Getting to goal :)

Yup it's the mirena they are doing for me, having it done whilst I'm under GA ;) may as well make the most of it lol

Does mean I'm covered for 5yrs so we shall see how it goes can always have it taken out if needed.

I can't wait the hotel looks amazing and we've gone all in with everything lol, so that's my new incentive :) 6th November ...which reminds me really must get my passport changed lol x x x
Wow Mexico! Fantastic, good news with the op, hope it's sorts it all out for you.

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Can't believe it's Sunday and I'm gonna go to the gym! Lol how a holiday can spur on the motivation ;) also managed to get into a pair of 16 jeans ...wouldn't wear them outside just yet but close x x x
Trueleame said:
Can't believe it's Sunday and I'm gonna go to the gym! Lol how a holiday can spur on the motivation ;) also managed to get into a pair of 16 jeans ...wouldn't wear them outside just yet but close x x x

Fantastic! I need your motivation, any spare?lol can I stow away in your suitcase to Mexico! I would slim down for that, promise?
Enjoy the gym, I am too embarrassed to go out to gym so I do my exercise at home. I bought a new swimsuit but yet to put it in the pool!
biggusburdus said:
Fantastic! I need your motivation, any spare?lol can I stow away in your suitcase to Mexico! I would slim down for that, promise?
Enjoy the gym, I am too embarrassed to go out to gym so I do my exercise at home. I bought a new swimsuit but yet to put it in the pool!

It took me a long time to realise everyone at the gym was there to get fit and not stare at my big butt working out. Now I can get on any machine even next to the really skinny girls and I DON'T CARE ;) it's really liberating.

I can totally understand as I was terrified a few years ago, now it's easier somehow. I did start off swimming and made sure if was nearly empty before I'd even dare to get in the pool. Although I did realise I wasn't even then the biggest person swimming. Why do we let others keep us from enjoying sports and getting this weight off? I refuse now ...Jeezzz I sound harsh lol but for too long I've been obese and afraid ...sorry not anymore ;)

I'll help all I can with support and motivation honey as I know without others on here I wouldn't be at this stage now x x x
Wow Mexico - that sounds fantastic!
Trueleame said:
It took me a long time to realise everyone at the gym was there to get fit and not stare at my big butt working out. Now I can get on any machine even next to the really skinny girls and I DON'T CARE ;) it's really liberating.

I can totally understand as I was terrified a few years ago, now it's easier somehow. I did start off swimming and made sure if was nearly empty before I'd even dare to get in the pool. Although I did realise I wasn't even then the biggest person swimming. Why do we let others keep us from enjoying sports and getting this weight off? I refuse now ...Jeezzz I sound harsh lol but for too long I've been obese and afraid ...sorry not anymore ;)

I'll help all I can with support and motivation honey as I know without others on here I wouldn't be at this stage now x x x

You make some excellent points there-I used to worry what people would say but then realised were all there for the same reason! The only time I do worry is running outside as get allsorts of abuse shouted thru car windows etc :( x

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Welshtigger said:
You make some excellent points there-I used to worry what people would say but then realised were all there for the same reason! The only time I do worry is running outside as get allsorts of abuse shouted thru car windows etc :( x

Sent from Jo's iPhone using MiniMins

So true Jo been there as well but I find sticking my headphones on and blasting along to music I can't hear a thing ;) lol

Just wished I'd realised this sooner but better late than never as they say.

How's you doing today Jo? X x x
Trueleame said:
So true Jo been there as well but I find sticking my headphones on and blasting along to music I can't hear a thing ;) lol

Just wished I'd realised this sooner but better late than never as they say.

How's you doing today Jo? X x x

Not great to be fair! My life is just all upside down and out of sync at the moment :( just wish I could get sorted xx

Sent from Jo's iPhone using MiniMins
Mrs. Lea Fisher....just wanted to say how sensational you looked on your wedding day!!
I'm all emotional catching up with your diary! Had a lovely week off but ready to re-join the posse
and get back on track to goal.
Wow...Mexico! You lucky duck!! Definitely a big incentive to stay on track and get to goal
and I love how you've set a lovely, realistic, more-than-achievable goal of dropping a size
(which you will easily do!) so you can just keep chipping away at the weight and be VERY pleasantly
surprised when it comes to buying some slinky holiday clothes!!
Massive well done to you again're a legend!! xx
Shivie said:
Mrs. Lea Fisher....just wanted to say how sensational you looked on your wedding day!!
I'm all emotional catching up with your diary! Had a lovely week off but ready to re-join the posse
and get back on track to goal.
Wow...Mexico! You lucky duck!! Definitely a big incentive to stay on track and get to goal
and I love how you've set a lovely, realistic, more-than-achievable goal of dropping a size
(which you will easily do!) so you can just keep chipping away at the weight and be VERY pleasantly
surprised when it comes to buying some slinky holiday clothes!!
Massive well done to you again're a legend!! xx

Aw Shivie so lovely to have you back :) and yup realised take it little by little and I can achieve it ;) to much and I freak and do badly. So setting 1 size at a time as thats now what I want :) x x x
Deezer said:
I'm baaaAaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!

You'll be in thiose 16's easy peasy!!


Woohooo :) welcome back babes how was the holiday???

Hoping a realistic goal will get me going again :) x x x
Getting nervous about the op on Thursday now :(. Know its routine but I'm worried about recovery time x x x
Is it the laparoscopy with some tissue samples hun?? You'll be fine, deep breaths!! Rescue remedy always helps calm me before ops

Think ill need a valuim before my reduction op LOL

One day at a time, you be on the mend in no time Xx
Don't fret hun, you'll be in expert hands. Try not to think about it too much xx
Yup laparoscopy and hystersocpy at the same time :(. Plus having mirena put in at the same time, so got a few things being done so glad I'll be knocked out. Just scary going under GA as I don't come round well and temp always keeps me in for longer than needed x x x
You'll be fine hun, its so clean now the side effects are none!!

Take your mind off it

How's today gone?? Xx