Getting a grip

Great day with Katie and wee cutie Marco. He's such a gorgeous dog. Katie was giving him sausage bits as a treat. I was considering 'rolling over' n giving her a paw for some sausage but then I thought I might look silly!! At one point Marco managed to pick up a bit of baguette. We were into him like a rash. Chucked the bit if baguette. It looked nice, even after Marco had half chewed it! Just drinking some water now and will head to bed in a bit. If those scales say STS or show a gain I'll go mental! Only joking. It is what it is. It will come off. U can't eat 600 cals n not lose! Sleep well my loves :) x

Sounds like you had a great day! I can just imagine you eyeing up the sausage! Ooh that sounds a bit rude! Lol.

Fx for your weigh in xx
ahhhhhhh day 21 - thats amazing in itself :)
Half a pound loss in a day is good. It hits the 3.5lbs a week average! I've only lost 2lbs for the week and am feeling thoroughly peed off but trying not to be!! Official week weigh-in tomorrow?
Well done TH, its all going in the right direction :)
Two packs of horrid fatty butter melted away overnight! Sounds good to me :) xx
Meet you at the top in ten? Lol only joking! Though we could do that some times, park on car park at the top and just walk down and back up! Xx
Tired with capital T!

Had a good day. No hunger or food thoughts :) got my wee pond set up for my kids today and they were made up. Tomorrow I'm planting so black fingernails for me tomorrow night!

The pond is the clear tray!

Night night x


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Night TH. Hope its a good one tomorrow xx
Tired with capital T! Had a good day. No hunger or food thoughts :) got my wee pond set up for my kids today and they were made up. Tomorrow I'm planting so black fingernails for me tomorrow night! The pond is the clear tray! Night night x

So cute! Bet they loved it :) yet for no hunger today and a good day xx
Day 22

Wk3 loss 1 3/4lb
Restart loss 18lbs
Total loss 22 1/4lbs
BMI 32.3

Not a great loss this week. I've been 100% so it must just be my time for little losses. So another 100% week ahead fir me. No interruptions :)

TOTM should be here. Got all the side effects but no actual loss!

Have a great day folks. Keep ur eyes on the prize:) x
Day 22 WEEKLY SUMMARY Wk3 loss 1 3/4lb Restart loss 18lbs Total loss 22 1/4lbs BMI 32.3 Not a great loss this week. I've been 100% so it must just be my time for little losses. So another 100% week ahead fir me. No interruptions :) TOTM should be here. Got all the side effects but no actual loss! Have a great day folks. Keep ur eyes on the prize:) x

Well done for remaining upbeat despite the smaller than usual loss TH! It's probably down to totm I reckon as you've been so good! My weigh in tomorrow but not holding out great hopes as I've eaten this weekend. Have a lovely day xx