Getting skinnier and healthier with SW

Well done you! The day I see 12st on the scales I'll probably fall over in a dead faint.

Seeing an ex's partner is always so blooming awkward.
Wahoo that's great news on the 12s! Well done lovely!! :)

Fresh white French stick with lashings of butter is one of my all time fav comfort foods...I don't think I'd be able to stop at 3inches!! ;-)

You sound so mature and adult re the ex's other half...I'm a total nightmare when it comes to things like that so I should take a lesson from you! Definitely sounds like you had a lucky escape and found a keeper now though! :)

Have a fab day! Xxx
Glad to have you back ging, and it's been lovely getting into the 12's! Finally feels like I'm getting somewhere again, which is nice cos I'm only weeks away from getting on the bikinis. :-/ scary thought!
I almost worry for the girl, I was young and naive when I was with him and fell for every lie in the book, he cheated on me countless times and I forgave. Silly girl I was. It was stupid stuff he lied about, he said he had his driving liscence, but I went in his wallet for something and realised it was only a provisional. Stupid stuff.
Shes older, so I'm hoping she's whipped him into shape, but knowing what his dad was like, she'll never change him. Hope he doesn't hurt her if u get me cos she is lovely. Plus, and I know this is *****y, but I think I'm prettier, it's nice to know they downgraded and you upgraded.
Hubby would never do anything to hurt me, he's a good boy, would do anything to make me happy bless him. Anyways enough of that.

Food went pretty well yesterday, although needed chocolate at night. Then I needed a bite of malteser fudge no idea how many syns but hadn't eaten all if mine, it was worth it.
Only change was I had a hifi bar instead of my roll with my tea. I went to bit it and spotted a tiny dot of mould!!!! Thought I might be sick!! Yuk!

Was hoping to have magic pancakes for breakfast but I forgot to do my porridge oats last night, I am rubbish! So no idea really what were eating today. Might have a green day :-S
ill let you know later.
Got loads of cleaning to do today, but better than my job yesterday, had to put up the Raf curtains again, ours are all packed up now. But oh my god they are disgusting, they're like the 1950's curtains!!! They're actually hurting my eyes. Plus I had to iron 9 pairs of ironing and I hate ironing! Lol.
Sounds like you're getting all set for moving Emma, how long now? Hopefully you won't have to live with the curtains for too long! x
We get the house a week tomorrow but don't move our stuff until after the weekend. Attempted the oven again today but the roof of the oven but really can't seem to get it perfect like I can the rest... Know well get charged for it. Any tips?
Food went a bit down hill yesterday.
I cleaned the bathroom so it was immaculate in the morning, but was hurting a bit by the afternoon. I had to go the doctors, as work lost my sick chits. Grrrr. So got prodded and poked again. By the time we had walked Mylo last night I could barely move.
Went to make spag Bol, but then we didn't have any pasta at all, was in pain and have up, so Chris ordered us a takeaway. But I was naughty and had a mixed kebab, donner meat chicken salad and pitta :-/ naughty Emma!!

Oh well, belly slightly better today. Got a few small jobs done.
Food today:
B: strawberries and muller light
L: mums soup, turkey, bacon, parsnip, leek, potato
D: vege spag Bol with cheese

havent planned in my hex b so will probably have it as a snack later.
Looking after 2 of my sisters kids tomorrow, not sure what to do with them really. Maybe the cinema. Ill speak to sis see if she thinks they'll both enjoy it. Haven't got much in to feed them :-/ so might end up with soup and fresh bread or dinner out. Alfie is super picky tho, not sure where I'd take them.

Hope everyone's ok xxx
I'm not sure if this works for ovens but is great in microwaves. Fill a bowl (I guess casserole dish or something similar) with water and add half a lemon and lemon juice plus some bicarb then put the oven on high for 30 mins. The steam helps loosen all the cr*p (not saying your oven is dirty but I know mine is awful) and the lemon and bicarb make it smell nice.

Take it easy today. xx
Wish I could offer you advice but if you saw my oven you'd never listen to any tips I give you!!

Hope you're feeling a bit better now x
Babysitting the kids

He he, Bev that really made me laugh this morning when I read that. Mines normally quite minging but you wouldn't believe the standards were supposed to leave the house in.

Got a bit of an odd day food wise today, so not sure how good ill end up being. I'm looking after my sisters 3 kids, and the little one is so picky, she's told me greggs is a good option for them for lunch, so I think they do jacket potato?
Im planning to take them to the cinema and hope that Alfie doesn't get bored bless him, or could get quite difficult.

So food plan:
B: banana and muller light
S: alpen light bar
L: jacket potato hopefully
D: no idea really, if I have a jacket at lunch I might have left over spag Bol for tea and have a green day. Ill pick up Chris a pizza if in good at lunch, so I'm not tempted.

Wish me luck, think ill need it today, resisting all the kids food and sweets. Need to be good as leaving drinks tomorrow, and probably be hungover Sunday and I now weigh on a Monday..., not sure about that. Think when I move ill have a midweek group again if I can.
Re: New to SW.... trying to find a new healthier me

Good luck resisting! Cant believe how bad I was yest when surrounded by my little sisters' easter treats :S
If greggs dont do a jacket then there's probably somewhere else you can get a take away from (subway salad?) and eat it after when the kids have gotten their food? They do a pizza melt thing at subway too that the kids might like.
Hope you have fun and stay away from the popcorn! ;)
Leaving drink mayhem tonight :-/

Resisting went pretty well yesterday :) quite chuffed with myself. I got the kids sweets not popcorn, and I literally had 1 haribo from my niece. She asked me why I didn't have any, I said Aunty Emma was on a diet so she had to cut down on naughty food. After I ate a sweet, so politely reminded me I was on a diet! Ha ha, no more sweets for me then.

Film was ok, a bit weird, and shouldn't have really been a U, it was just a bit complicated in parts for them. They older two asked me a few questions, and Alfie paid absolutely no attention to it, but was pretty well behaved and the other 2 managed to watch it.
We then went to greggs for lunch, and yay! They did jacket potato, so I had jacket potato with cheese and a bit of salad while they munched pastys/sausage rolls followed by iced buns/cookies. Then on the way back to the car they all wanted icecream ( before the cinema I'd said no because they wouldn't have room for their sweets and lunch, but miraculously they all had room). Lol. And I resisted again. Lol.
It must be so hard to have kids and diet!!

got home and was starving!! So had leftover vege spag Bol, but when Chris had his pizza, I wanted chips so made myself a bowl of SW chips, I guess at least they were on plan. We went to the pub for a few last night, and ended up staying til it shut at midnight, lol. Luckily I was on diet coke last night, so good for plan.
Not so good was turning off the light about 2am and being woken up by the sun at 7.30am because we've got stupid ugly curtains up instead of our lovely blackout blinds!! :-( sob! I live my sleep!

So food plan for today:
B: fruit, alpen light, yoghurt,
L: pasta and sauce maybe?
D: unsure whether ill be eating out of in, maybe jacket potato if out and pasta if in?

I'm going to make a big bowl of tomato pasta so I can eat that when I get in later, and got plenty of potatoes to make SW chips, don't think they'll be very nice reheated so won't be doing them in advance. Still insure what to drink tonight tho, ill be a slower drinker on wine, ill drink vodka and diet coke very quick, but wine is higher on the syns :-/ ahhh!
Really don't want to go mental cos I'd really like to lose this week, but I can see people buying shots etc, and once I've had a few I'm soooo bad at saying no!! Wish me luck!
Re: New to SW.... trying to find a new healthier me

Well you did amazing at resisting cinema snacks! So channel that into the drinking tonight. ;) I'm the same with shots though!
Reheating SW chips might be crap but maybe you could dice extra potatoes and leave them in a container in the fridge so they're ready for a quick hangover fix?
Have never made them myself but everyone talks about them so I think it's time to give it a go!
Good luck for WI. Write those letters on your hand to remind you bot to overdo the drinkies! ;)
Errrrrrrr. Feel like I'm dying!!

didnt have any tea, I'd had such a big bowl of pasta for lunch, I wasn't hungry when Chris had food at the pub at half 5.
Started quite well, had lots of soda with my wine, but I really am out of practice with drinking :-/
ended up having over a bottle of wine and 2 jäger bombs. Making me feel sick thinking about.
I was a mess, not much better now. Just managed a slice of toast, hoping it will stay down, but I really do feel like death.
Thank god hubby is here to look after me :) bless him.
Dont think ill be drinking for a while x
Re: New to SW.... trying to find a new healthier me

Oh dear! Sorry to hear you feel so crap! Mixing drinks can be lethal, especially whrn caffiene is involved- I find I'm up all night experiencing the hangover at it's worst when I drink anything with coke or energy drinks mixed (jagerbombs)
Hope you feel better soon :( sounds like you'll be put off for a while!
Omg, what a waste of a day that was, and people wonder why I don't really drink anymore, I swear I did that every Friday and sat at least from 17-21, 4 years is enough. Been put off drinking for a little while. I ate ALL day too. Lol. Got wi tonight so hopefully it won't play too much havoc with me. Lol.
Food yesterday:
B: toast with spread (7) and fanta (3)
L: SW chips with a slice of bread (5.5)
S: chicken and tomato pasta with cheese
D: boiled rice, beef in black bean (4), chips and BBQ sauce (8)
so probably double the syns I should have had again :-/ I'd probably have been fine if wi hadn't switched days.

Ill check in later xxxx
Oh you poor love! Sounds like you had a great night though and must make you realise how loved you are with all your friends out to wish you well! Sometimes you need a little drinking session to make you remember how rough you feel and why you don't do it too often!

How are you feeling today? I could see from fb that your stomach is playing up again? :-(

Good luck for weigh in tonight...I wouldn't worry what those scales say too much as you've changed days and had a busy few days. You always amaze me how dedicated you are and even on the days you have a treat or a takeaway, you don't go crazy and you always syn properly and stay on plan. A great role model! :) xx