Getting to goal :)

Got a very nervy tummy today but only got 1 day to go and it'll be sorted :)
X x x
It will be hunny xxx

Have a good day Xx
Deezer said:
You'll be fine chicka.... try not to worry too much.... couple of days and you'll be sorted!!! X

Yup I agree! Chin up it will all be over and sorted soon. X

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So nervous today :( I know I'll be alright just gotta get past the needles and coming around bit. Did ask the consultant when he sucks the gas out can he suck some fat with it....I'm sure he thought I was joking!

Have a good day peeps :) will post as soon as I can that I'm ok x x x
You will be fine hunny. It's so clean the anesthesia you will be fine. I felt amazing after my last one! Better than before!

Mwah Xx we thinking of you Xx you be on the mend in no time

Go girl, have had fingers crossed for you!

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Op's done and dusted. It wasn't in and out in the day as we'd hoped. Was kept overnight and let out late the following evening as the ward shuts for the weekend.

It was horrible :( will post more when I'm awake as ATM I feel awful but I'm home xxx
Rest up hunny, glad your home Xx
Feeling fluffy still :( can't sit up without nearly passing out. I didn't think I'd feel this crappy's 4 days since my op and honestly didn't think I'd feel like this. It's silly but not use to being unable to do stuff for myself isn't good, I'd perhaps under estimated just what the op entailed x x x
Trueleame said:
Feeling fluffy still :( can't sit up without nearly passing out. I didn't think I'd feel this crappy's 4 days since my op and honestly didn't think I'd feel like this. It's silly but not use to being unable to do stuff for myself isn't good, I'd perhaps under estimated just what the op entailed x x x

Hugs xx hope you're feeling better soon xx

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Having the coil put in under ga worst bit for me. I had it out ASAP

Rest up hun I hope it eases soon for you Xx,x
The coils not the problem it's the recovering from being knocked out im struggling with :(

It's the light headedness that is making me feel awful can't even sit up in bed without feeling like I'm gonna pass out, although it does make getting to the toilet interesting x x x
Aww hun sorry its taking so long to ease up Xx

Hope it wears off fast. Take it really easy Xx
RebekahR said:
Aww hun sorry its taking so long to ease up Xx

Hope it wears off fast. Take it really easy Xx

Thanks honey I can't do anything but take it easy lol it's such a light headed feeling :( although stomach doesn't feel that bad considering all that's been done x x x
Hello, long time no speak (my fault as was AWOL lol). Sorry to hear you are not feeling great hun. Hope you start to feel fabulous very soon xx
:( hope it passes soon hunny xxxx
Hugs xx glad its over for you and get better soon x

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