Getting back to target... somehow!!!

Thanks Jo :)
Like you said way back, once you start saying yes, it's much harder to then start saying no again! My muscle is feeling the burn, baby! ;)

I was very excited about my official WI after my angelic evening. I'm sure you can imagine how miffed/shocked I was when I weighed in 3lbs heavier than yesterday!!! Booooo.

I know it can't be actual gain, 3lbs in a day is ridiculous, but really??? I'd have understood if it was drink related, but not sure what that is all about. Might try again tomorrow but its pv today so that could have an impact too.! boo and double boo!
Grrr to the scales but yippee to the resolve! And I shan't forget that line about resistance muscle from Maintainer - it's so true. Did Diet Coke not keep you awake half the night, though? I struggle with that because sparkling water is such a grim alternative. And yes, my experience is that people just leave you to it if you tell them why you're not drinking, either that or they actually want to know more. Good luck for tomorrow's wi, Couteaux x
resistance muscle.............remembered. You know its water retention, tomorrow it will be gone. Our bodies are strange machines xxx
Oh pants :( WI today thinking it'll all be gone and I am up another lb!! 13.5. :(

Went out for lunch with friends, nothing suitable on the menu, so I even asked them to make me a grilled chicken salad - I really feel like I should be down , so gaining 4 lbs now just seems crazy. Didn't have huge amounts of veg yesterday, just 2 salads.

Booooo!!! :(
is it totm?????
I didn't drink!!! I am very pleased with myself :) the night was lovely, great to catch up and I didn't need to have a drink, so I stuck to diet coke all night and feel really glad I did!

I read a few things I had written before starting back on Dukan, how I was feeling, what I want to achieve etc and it kept me on the straight and narrow ;)

3 people did ask if I was pregnant hah!! I decided to come clean and just tell them, all were fine and didn't badger me! Very very pleased. It wouldn't have made my night any better, and I would have felt pretty rotten tomorrow, iso YAY!! :)


High five, girl - really well done! :D

P x
Hi Sid - Nope, that was last week. I did wonder if my body has gone mad and its belated reaction to that tho! ;)

Annoyed and confused, I don't remember having weeks like this last time, it just dropped each week. I did wonder if it would be harder this time...

Anyhow - onwards and downwards! :) I'm going to actually eat MORE today! All good of course, plenty of veggies to get things moving (in case that is an issue...)

Breakfast - turkey rashers, 2 eggs and 2 grilled tomatoes

Lunch - egg, tuna and cottage cheese salad

Dinner - chicken thigh curry with spinach, mushrooms on a bed of cauliflower.

Will try and resist the scales for a week (let's see how that pans out!!) ;) they aren't really helping my mood or motivation at the mo. if things still not shifting next week, I'll have to take a look at other poss causes..
Are you drinking plenty ??
Hi :) i'm drinking Gallons of decaf tea & coffee, bottle of water before bed, had some diet coke at lunch.. could prob up it a bit more but assume the other drinks are flushing me out enough? Not having too much milk tho - baffled :(

Wonder if the diet coke could be an issue?
Wouldn't have thought so.... Wy are our bodies so damn cmplex
Very annoying but just hoping it is a blip as my body adjusts to this eating again.

Had a few silly wobbles and doubts earlier, but know I have to just stick it out for now and carry on so I can start losing again.

i took some pictures in a changing room today to keep me focused. Oh dear!! Not a pretty sight at all. It'll get better (please!!!!) ;)

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
Right - this is getting silly! I was going to stay off the scales - that didn't happen!. I weighed in and am now 13.7 - up another 2lbs. I know I was on a veggie day but didn't have that much and I can't see how I have gained 6lbs since Thursday!

Feeling rather deflated in a very inflated way!! Lol

I don't understand as I am drinking loads, I made an effort to drink even more water yesterday, no diet coke.

I need to stop focussing on the scales as some clothes are feeling looser and I must be dropping inches - off to measure myself to see if there is better news on that front....
Are your scales maybe on their way out ?
Leave the scales alone. If your sticking to it they will show xxx and like ellie said the batterie could be on its way out. I fluctualte 5lb within my week as Im a compulsive weigher. WEIGH DAY is the only reading to take notice of. Keep strong you know and it works...keep the Dukan faith xxx
Just measured and am 8 inches smaller so that's good! Now just need to leave those scales alone, might get OH to hide them so I can stop hopping on them and carry on with the diet in blissful ignorance for a couple weeks (can I really tho??? Lol)
Thanks lovelies. It would be nice if the scales were out and I am actually 12 stone! haha ;)

You are right, I cross posted - scales are being hidden!
Hide mines while your at it lol
I've had to give myself a lot of pep talks today! Chocolate has been calling me rather loudly and after the rubbish results with the scales I have been more tempted than usual but I know I have to give things a chance and hopefully after 2 weeks, I will be back down in the low 13's or 12's (wishful thinking!)

OH has stashed the scales somewhere (and thinks I am bonkers!!) lol so the plan is to just carry on and then see how I'm doing. Really hope the scales start moving though!

Food -
Breakfast - muffins, turkey bacon and eggs

Lunch -!leftover meatloaf and cherry toms

Dinner - roast chicken, BNS, carrots, broccoli and green beans

Loads of water/tea/coffee/diet coke

Hope you've all had a good weekend!
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oooh I hate it when scales do that to us and a "bad" weigh in can ruin my day

Hang in there/