I always get hugely hungry. Think its the come down from the sugar/carbs/white bread etc. I'll be fine though, I just wouldn't want to go from being off plan to a red day right away or I'd find it too tough! xx Fatbeauty - Thanks for your lovely message! Good luck with your journey, it's bloody hard work at times but it's worth it a million times over I promise you. Its so hard at our starting weights because it seems like a lifetime to target, I still feel like that now, but take it a day at a time and you can do it I have no doubt. Do you have a diary I can follow on here? xx Lola/Rae/Scarlett/NewMe - Thanks guys! Just such a relief to have finally done it! xx Vonny - Damn those brick walls! Well I plan on smashing through that 7 stone point very soon and getting back on track. I'm sure you'll smash 8 stone again too! We can do this! :) xx Kay - Thanks my lovely, hope you're well. I'm going to have a huuuge catch up on diaries over the next few days and cant wait to see how you've been doing xx Ruby - Aww thanks hun, we had a lovely weekend! I know I can't believe how fast time is flying by, uni will be here before I know it, eek! xx Scarlet - Thanks for the lovely reply, how are you getting on? I really need to catch up on your diary. Hope you're enjoying WW! Yeah I'm so excited about getting going again, haven't felt this enthusiastic about SW in forever so I think in the end the break has done me some good. Hopefully I can learn from my mistakes now and stay on track right until target, fingers crossed eh! xx Kami - Ooh exploding burgers? Explain more, I hope this involves cheese! :D xx

Haha it definitely does. Just put a baby bel in the middle and shape your burger mix around . Guess you can use any cheese but you get loads with a babybel, I use light so have two burgers and one to snack on. A ma zing!!

Welcome back, in finding your enthusiasm really inspirational xx
Glad you sound so excited!
Pasta n sauce as a detox though? So full of preservatives and msg! Haha... I dont know I personally find them all a bit gross tasting and just love me some standard hexA cheesey spaghetti cooked in stock cubes :D nommm. *WANTS*

I read yesterday how endomorph body types (big boned/curvy/Marilyn Mornoe and Beyonce when looked after but usually just chubby) naturally store more fat and put on weight a lot faster than ectomorphs (skinny) and mesomorphs (athletic) because we naturally have sluggish metabolisms :( apparently cardio heavy work outs are best for this body type with a bit of strength thrown in (shame as I prefer strength workouts!) and tend to be sensitive to carbs, MAKES SO MUCH SENSE :(

Basically we shouldnt blame ourselves too much for not being twig thin like some of our peers (my friend worked at mcdonalds and ate there 5x a week for a year and is STILL SKINNY!!) because our bodies naturally put on this fat and once we see that fat we get sad and eat more- gah... It will always be harder to keep weight off than it will for the other types- but how awesome to think that when at our peak our bodies are the most feminine and damn sexy ;)

Keep at it with the running! Inspiring :)