From Miss Clumsy to Miss Graceful (hopefully!) :)

Hello everyone! Have had a good but hectic day! I did decide to skip the gym in the end as I really fancied a night on the sofa....and my legs are still killing me from my last visit lol!

I did do my measurements earlier though, and I was very pleased to notice that since 12th October (which is when I first did my measurements, totally forgot to do them when I started this journey back in september, doh) I've lost 4 inches off my waist, another 4 inches from under my bust, and 3 inches off my hips and another 3 off the top of my legs!! I'm pretty damn happy about this! :D

No-one at work has noticed though, but then again that might be because I'm forever wrapped up in a massive cardigan (I bloody hate the cold)! I can't wait for some warmer weather so I can 'strip off' and see if anyone notices a difference! :)

Anyway, apart from not going to the gym I've been a very good girl food wise today, but I have the dreaded WI tomorrow night and am so not expecting lots. Not after my wine binge on Sunday anyway! Oh well, I'll just have to face the music and deal with whatever the scales say! ;)

Have a great evening everyone, xxxx
Excellent inch loss!!! Well done u!!!
That's all I'm after really.
Scales could say 30 stone when I stand on them, if the inches r going and my ideal look for my body is getting closer weight numbers aren't important!
Inch loss is the way forward!!!!
Oh and they may have noticed already but just not sure if they should say anything yet! It could be quite offensive if that don't know yr on a diet?! Xx
Cai said:
Excellent inch loss!!! Well done u!!!
That's all I'm after really.
Scales could say 30 stone when I stand on them, if the inches r going and my ideal look for my body is getting closer weight numbers aren't important!
Inch loss is the way forward!!!!
Oh and they may have noticed already but just not sure if they should say anything yet! It could be quite offensive if that don't know yr on a diet?! Xx

I agree - I have always been much heavier than I look (even my doctor used to point that out) and I only care about the size I'm in and feeling comfortable! :)

You are right by the way, I wouldn't necessarily say anything either unless I knew for sure! I'll just have to start broadcasting it a bit more lol! :)

Hope you are feeling better Hun! Xxx
Phew, I'm happy to report I've been to WI and lost half a pound this week! Considering I've hardly been to the gym (partly too busy at work and partly as I'm still aching from the other day lol) and also due to the fact that I drank loads of wine on Sunday, so I'm happy with any kind of loss! :D

Need to sit down and have a cup of tea now, will be back later! Xxx
OMG, I'm soooo tired! I could just about go to bed right now! I just haven't been able to sleep this week, just keep tossing and turning through the nights! At least it's Friday tomorrow! I've just had a thought actually - do you think I can count the tossing and turning towards my body magic? :)

I'm a bit nervous about a meeting tomorrow at school as well, we are having a department moderation meeting and I always get worried I've made mistakes on my marking! My boss does like me, but if you make mistakes she is less than forgiving, so I always get worked up - probably why I'm not sleeping!

Had my usual fruits during the day and this evening I've had a lovely cous cous salad with tuna. Used my HexB for the tuna, yummy it was too.

Hope everyone is having a good evening, xxx
well done on the loss xxxxx

i can understand your worry over the moderating sometimes it feel like we are moderated and audited to death doesn't it :eek:

from a parents point of view i am glad it gets done cos when things go wrong its horrible for the kids :sigh: my son was predicted an a* in his physics gcse and had an a for his course work. when he got his results he had got a B !!!!!!!:eek::eek:
we rang the school and spoke to his physics teacher who told us to leave it with him cos he too wanted to know why.

Any way to cut a long story short, the moderated course work was downgraded and every bodies mark was dropped by 15 % something was missing from the work, he missed an a by 3 marks, didn't know that a remark had to be requested by a certain date and the school didn't bother to tell us :eek:

i am sure you will be fine, its never as bad as we think xxx
Hi Hun

Just reading your thread.

So sorry to hear about your friend but good that you've found the time to catch up :) xx
broadsbean said:
well done on the loss xxxxx

i can understand your worry over the moderating sometimes it feel like we are moderated and audited to death doesn't it :eek:

from a parents point of view i am glad it gets done cos when things go wrong its horrible for the kids :sigh: my son was predicted an a* in his physics gcse and had an a for his course work. when he got his results he had got a B !!!!!!!:eek::eek:
we rang the school and spoke to his physics teacher who told us to leave it with him cos he too wanted to know why.

Any way to cut a long story short, the moderated course work was downgraded and every bodies mark was dropped by 15 % something was missing from the work, he missed an a by 3 marks, didn't know that a remark had to be requested by a certain date and the school didn't bother to tell us :eek:

i am sure you will be fine, its never as bad as we think xxx

I'm just such a perfectionist (I can decide whether its a gift or a curse lol) so I always get far too nervous about these things! Silly, I know! Anyway, I'm happy to report that the meeting went really well and I was spot on with my marking, so phew!!

So sorry to hear about your sons marks getting dropped, that must have been disheartening, at least he seems to have worked it all out, what with all of his university offers! :)

Have a good evening Hun, xxx
R-E-D said:
Hi Hun

Just reading your thread.

So sorry to hear about your friend but good that you've found the time to catch up :) xx

Thank you, and thanks for stopping by! :)

Yay, the sun is shining, I've been to the gym, I've also been to town and got a new pair of workout trousers (size 18, nonetheless!) and I've also bought a whole load of fresh fruits for my fruit bowl. I'm such a weirdo, nothing cheers me up more than having a full bowl of yummy fruits in the kitchen! :)

Anyway, I'm trying to decide what to have for my lunch, so off to the kitchen I trot! :D

Have a great day everyone, xxxxx
MissClumsy said:
Yay, the sun is shining, I've been to the gym, I've also been to town and got a new pair of workout trousers (size 18, nonetheless!) and I've also bought a whole load of fresh fruits for my fruit bowl. I'm such a weirdo, nothing cheers me up more than having a full bowl of yummy fruits in the kitchen! :)

Anyway, I'm trying to decide what to have for my lunch, so off to the kitchen I trot! :D

Have a great day everyone, xxxxx

Sunshine makes everything looks better :) :) :) :) I know what u mean about a bowl full of fruit tho for me I think I like having that feeling of being in control of eating and a bowl full of fruit signifies that for me. Now I sounds weird lol :)

Enjoy the rest of ya Saturday hun x
broadsbean said:
I love it when my fridge is full of colorful fresh veg and fruit:D

makes me feel really good when i open it:eatdrink051:

( i lead a sad life :8855::8855::8855:)

the sunshine and signs of spring really helps doesn't it. lifts the mood and energises us i love spring xxxxxx

Totally. I was having a stressy day earlier this week, but then I saw some crocuses and snowdrops, and heard the birds sing, and smelled spring, and felt the mild sun on my face, and I immediately felt cheerful :)

I agree about the fruit bowl too. And I love having lots of green things in the fridge!
Woohoo, that's Monday out of the way!! I feel a bit sorry for the poor old Monday, and how much I hate this day, I guess it never asked to be the first day of the week so maybe I should ease up on it a bit. :)

This week is going to be hectic, I can feel it already. I hope it goes quickly, I'm no looking forward to WI one little bit as I seem to be stuck in the 17s at the moment, no amount of coaxing seems to get me out of it! The trouble is, as usual, that I have rediscovered drink at the weekends and that has slowed me right down. Oh willpower, where art thou?! *sigh*

Anyway, just making a lovely cup of tea now so I'll be back later! Xxx
Aaaah.... All cozy on the sofa, fire is on (brrr it was cold again today!!) telly is on and I've stuck to plan 100% today. Not that I usually deviate, to be fair, apart from when I drink a load of wine, which I did this weekend - again! Then again, I stuck to my food plan so I'm happy about that.

Didn't make it to the gym tonight though, as I got stuck in a meeting at school, but I will go tomorrow and before WI on wednesday so I'm sure all will be ok.

Hope everyone is having a good evening, xxx
So that's tuesday done and dusted! Managed to get to the gym after school, which felt great. Went in the Turkish baths after, which was even better! :)

Had a lovely cous cous salad for my tea, and have some left over for tomorrow as well so that's tea sorted for after WI.

Feeling quite sleepy tonight, which is a good sign as I didn't sleep very well at all last night - again. I never drink loads in the evenings, but still as soon as I go to bed I suddenly have the smallest bladder in the world and have to get up loads of times in the night. Very annoying to say the least!

Hope everyone is having a good evening, xxx
Wooohooo!! I have just been to WI and managed to lose 2.5 this week! Which means I got my 2.5 stone shiny and I am now only 2lbs away from being in the 16s!! Woooo!!! :)

I did manage to get to the gym before WI, so I am sure that must have helped! Now waiting for my tea to cook, I am sooo hungry! :D

Must go and hurry my tea along, I will be back later!! xxx