Getting to goal :)

You know how it is.... suddenly it'll just drop 4lb.... stick at it babe!!

Just take advantage of all the time to yourself!!

You'll do great!! Dont let em derail you!!! x
You ll do fine Leanne with ur determination x hope you have a fantastic time x x
Waiting at the airport :) getting a bit excited now. I'm feeling confident about dropping weight whilst away as I've packed my work out DVD to take with me x x x
Happy holidaaaaaaayyyyys missie-moo! And if your folks try to sabotage you they'll have us to answer to!! x
Thanks ladies :) I'm still 100% even with traveling today. Got here and my foods already been brought out so that was a relief, and only got 2 Tom chilli's here so thats even better ;) lol

I'm doing ok and they aren't being overly helpful with comments but actually saying nice things like well you can certainly see you losing it..... I'm assuming losing it in a good way lol ;) x x x
Enjoy it hun you deserve a break xxx
I'm pleased with my 30mins swimming just how many cals I'm meant to have burnt ;) at least this way I'm gonna keep on track x x x
Get me even went out for a walk last night to burn off the cals which this week are looking like they might be negative x x x
Weather is lovely out here and parental and grand parental are both behaving for a change but let's see how long that lasts ;)

Were off to the Market this morning then coming back for a swim :) so making the most of the pool here while I can...I'm determined to lose 14lbs this holiday or kill myself trying ;) lol x x x
they aren't being overly helpful with comments but actually saying nice things like well you can certainly see you losing it..... I'm assuming losing it in a good way lol ;) x x x

I've been doing really well day 2 of holiday and managed to go swimming twice and been for a brisk walk tonight. Slightly worried that I'm going to be well under my cals this week and that it might make a difference to my losses ...we'll see what the scales say in the morning. Hope everyone else is alright will try and catch up with the diaries x x x
I think if it was all the time it would maybe slow you down as your body will get used to it but i think out of the blue it'll jolt you into a mega loss.....

Oooooh I'm excited to see!!!

I'm so pleased with the scales this morning :) but I'll post an update of my weight at the end of the holiday. I agree Dee it's giving me a boost really and as you say I'm not gonna be under when I get back home, it's only because I'm on holiday.

I'm loving the fact the scales are being kinda but I am making a huge effort to keep moving even when I'm not feeling like it. As it's hot before I'd of just lazed about but now I'm making myself either go swimming or walking :) see finally learnt to get smaller I've gotta keep moving!! x x x
Glad your having a good break hun and loosing :)

You're on a roll babe!! So can't wait for the final result when you're back!! Enjoy the sunshine & the exercise x
Enjoy your holiday babe, n have a great time. Well done for sticking with it even on hols.