Getting back to target... somehow!!!

Second that one too - get the eggs woman and make a batch - you will be in Dukan heaven - combined with the Dukan custard OMG - my mouth is watering!!! LOL! x

Do you think muffins and custard is wrong for breakfast think that's what I'm having now ..........
No its in the Dukan bible vs1ch1 you can have it at any time of the day ;-)
Do you think muffins and custard is wrong for breakfast think that's what I'm having now ..........

Oh crumbs no!!! Compared to some of the very odd things I have had for breakfast (prawns, tandoori chicken, roast beef etc...) I think that sounds perfect!! :)

Well ladies, I listened!! It took longer than hoped as the weather was hideous here yesterday!! I don't drive, so couldn't drag them all out in the rain, but I went in the evening once my OH was home.

I have baked enough for 6 days. Huzzah! All planned for re next cpl working weeks :)

Trudy - I didn't manage to get those mullers, so stuck to my old faithful recipe, but still eager to give yours a go!!

Breakfast today is eggs on roast tomatoes. Nom!

Lunch is chicken and vegetable soup (will have leftovers for tomorrow too.)

Dinner - chicken &veg curry served on spinach

So excited to be creating meals again!! Lol

Hope you have a gorgeous day, it looks a teeny bit sunny here! :D
Book me in I'll be over yours for breakfast, lunch and Dinner xxx
Couteaux, you're absolutely right. I can tell you're not going to cheat at all between now and next weigh-in, in a month's time. Like you say, be realistic about what to expect - a lb a week is fine, it still gets you there in the end - and enjoy these spring months in control. I think you spoke too soon about the weather today though... Glorious sunshine this morning but it hasn't stopped raining since midday here! This morning they were promising us 21 degrees tomorrow and hazy, by this afternoon they had reined that back to 18 (or should that say 'rained' that back??) One day... or I shall seriously have to consider emigration!
Sara - whoops, I know!! I think the sky turned black the moment I typed that hah! I think 1lb per week is realistic, I am secretly hoping one week I lose 2 though, just to get me back in the 12's by the end of the month!! We shall see ;)

It rained all day here, thoroughly grim. It meant we spent the day on jobs inside, it feels never ending though! Constant clearing, sorting, tidying, cleaning. I can do the cleaning and tidying, but where does all the 'stuff' come from? I really want to be ruthless, and I am with my own stuff, but I can't be ruthless for my OH.

Anyhoo! Food wise all good! I made a lovely curry and served a little tomato and cucumber salad with it. I was seriously tempted to buy some alcohol free beer, but googled and it is def not allowed, so left that.

My OH offered me some of his real beer, but I refused. He said "you just need to have everything in moderation. All this up and down isn't good for you!" He is someone with a very 'normal' relationship with food, he has no emotional attachment to it at all! It is pure fuel for him. He doesn't get that I just don't seem to do too well with moderation lol.

He's great and has never commented on my size, even when I was 4 stone heavier than I am now, but he's also seen me do this before and then have a binge the week after. :( he's probably wondering why I am so strict one week and then Fall off the wagon the week after. Not this time!!

Today we need to do some shopping, get little ones all ready for school (boo! Loved being off with them!) and then it's dinner - roast chicken and roast veggies.

I really need to do more sorting (did I mention it is never ending??) we have our spare room full of clothes to put away. Yawn!

Hope you all have a lovely day :) xx
My hubbys the same he eats to live unlike me who just loves to eat. Hope the spare room is tackled today xxx 1-2lb a week is the healthy way xxx have a great Sunday xxx
My man too - enjoys food but very rarely snacks and stops eating when he's not hungry anymore. That make is sound so easy, huh?

Bloody men! ;)

P x
What's up with our men 'eh? Weirdos! Imagine stopping eating when you were full. Pah!!! ;) x
Re: Dukan - 3rd time lucky!!!

MrR is exactly the same, he does not understand comfort eating. He would eat the same things everyday as long as he was'nt hungry.
Lol my hubby dosnt read mm but he knows I call him lol......Im his wife...its my job xxx
Oh C, loving how in the zone you sound.... hope all is good with you and your not missing the scales too much!!! I am stashing mine away for the month!!! xxx
Trudy!! Missed you xx very glad to see you back :)

I am feeling great about not jumping on them actually! It feels nice to know they are just not factoring into my month :) how are you feeling?

My jeans do feel a teeny but looser (all in my mind??) but I will wait and see what the scales say in May.

Food has been good, not overly fussed at the moment.

Breakfast - 3 muffins

Lunch - cottage cheese, slice of cooked ham and 1 muffin (cutting out the ham, just don't have anything else quickly to hand)

Dinner - chicken thighs

I am on a double pp (was on one yesterday) as I am working in town tomorrow and need the option of having a salad while out.

Need to plan a bit better this week being back at work.
You two are so brave.
I'm very impressed! Staying off the scales AND staying on plan is a feat! Go you!
How you doing this morning C???? I must admit I did struggle a tad with the carb demons yesterday and very relieved that I didn't succomb! Need to get some cooking done so I have stuff to hand - actually will make a mince flan today I think if I have all the stuff! Off to Legoland tomorrow night - staying at Travelodge on Thurs night and then all day Friday at the park before heading home!!! Need to get myself organised for that too but out at rehearsal again tonight!!! Life is too busy!!
Hey lovely :) well done for not giving in to those carb demons!! You will feel so much better after a few days back on plan. You know how much better you feel,'so in control, happier, lighter. You can do it!!!

How about taking plenty of supplies with you? When I did this the first time we were having a day trip to a theme park and I had a pp day - I made some little baked egg things, not 100% perfect, but better than being off plan!!

I mixed a few eggs with seasoning and a few snips of spring onions then lined a muffin tin with some sliced ham, poured in the was mixture, baked for around 20 mins (from memory) a really yummy portable meal!

I am feeling good here thanks :D having a pv after my double pp and working in town so had a giant salad from chopped, totally on plan, oh all the other bits looked so tasty!! Ended up having salad, broccoli, beetroot, egg and chicken. Took ages to actually eat, lots of greens!! :)

Right back to work will post again later :)